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Apple day.
. A meeting held in the City Council .Chambers last night decided to hold a i fete in April in aid of the Red Cress Fund, and a start was made with -.preliminary arrangements. It was resolved to hold an Alphabetical Fete and • Chrysanthemum Pageant on Friday April 27th (in the Provincial Grounds : if the use of them can be obtained), and an Apple Day in the city on Saturday, April 28th.
Mrs W. Lock, who presided aver a good attendance, mostly of ladies, apo- ■ logised for the unavoidable absence of '■the Mayoress (Mrs C. J. Harley) and a number of other ladies, who had, ; however, tendered assurances of sympathy and support. In giving reasons for a special effort on behalf of the Red Cross, Mrs Lock said that a big offensive of the Allies was to be ex-, pected soon, with its inevitable attendant of heav^ casualty lists. .Nelson had done;-nobly in the past in the way of contributions towards"'Red Cross work, and she hoped there would be a continuance of the whole-hearted support that was necessary. It was proposed to hold an Allied Alphabetical Fair, at which stalls would be distinguished by separate letters and each stall would be devoted to the sale of articles the~ names ; oi which began with its particular letter Miss Farnie and other school teachers would take the F Stall n't' which there would be a fairy well a m P°£ d ' »"d.f™ts, etc, would'be each stall should also be run under the colours of one of the Allies. The stallholders and assistants would wear whi'e dresses and the colours of their stall.' Each stallholder would be asked to dejcorate a motor car. Any stallholder ™° T} d not g,et a car ™»ld provided on condition that she arranged tor its decoration. It had been suggested that there should be a demonstration of the development of the' chrysanthemum from its original state to its cultivated standard, and Mrs j. Vimng had promised" take this in 1 Jiand if- it were at:all possible. A simj . i lar.demonstration with /■= the -sweet oca jhad been.very popular at Auckland. jFor Apple Day gifts of apples would ibe asked for, and the fruit that vas received would be put up in small boxes and sold throughout the city at a sMI- .. img a box. A point would be made i or securing apples that would from their (quality and attractiveness 'be suitable J for sale in that^arav. ! Mr H.. G. Hill confirmed what Mrs i Lock had said—that the Nelson District tu-mtpacker.-, Ltd., and the Nelson fruitgrowers Company, Ltd., would collect aunles from botb shareholders and non-shareholders, and pack the fruit and send it free of cost tb the .Red Cross depots in Nelson and Motueka. He had Mr W. B. Griffin's authority for making the offer on behali: of the Nelson Fruitgrowers Company. The Red Cross Committee were preparing a circular to growers soliciting contributions, and this would be wnt out by the companies. It was announced that the Nelson Horticultural Society's autumn show, at winch chrysanthemums are a leading feature, would be rim in connection with !;he fete, all the profits from it to go to the Red Cross. The use of tho Provincial Hall for the siiow will be applied for. * Mrs Crawford intimated that she would be responsible for the tea 'kiosk. A number of stalls were allotted. All present"--were formed into a committee, with power to add to their number, to arrange for the Chrysanthemum Fete and Apple Day, which promise to be decidedly successful.
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Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14338, 14 February 1917, Page 4
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601FOR THE RED CROSS. Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14338, 14 February 1917, Page 4
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FOR THE RED CROSS. Colonist, Volume LVIII, Issue 14338, 14 February 1917, Page 4
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