ENTKEID INWABD9. August 31—Rotorua, is, 576, AndenoD, from Pioton, Wellington, and South. Passengers— Miss Martelli, Miss Viokerman, Mm Burnett, Miss'Gonnon, Miss Plumbe, Miss Kew, Mn Bloxam, child, and nurse, Mrs Manning, Mr and Mrs Butt, Messrs Linoh, Clarice, Hasell, Smith lieetham, Peroival, Waldie, Walter, Currie, and 13 othen. 31—-Waiotahi, ichooner, 16, Robinson, from Havelock. CLEANED OUTWARDS. Auguit 31—Murray, ss, 78, Scott, for West Coast. Passengers—Mr and Mn Rae, Mr Messrs Bailie, Mitehie, Scarlett, Smith, and Bollowage. _ , . 31—Lady Barkly, es, 40, Walker, for Motueka, and Golden Bay. Thb Kennedy was to leave Greymouth last night, and ii expected to get out of Westport toil morning, reaching here early to-morrow morning. __ _ Th» Murray Bailed for West Coast ports Testerday aftrnoon, should reach Eanmea this morning, Westport to-night, »nd Holdtika to-morro* morning. The Wallace reached Wellington early yesterday morning, but owing to the heavy southerly wind and rain will not leave there till to day. She is announced for Wanganui at 5 p.m. on Monday. The Wanaka leaves Lyttelton this evening, and Wellington at noon on Monday. She will arrive here on Tuesday rooming, and tail at 10 30 a.m for Picton and South. The Botorua arrived at the anchorage at 9 a.m yesterday, and came into harbor at 7 p.m. Having a quantity of cargo to disoharge, her departure for Taranaki and Onehunga bai been postponed till 830 this morning. Thb Lady Barkly sailed for Motueka and Golden Bay last evaning. She returns here on Monday afternoon. . ..
HicfH Watsb at Nbksov. a.m. • p.m. S%turd»y, September 1 ... 9-21 9*40 Sund«y, Septem'oer 2 ... 9*58 10*16
Colonist, Volume XXVI, Issue 3699, 1 September 1883, Page 3
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