Br a General Government Gazette published on December 31, we are informed by proclamation that the General Assembly is dissolved, and that the warrant for the issue of writs for the election of duly qualified persons to serve as members in the House of Eepresentatives has been signed, the writs to be returnable on the 25th .February next, on which date members are called together. The following are the names of some of the candidates and the electoral districts they stand for, (* Denotes a contest will tike place.) NELSON. Nelson City (2 seats)—o. Curtis and J". Shephard. *The Suburbs (1 seat)—F. KeUing.R. Bichardson, and a third candidate nipoken of. *MotueJca (1 seat) —Messrs. Parker, Macmahon, and Sir David Monro. *Collingwood (1 seat)—A. S. Collins and W. Gibbs. Westland North (1 seat) —G. Donne. * Cheviot.—X. A. Ingles, W. Gibson, E. G. T. Gooch, and J. Studholme. MARLBOROUGH. *Picton. —Capt. Kenny, Dr. Parker, and Douslin. *Wairau. —W. H. Eyes and Fenry Eedwood, jun., WELLINGTON. * Wellington —Dr. Featherston and Borlase. J. C. Eichmond & W. T. L. Travers are also spoken of. Eutt.—W. Fitzherbert. *Wairarapa. —Messrs. H. Bunny, Chas. Pharazyn. Samuel Eevans, and J. C. Andrew. *J?orirua. —Brandon and Ludlam. Wanganui. —John Bryce. RangitiJcei—Hon, William Fox. TAEANAKI. New Plymouth— T. Kelly. *Qrey Sf Bell. —Messrs J. 0. Richmond & Brown. Egmont —Hon. W. Gisbcrne. AUCKLAND. *City Hast. —Mr. Nicol, of the Exchange Hotel, opposes the Hon. Julius Togel. *dty West— Messrs. Gillies, John Williamson, and Dignan. Parnell. —Reader Wood. Rodney.~- H. W. Farnall. *Eden. —Messrs. R. J. Creighton and John Kerr. Tliames. —Charles O'Neill. Waitemata. —Thomas Henderson. Newton. —Wm. Swansea. Marsden.—John Munro. JEast Coast.— -J. Mackay, jun. Waikato. —Captain McPherson. *Mongonui —Capt. Butler and Carleton. WESTLAND. *The Grey.— -P. A. Buckley (of Wellington) and W. H. Harrison. CANTERBURY. *Christchurch. —Messrs. Cracroft Wilson, C.8.,, Wynn Williams, Andrew Duncan (ex-Mayor of the City), and Edward Richardson, of Holmes and Co. *Heathcote —Messrs. John Hail and Kennaw»y. Timaru— E. W. Staffonl. •Bsimym<r-M»mn. ghw wad Bwtwt^
OTAGO. ' . *Du»edin. —Messrs. Macassey and: Bathgato. *CZ«tf As.-—Messrs. Macandrewand J. W. Thomson. Eampden —C. E.-Hatishton. Oamaru. —Hon. J. M'Leim. Wahatip.—^'. L Shepherd. Waikouaili—F. D. Rich.
*Invereargitt. —Charles Irvine, W. H. Calder, and
Lumsden. *Mataura —Dillon Bell, and Thomas Denniston ia
spoken of. *Bruce. —Messrs. W. A. Murray and Black. *Milton. —Messrs. Gillies and Dyer. * *Mount Ranger:. —Messrs. Bastings, Lawrence, and Barton, Uiverton —Lachlan M" Gillivray.
Colonist, Volume XIV, Issue 1385, 3 January 1871, Page 3
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