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Last night, in the Council, Mr. Shephard gave notice of a motion to tho effect that, the proceedings of his Honor the Superintendent and Mr. T. A. S. Kynnersley, a member of the Executive, in connection with the resignation of Mr. Fmnklyn, as one of the members for the Grey district, were highly unconstitutional, and merit the gravest censure of this Council.—Mr. Luckie also revived the motion of no-confidence in the Government of the Province, The Thbatee.—The Star Company, having accomplished their West Coast tour, returned to Nelson la9t week, and re-opened at the Oddfellows' Hall last evening with the new bill of " First Impressions," a drama ; " Naval Engagements," a camedy ; and the farce of " Tiie Quiet Family." The acting was very spirited throughout, and the enjoyment of the audienco as evident as hitherto, especially in the last-named piece, which was excellently 'acted. The samo pieces are announced for to-night. Mb. Dby's PicrPHK. —We are glad to find that this most novel exhibition is fast gaining ground, and that visitors are growing far more numerous at the reduced prices than previously. We have heard but one opinion of the wonderful piece of wood-work which Mr. Dry has succeeded in producing, after nearly four years' incessant toil, and we can confidently say that those who fail to take advantage of the short time now remaining to visit; the picture will miss ono of the cleverest and ino3t unique productions ever exhibited. Reading Room and Mttseum, Coixingwood.— A public meeting was held on Friday, April 22nd, at Mr. Schsfer's Hotel, tho Rev. C. H. J. Halcombo in the chair, to consider the need that exists of a room in connection with the Collingwood Library, which may serve the various purposes of Reading Room, Museum, Lecture, and Assembly Room. The present library room is very much too small, and, apart from the hotels, there is no room whatever available for public uses, social or otherwise, in the place. The meeting was unanimous in declaring the necessity of supplying the want, and appointed a committee, consisting of O'Sullivan, Rev. Mi*. Halcombe, Messrs. Brace, Grange, and Riley, (Mr. F. O'Sullivan, as Secretary, and Mr. W. C. Riley, as Treasurer,) with a view to carrying the object into effect. The amount of £17 was subscribed ou the spot, and the Collingwoud list already shows a sum of £40, in addition to which, lists have been sent to the Diggings. Among the subscribers are the names of Messrs. Buxton and Co., and Mr. J. S. Cross, of Nelson, and theße it is to be hoped will not be the only Nelson names, as the importance of such an erection in this rapidly rising and interesting mineral district will be recognised by all who take an interest in its progress— Communicated. Patent Slip.—A meeting of come thirty gentlemen took place in the Masonic Hotel last night, to consider the propriety of establishing a Patent Slip Company. Mr. Luckie was called to the chair. He explained the proposed guarantee of 10 per cent, per annum, for ten years, to be given by the Government on a capital not to exceed £7000 ; together also with a further guarantee, or what was equivalent to it of 5 per cent, additional, in the shape of sinking fund, to allow for deterioration during the same period of ten years. It was explained by the chairman that Mr. Thomas Freeman had gone to Sydney, and brought down the model of a slip for sale there, which model was on the table, and was explained by Mr. Freeman. Some discussion ensued as to the propriety of purchasing this slip, or of getting one from Home; and, after some friendly conversation, the following motion was proposed by Mr. T. B. Louisson, seconded by Mr. M'lntosh, and unanimously agreed to, " That a provisional committee be appointed to consider the subjeot of a patent slip for this port, on the basis of the proffered Government guarantee ; to prepare a prospectus for the formation of a compauy, and to an adjourned meeting, to be held on Saturday evening next; such committee to consist of Dr. Renwick, Messrs. Shephard, Blackett, M'lntosb, James Henry, Brown, John Scott, Thos. Freeman, Elliott, Cross, Louies on, Brown, Thomas Mackay, and R. G. Gibbons, with power to add to their number. A vote of thanks to Mr. Freeman for his unwearied efforts in the advocacy of this scheme was warmly passed by the meeting, which accordingly adjourned to Saturday evening. The Chableb Edwvrd.—This steamer arrived in harbor on Friday last. It appears that her prolonged absence was caused through the engines suddenly breaking down when off Charleston. Four days of calm or very light winds only enabled her to reach the Spit, under sail, and the heavy N.E. gale then set-in on the Saturday night compelled her to remain hove-to till Monday, on the evening of which she made the Spit, but was blown agaiu out by adverse winds. On Tuesday, spoke the Rangitoto, and put Greymouth mails and passengers on board; Wednesday and Thursday, again becalmed, and having suffered from want of watersent a boat to Totaranui for supplies ; on Friday tho Lady Barkly came up with her about twenty miles from Nelson, and towed her into port. A Large Cheese. — Mr. Charles Knight, of Apploby, has lately sent Home to his friends in Sussex, a cheese weighing 2251b5. It is the produce of the milk from thirty-seven cows, each of which was milked four times to produeo the quantity required. It is a handsome, well-formed cheese, a credit to any dairy, and ought to be exhibited at some agricultural show in England, where moßt probabiy it would secure the first prize. New Rushes at the Grey. —The Grey River Argus of May 10th, reports that an important rush has set in to a terrace on the first right-hand branch of Noble's Creek. The ground has been marked out for a considerable distance, and gold has been struck in, WW*) shafts, The prospectors speafc highly of, their i prospioti.-^AnQther rush b,a9 taJwn plew# ft Half-

j Messrs. Eod and Hounset.,l, quote fine silk-dressed h ' flour at £12 10s. per ton of 2000 lbs. Wheat is "' worth 4s. per bushel. Heavy Sea at Westport.—-The following private i- telegram was received by n gontleman ye9ter<iay:— a " Westport, May 16, 12.25 p.m.—Heavy sea here. v Water all around D. Leslie's stores, but it did not r come in. All is safe now, aB the sea hns gone down." Opening of a Catholic Chukch.— A Oathol Church has just been erected at Wakefield by the ■ exertions and the perseverance of the Catholics of '• that district. Although they have been assisted by t their friends and the diggers of the surrounding [j districts, yet they have had to bear the principal expense. However, they did it with remarkable readiness and good will. Those who could not afford » money contributed with their labor ; some with both 9 labor and money. The pews are a great credit to 8 Messrs. James Tomlinson and Edwin Fowler, junior, . who made them almost gratuitously ; the tabernacle, with the exposition, are the work and gift of Mr. * Stewart, junior; the plan was made by Mr. Stewart, 3 senior, and presented by him to the Church. Every I one admires its solidity and elegance, which, in its 3 simplicity, gives to the building a more religious f character. Mr. Q-ood, the contractor, did not spare tx'ouble nor expense in order to make a " good job of it," as he recommended it often to the workmen. The building, which is of a Gothic style, seems rather ? short in length, but this apparent defect will dis- ) appear when the plan, which is a Latin cross, will be 3 completed; and, as it is built of the best wood, and the heart of it, if one judges by its substantial appearance it must last many many yeai'3. It was ' on Saturday, May 7th, that the blessing of that i Church took place. The coremony began at eleven > a.m. The Rev. Father Garin, in cope, assisted by I the Rev. Father Chareyre, and followed by the faithful, went in procession round the outside of the walls, recitiDg prayers and sprinkling holy, water, then opened the door to continue, inside, the ceremony which had been performed outside. Mass was afterwards celebrated with the greatest solemnity, the choir of St. Mary's. Nelson, singing the Invitatory of Manner's, the ICyrie and Christe of Mozart's Mass No. 12, and Van Bree's Gloria, Credo, $'c; the precision and the taste which the singers and player displayed through the service had the greatest effect. The text of the sermon which was preached for the occasion was taken from Psalm 25 verse 8, " Lord, I have loved the beauty of thy house, and the place where thy glory dwelleth." After the service, at half-past two p.m., tea was served, at which about 250 sat down, under a tent kindly lent for the occasion. Meanwhile, some of the juvenile portion exercised their muscular powers by athletic sports. When tea was over, Father G-arin addressed the meeting, expatiating on the progress of that part of the Colony, not only in a temporal but also in a spiritual point of view. He had been living twenty years in Nelson, and ha could judge of the improve- ■ menta whioh had since been made. He begged to be excused when he remarked that, in some other respects, this circumstance was bringing to his mind certain recollections which elicited his gratitude to Divine Providence. This very day, the 7th of May, twenty years ago he came from Wellington to Nelson ; and he was now allowed to see the sixtieth anniversary of his birth, after having for that long period worked for tho cause of religion, and fought all these past years against Satan, tho enemy af God ; and he trusted that they (his hearers) would, at the decline of his days, assist him with their good prayers. The next day, Sunday, the, weather being very unfavorable, the muster was not so good; yet, one was surprised to see that the pews were nearly filled. Mas 3 began at eleven a.m. The choir sang Winter's Mass j and, after a short interval, vespers were sung, the Church dedicated to St. Joseph, and the solemn benediction given. The assistants could not be praised enough, for the efficiency with which, ou these two days, they played Masses which are by no means easy, but which require a great precision of execution. At each service there were instructions explaining why cererronies were used, holy water sprinkled, blessings made, prayers said in Latin, a Saint chosen and approved by the authority to be the patron of a | Church, &«., &c. The religious attendance of all present, though many of them bokmged to different persuasions, showed that every one was in reality doing a most solemn and religious act, and was impressed with the power of the Divinity; and there is no doubt that the opening of the Wakefield Church will leave in the minds of the inhabitants a lasting remembrance. The collection and tea on the first day was £47 10?. 10d., and on Sunday £o 14s. 4d. Such proceeds in a small community, shows how liberally they and their friends have acted in the erection of their Church.— Communicated. Football Match.—The College v. Town.— —An enthusiastic football player sends us the following account of this game:—Saturday was the day appointed for the match of football o between the College and the Town Club. The li Collegians showed well in their sporting uniform, c and looked well up to their work, and were decidedly v the favorites amongst the outsiders. The Town r players wore much stronger and larger than their c youthful opponents, and did not presont so good an J appearance, but were decidedly an improvement on n last year. The toss for the " kick off" having i: been won by the College, the respective sides ii are placed by the captains. First the " kick d off,"with the fast runners in attendance to follow up "\ the ball; next, a few to back them up, the " long r 1 kicks" in the rear, and then the " goal minders." The s other side stand well back to catch the ball for a run, c or long kick, to get it back past the " kick off," with t v few to charge the foremost of their opponents, t And now, what was comparative silence and in- ( activity, is suddenly converted into a rushing, noisy, shouting crew, and as the ball is kicked off the game d commences in earnest. Almost ns soon as the ball is Q amongst the Town playeft, the College have followed ( up, when a kick sends it over their heads again, and then it is seen first in one place, and then in another, <3 the whole field in hot pursuit. Now some player runs with it, and a general scrimmage ensues; it is all shove, pull, rush, and roll about in a confused v mass till " down" is cried, and away the ball goes again till perchance it gets in touch or caught. At a first the College players had it all their own way, and g seemed intent on rushing the goal before the Town playera shook themselves together; the ball was 0 repeatedly charged close up to~goal, but was always a got rid of safely. Now the Town side beginß to play better, and by taking advantage of a good chance, runs right down to the College Jgoal, and the ball is " touched down" behind goal, and when kicked out . before the College can charge him, Drew has kicked " a splendid goal for the Town, after a long and 8< obstinately contested game. After a short respite a the goals are changed, and the game resumed. Again c: the silence is broken with the usual cries of encouragement or yells, of " off side," " touch it down," " gott," &c, &o. Again the whole field seems in a rapid B move, in firßt one and then another direction, or c< engaged in a scrimmage, or a long run, or waiting di eagerly for the ball to be thrown in from " touch," ai while some unfortunate may be seen hopping temporarily to the" rear to repair damages. Everyone w seems now to be doing his beat, and the ball is first one end then another, and the little College boys are o] winding in and out amongst the big players in the b most remarkable way, and proving the truth of the r< adage, " There's many a slip between the cup and w the lip," by getting the ball away before some of the ci big ones seem to have made up their minds which way to kick it. Presently, with a cheer, the ball is kicked through the College goal by Clark, and so the game terminates in favor of the Town Club. The . day was very favorable, being rather cloudy, and "j quite calm ; and the field was decorated with a fair sprinkling of ladies, and a goodly number of the **! opposite sex, who seemed greatly to enjoy the ohange- T1 ful fortunes of the game. We believe a return match .. will be played between the same ndes ; and a match • is in contemplation between old Nelson Collegians in m tho club, and the club members who have not been P1 to Nelson College ; this, we believe, will take place on % Saturday next. A Sensible Dog.—The Dunedin Star Bays:— " Mr. Small, of Thatcher's Company, advertises in an te original manner. He has a retriever, which he sends F: down the various claims on the goldfields ha visits, G where men are working, with bills announcing th&tj A Thatcher plays at; that place that night, At thQ re t«tw$ tyh> pwjwrtlipg c»uwd nwiQh. emuwrawt,' 1

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Colonist, Volume XIII, Issue 1319, 17 May 1870, Page 3

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Colonist, Volume XIII, Issue 1319, 17 May 1870, Page 3

NEWS OF THE DAY. Colonist, Volume XIII, Issue 1319, 17 May 1870, Page 3