JUBILEE SERVICES. In connection with the celebration of che Jubilee of Methodism in New Zealand very successful services were held at the above Church on Saturday and yesterday. The children attending the Wesleyan Sunday Schools at Stoke, Richmond, and the town, to the number of fully 200, assembled at St Johns Church on Saturday afternoon, when the Rev William Morley addressed them on the subject " A Jubilee." He explained what % Jubilee is, and the privileges and advantages connected with the ancient Jewish Jubilee. Yesterday morning the Eev Bobert Young preached at the same Church, referring in his discourse to the Jubilee of Methodism. In the afternoon a special children's service was conducted by the Eev W. Morley, when about 250 were present. The rev. genileman spoke of the character of the Jubilee, and referring to the setting up by the children of Israel of the twalve stones «allo4 Sbenezer, said he wished to set up five before them. These were : The resoae ef John Wesley from the tire -, thanksgiving for the fact that John Wesley had a good mother ; thanksgiving fov the fact that John Wesley was the founder of the Wesleyan. Church; thanksgiving for Charles Wesley's hymns; and thanksgiving for the people that have built up the Wesleyan Church in New Zealand. His address I was exceedingly interesting. Last evening there was a very full congregation in the large Church, and the Bay, Wiilian Morley preashei an able sermon, liis text being from the second Corinthians, ohajlet 2, verse 14—- • Now thankß be unto Ged", whioh always oausoth ua to triumph in Christ, and makeih manifest the savour of Hia knowledge by us is every pUoe." He spoke of Paul aa bring not only tke gr«ateet theologian, bat aa having 1 bad immense difficulties ia ovwthrowing the tjjadilions, the usages, and the easterns handed down from the graat lawgiver, Mos*a. He taterced ca tbu wonderful raaalts of his teaohisg, baair#dfl tf thousands bsing led to Christ and tha word cf God was spread mightily, Life in Imperial Borne, and at Ephesus was alludad to, and the diffleultiss whi«h the disoipte had to oontend with, the profligacy, and the Bupeistition commented 00. The preacher then raferred to what had been done ia Naw Zealand by missiooarles, espscully mentioning Hokianga and Fororua, where in one day nine'y Maories were led to testify thair belisf ia the gospel of Qoi. He paid a tribute of praise to the old pione«s who buih up the Colony, and expressed a hops that their services would be fittingly recognised. The revival In 1366, and the good work of the Ray Kirk, from whioh good accrued were mentioned, and tb* preacher went on to speak of -the pr&aeut Jubilee eohemo, whioh will be further explained during the week. Xi was not, he said, merely a financial scheme, but a general thanksgiving for the m&ny mercies vouohsafed during tho last fifty years. So much of the offertories 83 exceeded the average collection would, it was explained, go to the Jubilee fund to be devoted to the building of chinches, and liquidating the debts on existing ones. The dißOourse, which was a lengthy one, was listened to with the utmost attention. During the offertory Mra Uoulker sang the solo " Hear my prayer," Miss Jackson being at organ. On Wednesday next special meetings will be held in connection with the Jubilee.
Colonist, Volume XXXIII, Issue 5932, 13 October 1890, Page 3
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