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September 20th. Tho crew of the overseas vessel Port Ivembla, which foundered off Farewell Spit, in-the early hours of Tuesday morning as the result of an internal explosion, were hospitably entertained by citizens yesterday. Jn tho afternoon, tho men, after being provided with tobacco kindly supplied by Messrs Levin and Co., Ltd., and pipes by Messrs R. Snodgrass ana Sons, wero taken for 'a motor drive through tho Waimeas, going round the "three bridges." Afternoon tea was supplied by Mr W» Forstcr, at Brightwater. Cars were lent for the occasion by Messrs G. W. SwaffonL W: G.1 Vihing, Newman 8r05.,, L. Baigent, H. Field, A. Manks, and W. A. Dee. Between 30 ami 40 members of the crew accepted the invitation and the outing was much enjoyed. The arrangements were made by the Mayor.'(Mr W. W. Snodgrass). The officers wero also the guests of other citizens in motor trips to various places of interest.
.*"■• Another meeting of citizens was held yesterday morning in the Mayor's room, when the Mayor -reported what had been done for the men.
Mr Fletcher, the. chief officer, was present, in tho absence of Capt. Jack; who was not well enough to attend, and thanked the citizens of Nelson and those on the Regulus for the manner in which they had treated the crew. He said he could not speak too highly of what had been done for them.
A donation of cash was made to each member of the crew yesterday, to be supplemented by a further sum this morning, so that the men will not be penniless on arrival in Wellington.
Last evening the crew were the guests of the management of the local picture theatres. Yesterday the Mayor received the following telegram from Mr Rooper, manager of the Cunard Line in Wellington : "Very grateful to you and citizens of Nelson for your prompt assistance to crew of Pert Kembla."
Captain Jack has completely recovered from his temporary indisposition, which was caused partly by the fumes from the explosion which affected his throat, and he transacted formal business yesterday afternoon.. Captain Jack desires to express to the citizens of Nelson and the snip's company of the Regulus, his deep gratitude* for the kindness shown to the officers and crew of his vessel.
Air officer of the Port Kembla passed the significant remark to a "Colonist" reporter that there were too many Germans in Australia, and they .ought to be interned.
September 21st. Yesterday morning a considerable crowd of citizens assembled on the wharf to witness- the departure in tlie Pateena of the officers and crew of the Port Kembla.
The whole of the company billeted in town \vere conveyed to flic wharf by motor cars lent for the purpose. Before the steamer soiled the Mayor called for cheers for the crew, which were heartily given, and the Port Kembla men responded in like fashion ami emphatically announced that they were uot downhearted.
The Mayor went out cf €he harbour in the Pateena, 2-eturning in tfie pilot launch, and thus had opportunity to wish good-bye to members of the" crew individually. As Mr Snodgraes left tfie steamer he was cheered and vocally acclaimed "A Jolly Good Fellow." The Mayor has again received rrom both Captain Rainey, New Zealand superintendent for the Cunard Line, and Captain Jack assurances of tjfceir gratitude for the manner m which the crew have been treated by the citizens during their brief stay in Nelson.
(To tho Editor of "The Colonist,")
Sir.—On behalf of the apprentices and gunners of the ilWated steamer Port Kembla who were accommodated at tie Dominion Hotel in charge of Mr Ross,, we wish to express our thanks for the way in which we ware treated by Mr and Mrs Ross and staff. We never lacked anything, and were treated with the best of attention and courtesy. We . cannot express our thanks to these people in words sufficiently appropriate for the kind and generous manner in whict» they have treated us,' but hop© they will understand our feelings in regard to the matter.
Petty Officer J. RENEBERG, Gunner. Leading Seaman KANE, Gunner. J. SENDER, Apprentice. E. E. ROSWELL, Apprentice. F. S. PATTINSON, Apprentice. P. A. LOVEGROVE, Apprentice.
September 22nd. The Town Clerk has received £he following letter from Mr J. D. Ttioriarty, licensee of the Provincial Hotel:—"Re account against your committee for five shipwrecked mariners whom t put up while in Nelson. I have much pleasure in making a present of Cieir expenses. 1 am only too pleaded to be in a position to render a little assistance in such a deserving case."
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Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14539, 17 October 1917, Page 2 (Supplement)
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775CREW ENTERTAINED. Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14539, 17 October 1917, Page 2 (Supplement)
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CREW ENTERTAINED. Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14539, 17 October 1917, Page 2 (Supplement)
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