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SALES;BY AUCTION. WAIWAKAIHO. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23. T^TEWTON KING Will sell by auction at his Waiwakaiho Yards on THURSDAY, January 23: 900 MIXED CATTLE > ______ • Sale at 12.80. 318 . OMATA SALEYARDS. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24. ttt EBSTER BROS. Will sell at their Omata " Yards on FRIDAY, January 24— 900 HEAD CATTLE 20 Good 12 to 18 months Steers 1 Draught Horse, guaranteed. 324 A UCTION' ' IT BUR BA N T_WOPE_tTY. THURSDAY, JANUARY,23. . . EBSTER BROS. Have received instructions- from Mr Win. Courtney to soil on the ground at Chilman's Exterjjdejd, .-. THE BALANCE OF THE UNSOLD SECTIONS, tho upsets of which are so low that they are bound to com-, niand buyers, and the terms of paymerit easier than anything that has ever been offered before, viz., 10 per. cont. at fall of hammer, 10 ' per cent, in one month, balance to "be divided into three bills at four, eight, and twelve months at 5 per. cent., or buyers can pay one-third cash and balance can remain at 5 per cent., or cash buyers will be allowed 2J per cent, discount on 75 per cent, of purchase money. Sale at 2.30 p.m. Free Express will leave our Mart <at 2 o'clock. Should day be wet, sale will be held in Fitzroy Hall. 232 OF EJECTIONS, WITH A CHILMAN'S, FITZROY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23. ' VX7 EBSTER BROS. Have received instructions, from thef owners to sell on. the ground after the sale of Chilman's Extended, -I ACRE OF LAND, WITH 4 COTX. TAGES, five and six rooms each, with a full quarter-acre of land. The Cottages are almost new, have all conveniences, and fronting Paynter's Lane, and Mahoe Street. Two of the Cottages are let to good tenants^ and all in good repair. Full particulars with the Auctioneers, WEBSTER- BROS. , ,- ...... 391
APPLICATIONS*— v COUNTY OF EGMONT. ENGINE DRIVER REQUIRED. APPLICATIONS for the situation of Engine Driver for Stone Crushing Plant will be received at the County Office up to 8 p.m. on MONDAY, the 27th clay of January, 1908. Applications to be addressed to "The Chairman," County of Egmont, and must be accompanied by testimonials and copy of certificate, and must state rate of wages required, viz. : (1) To work Engine when required, and (2) To work at constant employ^ ment at Road Work when not engaged in looking after Plant. Conditions cau be seen at County Office. , GEO. W. ROGERS. County Clerk. Opuuake, 21st January, 1908. 412 MARSLAND HILL MEMORIAL. piOMPETITIVE DESIGNS are asked Kj for, to be contributed gratuitously, from persons who have sufficient pa;riotism to assist the Marsland Hill Memorial Committee ir. deciding upon an appropriate Memorial to bo erected on Marsland Hill in momory of tho Imperial and Colonial Troops who fell >"n the Maori wars. The sum at the disposal of the Committee is £600. Designs to be sent to the undersignod up to January 31st, 1908. ARTHUR STANDISH, g66 Chairman of Committoe. MISCELLANEOUS. ST. MARY'S SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNUAL PICNIC, To bo held, by kind permission of W. Courtney, Esq., at the Picnic Paddock, Glonavon, on THURSDAY NEXT, 23rd INST. Tickots for Tea: Adults la, Children 6d. Scholars from all Sunday Schools in tho Parish, Free West's 'Buses will leave St. Mary's School at 11.30 for the conveyance of Scholars and Teachers, and will run from Ambury's Corner hourly throughout the afternoon, with an extra 'Bus at 2.30. Parents of Scholars and all Friends of the School are invited to attend. 375
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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13613, 22 January 1908, Page 7
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569Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13613, 22 January 1908, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13613, 22 January 1908, Page 7
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