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The Harbour Board's launch, with j the Harbourmaster (Captain Collins), the port health officer (Dr. Bett), the ( Collector of Customs (Mr W. De- ] venish), tte Landing Waiter (Mr R. i Walter), the Mayor (Mr W. W. Snod- 1 grass), Mr C. M. AVbelan, of the Tele- 1 graph Department, and representa- 1 tives of the Citizens Committee,] and the Press, went out and met the Regulus, but owing, to \ the heavy swell in the Bay were unable to board the vessel until she" ar- ' rived in harbour. . i The crew of the lost veesel were lined * up on the side of the-Regulus, and as the launch ian alongside the glad tidings were shouted that all hands ha<2 been saved. It was also stated that the vessel was the Port Kembla, and ' that she had been sunk by an Internal' explosion at 1 o'clock that morning. On going-on board particulars of the : disaster were gleaned from the officers ' ■and_members of the crev<. ■' Tne Port Kembla left an Australian port on Wednesday. Sept. 12, homeward was making for Now Zealand to load ; bunker coal before continuing her voyage. .-■••- : At J.-a.m. .yesterday -morninjr when : .'ibout. twenty miles off Farewell Spit, , aiv v explosion occurred in the forehold, wuicii opened out the starboard side Hnd the ..vessel started to settle down by the head. Captain Jack ordered the Boats to be launched, and they were manned by" the crew, who had time only to get away ! in what -.they, stood up "In. Cantaiii •T»ck, Chief Officer Fletcher, *nd third : Officer Samms remained on tho vessel, on the chance that she would float, but it was soon apparent that the vessel was doomed,.""and jast before'she took tne final nhinge -the officers tu'-.-ecl over- i .'-ard and wore picked up tJv the cruisn- boats, Tho ver^ol sank wTUiii: half ?.njiour of tho rxniosion. j -is the vcppcl was sinkinjr the whittle v,r.VLfir\ to hloiv, and just before i=ho iounncrnti t ;, Pl . e v , as R mnS]nA sounc i, as ui-ouch tho boilers had exploder"! ,An ,-iblo frnr.mfjn" named Hov S Ford ', P;no wa^ ..silting en tlm fore hateli whon • ■■■ o explosion occurred, was bruised as vie rosu.-t C f tho concussion, out none fert members of the crew was o^Srrir? .foroh°W'-where the explosion' a° ioacle<| m, Australia "By free lai
hour, and every precaution was taken to any unauthorised person from, boarding, the vessel, a guard of soldiers superintending the loading operations'. : , The wireless aerials were damaged by the explosion, making .communication with the shore impossible. . The fumes were sufficiently strong to cause .nausea .among some of the men, indicating that the explosion had "been caused by an infernal machine. > ■'■'• - The boats were sighted by the Regulus about 6.30, making for "West "Wa-ng-am: i inlet. The vessel picked"up the crew, and, taking the boats in tow, returned to Nelson. On board the Regulns the Port Kembla\s company were' treated witTi the greatest hospitality, being provided with dry clothing and food and made as comfortable as possible. Captain Jack expressed his high appreciation of tho manner in which the-ship's company (.was treated. -./ y,« The crew, were cheerful and in good spirits, and appeared none the worse for their unpleasant experience.
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Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14515, 19 September 1917, Page 5
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538HOW THE VESSEL WAS SUNK. Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14515, 19 September 1917, Page 5
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HOW THE VESSEL WAS SUNK. Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14515, 19 September 1917, Page 5
Using This Item
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