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» STALKEE" A:"" THE ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY. For some time a committee appointed by a meeting of deer stalkers in the Nelson district has been in communication with the Acclimaibisaition Society with reference to taking measures to improve the local herds. Although the Acclimatisation Society appointed tihe. committee of deer stalkers a board of advice to assist in giving effect to the desires of the sportsmen, no great advance has yet been made, and we have been requested to publish for general information tihe correspondence .which, has passed on the subject. On August 9th the. advisory board wrote to the .Society as follows :— _" At a meeting. of the advisory- board of deer stalkers, held on August 7tlh, the. following suggestions of your committee were carried unanimously =— (1) That it is not desirable that (there be an- open season for deer. (2) That some form of culling is absolutely necessary. (3) That in the 1 opinion of the board the committee should advertise for all deer licenr see.9 willing to destroy weedy does and malformed stags, to send in their names to the committee, also tho locality in which they are prepared to operate, and that the committee select therefrom the most suitable, and .permission be given to these to kill all such deer, the time for so doing to commence as soon as possible, and terminate at end of September. (4) That endeavours be made to ge/t land holders to co-operate with those ftppOllLtQd to destroy. (5) T&atas rm'anj red deer as money will permit be procured from the Lake districts oJ Otago, and that the proportion oJ hinds to stags be as near as possible sto 1 . The board respectfully re-quests-that you place these suggestions before your committee as "earh as possible owing to the shortness oi time in which to' act." -~ : • To , tl1 ? letter the Society repliec m the following terms.: — "In rent to your communication of Augus 9th, conveying recommendations fo culling .deer, I have to state by dhec tion of- the committee that as yoi name the end of September as th date^ for closing the period duriiij which culling should be done, no tini is allowed for the necessary- reguJa tions to be gazetted, or for the coin mittee to make arrangements for th appointment of cullers, and due -no tihoation to property holders. As yoi are aware the process of drafting th necessary regulations in the office o th» Minister of -.Internal Affairs i slow and it would be at least foji weeks before action could be tak&n by which time the dosing date yo: mention would have arrived. queatly I have to request that yoi forward a further communication' t the committee rnaming another date and the reasons therefor. ■■'-. On im ceipt.of your letter the matter wii be considered by the committee a.t special meeting. The question of pre curing xed deer from Otago, to re novate,, is. under comisideration." ': The. Board's secretary- then upon . wrote as , follows ■ o August 30th:— "As ■ . soon a possible after receipt of your lebte a meeting of the board of deer stalls ers was called, and held on Saturda the 28th. The board,, after discuss ing your letter, proposed the follow ing resolution re red deer:— (l) Tlia your committee endeavour to obtai pormission from the authorities t cull in -terms of former suggostior the Nelson portion of the Red Hill as soon as possible, so that tbi slioiuld take, effect before the end c October next. (2) The board wish t strongly impress again upon you committee the great importance c obtaining fresh blood, as menitione in previous letter, and would like t be informed as to wihat steps hay been taken, and also any informatio yqujrnay have received regaatkh same. (3) That the general cullin of other portions of the district' /ea cepting Red Hills) should take plac during the month of February, 191 C In regard to the first suggestion r Red Hills, the general opinion fror information' obtained was that thi country must be dealt with as soo: as . .possible, arid further, when pei mission is granted, we have reliabl men ready and willing to und-ertak" the work for just bare expenses witli out wages. I migJit mmtdoin for- th inforaiiiart;ion of your committee ' tha I had reliable information concern ing tihe. red deer liberated- some tim ago at ColMngwood ,• they have in creased considerably, and my infoi manttold me he saw 12 in one rnoli there being three or four stags i: the number, andHhoy are begdnniaij to scatter about the district, as som have been seen -five miles from thi same herd." ' The Society's reply to this letfce is dated September 3rd, and is as fcl lows :— "I am directed by the commit tec -of the Nelson Acclimatisation Sc oiety to acknowledge the receipt o your letter of 30lih, August, and t inform you that tho committee, "afte due enquiry and eoniaidoraifcion, ar convinced that it is but of the ques tion (to attempt the culling ' of dee herds in- the Nelson district; by tb destruction of does or assumedl' malformed stagsfor this season a least. With regard to the Red Hills the district is" largely in the Marl borough province, and under tihe jur isdiction of the Marlbcrough Accli matisatiom- Society, while that^ortioj wihiieh is within tllie Nelson ' district not only borders on. another acclima tis-ataon district, but is also held pri rately under lease, and peranission t go on the land, would have to be ob tainod. In connection with the j?ro posal to improve the Nelson. deer hen the committee already have aorarigei for the importation of a good r liu-m bw of fallow "deer, and negotiation are being entered ■ tinto to proouT< an equally , large number of red dee from. Otago.. -.An offer of a suitabl, deer park at Todd's bush has bee-] made verj' kindly by Mr H: Wast ney, and if the cpnditiQns are founn favourable, the committee will pro ■bably take ; steps to : secure a leaW a .the ground and fence it." " :
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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12662, 6 October 1909, Page 2
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1,011THE NELSON DEER HERDS. Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12662, 6 October 1909, Page 2
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THE NELSON DEER HERDS. Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12662, 6 October 1909, Page 2
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