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(From "The Colonist," July-7.) „ • Yesterday afternoon at the City Council GhambsMS, the Piti Memorial Committee met tiie Hon. 11. McKenzie in connection with tlie memorial.
There were present: His Worship the I Mayor (Mr. T. A. H. Field), in the I chair, and Messrs Fell, llout, Glasgow Hampson, I", n'. Hamilton, llogers, and the secretary (Mr. It. W. Stiles). The Mayor said the Committee was pleased to ha\ c the opportunity of meeting the lion. 11. Mcivenzie, and to place before him a statement of wlmt progress had boon made in connection with the Pitt Memorial. The Hon.'ll. McKenzie said he was pleased to meet the Committee which had for its object the erection of a memorial to the late Hon Colonel Pitt. The Government had given a contribution to tlie fund, and prior to leaving for England thj Promi-er, Sir Joseph Ward, liael handed him trlie correspondence in connection with the memorial. He would, as representing tiie Go/ernment, like to know how matter.stood. Captain Stiles explained that the fund approached £830. Of this the Government had already given £390, and the City Council had promised £300. After meeting the initial expenses the fiu.'d now stood at £803. The volun-
teers and members of both Houses had
subscribed liberally. Mr. C. Y. Fell explained the progress of tlie memorial [ rojecfc from its inception, and said that the subscribers had sanctioned the Church Hill steps as tho most acceptable memorial. However, there was now a new phase in connection with ths erection of the Church steps. ' Mr. Thomas Cawthron having signified his willingness to undertake the work, and to present it to the city. It would be necessary now for the committee to go back to the subscribers and report, and endeavour to find some other form of memorial for their late friend. Sev-T'i-al works had been mentioned of Into, notably the children's ward and swimming baths. There were others vo doubt, but there was not the slightest doubt that the memorial would be a suitable one. Mr. McKonzio said that tho Church Hill steps proposal did not ecmmuid itself to the Government as a oiiitVole. form of memorial, this being a natter for the town corporation to ; ctend to. Tlie Government had promis?d a sum of £300, but he was under +he impression that prior to Sir Joseph Ward1': r^enarture for Home the grant had bco:i increased to £500 m < v-.ier that a memo-rial fitting to their late friend could be erected. He uolir/jd other and more fitting forms of memorial could be suggested ,iv fact something might be orected at Colonel Pitt's grare, or at one of the public reserves. The Government, however, would be prepared to accept any suitable memorial and he would not say that they would not accept the Church Hill steps if the people of Nelson desired it. He was pleased to hear that accitizen had offered to carry out the work of reconstructing the Church Hill steps. Numerous suggestions were then put forward for a memorial, notably a children's ward, a nurses' ward, rotunda on Milton's Acre, swimming baths, a fountain, and a reclamation of part of the mudflat to be called the Pitt Park, any of which Mr. McKenzie said would be acceptable. Ho also mentioned that in Coronation grants provision had been made for swimming baths, but no application bad come from Nelson, and it was now too late. Grants were being made for libraries at Motueka and Coliingwood. The Mayor, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mr. McKenzie for the interview . Th-rv now knew tho feeling of the Cabinet in connection with the memorial, and what was acceptable to tho subscribers would, in due course, be submitted to tho Government for its approval. The meeting then adjourned.
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Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13168, 26 July 1911, Page 6 (Supplement)
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634INTERVIEW WITH HON. R. McKENZIE. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13168, 26 July 1911, Page 6 (Supplement)
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INTERVIEW WITH HON. R. McKENZIE. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13168, 26 July 1911, Page 6 (Supplement)
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