• (From "The Colonist,' 3 April 26th.) The fete in aid of the Red Cross Fund opened in the city yesterday with Applo Day. The response to the ax*peal for fruit Avas satisfactory, and stalls Avere placed in different parts of Trafalgar street for its disposal. : In spite of the Avet Aveather, a large number of people were about, it being municipal elaction day, and excellent business Avas done. The were placed in boxes, each of AvJiich bore a label, "Nelson Apple Day. For the men avlio are fighting, for us." The stallholders were: Auckland Clothing and Drapery Company's corner ,\ Mrs Coote, Misses Coote, Coster, C. E\ans, and Andrew. Buxton and Co.'s verandaTi: Mrs A. E. Tasker and Miss Dickson. Deo and Sons' corner: Mrs Jacka, Misses Ledger, Hayes,. and Tomlinson .(-')• / The sums realised AA'ere as follows:— Mrs Coote, £11 16s sd; Mrs Jacka, £11 2s 4d; Mrs Tasker, £8 6s 4d: total, £31 5s Id.
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Bibliographic details
Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14405, 16 May 1917, Page 11 (Supplement)
Word Count
Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14405, 16 May 1917, Page 11 (Supplement)