, (From Me Post.) Mr J. S. Wilson, the new member for Foxton, who is a settler, of only, a few years standing, but during his residence in the provincial district has won the respect and esteem of a large section of the community. Indeed, he appears to be a man against whom in his private life no one has a word to say. Lvhis own particular district — Sandou—he is spoken of aa a conscientious, upright, honorable gentleman, whose word is as good as bis bond. It is doubtless on the score of his high private reputation that he has been returned to Parliament. "He has never taken any part in public life in New Zealand, and the Hb'usa; will probably seldom hear his voice; but, if all accounts be.correct, he will give an intelligent vote upon matters affecting the welfare of the Colony. He is a"'farmer* in the Sandon district, and will pay special attention in • Parliament to the farming■ interest,- which," he says, has been greatly neglected in th"c past. -He is a pronounced eupfporter of1 the present Government. Mr G. G. Fitzgerald, who de feated Mr K. 0. Keid for a considerable majority, is a journalist of considerable ability, and many years ago owned aud edited the ' Southland Times'at the.time when Invercargill was in its full flush of prospeiity. Subsequently he was appointed Beah dent Magistrate at Hokitika, at the same time fulfilling the dutiesi of Goldfields Warden for that district, which included Ross and Kumara withiu its limits. This position he resigned after holding it about twelve years, and returned to his ol<) vocation. He. wass leading contributor to the ' New Zealand Times' for some months, afte which he accepted" the editorship o; the ' Wanganui Chronicle/ which ht gave up to take charge of the * Ashbur ton Mail,' a position', we believe,, hoccupies at present. His presses peri ence must render him, au fait iv al the political questions eof the day while his legal information necestarih acquired by having' been so long oi the magisterial beach, and, his know edge of goldfields, their naoagemdm Mid their neoenitU*, should bo of
material value ia tbe House. Mr Joseph Petrie, the new! elected member for Greymouth, is very youag man, of small political c: perience. He ia a practical printe and the proprietor of the ' Greyinout Star,' arid has takea an active part i che manrgement of local institution in Grreymouth. Bayond attsndinj parish meetings and other gathering of like importance, he has not yel; hac the experience to enable him to dis charge the importantdiities -that h< is now called on to undertake. Mr J. MuNßoi the newly electee member for the Buller, where ha was victorious over Mr Eugene O'Connor, who formerly represented the constiuericy in Parliament, is an auctioneer in Westport, where he haa carried on buuindsa since 18^6. He haa been | long identified with the Buller intei resTs, and haa especially devoted himself to the development of the coal measures of that district, which are ooif in a fair way to be fully opened up, and their value appreciated. He has taken an active part in local politics in West port, and has also filled the civic chair of that municipality more than once. He ia a moderately fluent speaker, possesses sound common sense, and should make a useful if not a brilliant member.
Colonist, Volume XXV, Issue 3040, 20 December 1881, Page 3
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