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Pebruary 10, We learn that on Saturday last an immense bush fire was raging in the Buller and Hope valleys, and that indeed, for a distance of seven miles as the crow ilies, the country was one blaze. It seems that a fire was started just above Win's Accommodation house, which ia about a mile and a-half below the junction of the Buller and Hopa rivers, end that driven by a south west wind, the fire had spread on Saturday afternoon as far as the Hope junction. An immense amount of timber has already been destroyed on the right hand side of tbe road, and fears were entertained that in the event of the wind continuing the fire would be driven down the Tadmor Valley. The coaoh came through on Saturday in safety, but not without very considerable risk, for we learn that not only was the driver considerably scorched about the hands and face, but that some lady passengers inside the coach had their dresses actually on fire from sparks. The scene ia described as having been an awful one.

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Bibliographic details

Colonist, Volume XXXIII, Issue 5731, 19 February 1890, Page 6 (Supplement)

Word Count

GREAT FIRE IN TEE BULLER AND HOPE VALLEYS. Colonist, Volume XXXIII, Issue 5731, 19 February 1890, Page 6 (Supplement)

GREAT FIRE IN TEE BULLER AND HOPE VALLEYS. Colonist, Volume XXXIII, Issue 5731, 19 February 1890, Page 6 (Supplement)