Home for Defective Children.
TO THE EDITOR. Sib, — Permit me to forward you the enclosed -correspondence for your perusal. By it you will see that Mrs M. C. Bottle (formerly of the Institute for Deaf and Dumb Children at Suraner, near Cliristqhurch) has been appointed matron of the Home for Defective • Children at Richmond, near Nelson. The home was opened about 18 month ago for the defective children of the whole of the colony, instead of locating such children in the various mental asylums, associating them with the insane. The home is a Government institution, and it has been comfortably furnished, and the children are provided with a liberal but plain diet. With providing a home and food the Government seems to consider it has fulfilled its obligation*; but that is surely not so. Some of the children are cripples, eorae blind, some epileptic some consumptive, and no less than 16 j cannot even dress or feed themselves. Their ages range from five to 16 years. Now, it is a fact that for 18 months these children have not been able to get beyond the precincts of the home for want of a conveyance. It has therefore been determined to procure a waggonette and pair of horses, which, under the charge of a male attendant and a nurse, can take these children (in batches) in fine weather into the country for a change. The Government has beer* approached, but cannot provide the requisite funds ; but on being again approached has promised pound for pound for this purpose. ! Will Otago friends kfndly help. Spmo 'of the inmates are from Otago. I have been requested to interest myself in this matter. As I know not how to approach so many persons who might wi6h to help, I have to request your aid, and trust you will kindly U6e the interest of your valuable paper and receive amonnts on ■ behalf of the children of this home, i Other centres of the colony have contributed in providing what some might term luxuries in the shape of playthings— toys, pictures, books, etc., and also Christmas cheer,— but outside fresh air is even moTe beneficial. It is the intention of the Government to enlarge the institution forthwith, when probably an additional 50 defective children will be added. ' Feeling 6ure of your kindly aid, I beg to enclose my subscription. — I am, etc., , S. C. Phillips. ! 6th July, 1907. P.S.— The bona fides of this appeal, can be vouched for and all moneys collected will be forwarded to Dr Hay, rnapector- . general of Mental Hospitals, for the special i purpose of providing a conveyance for the I defective children of the colony at tho I Home for Defectives at Richmond, Neteon. ! S. C. P. [Mr Phillips has sent— together with the correspondence, which we have reviewed— his cheque for £2 2s in aid of the fund.— 0.D;T.l
Home for Defective Children.
Otago Witness, Issue 2783, 17 July 1907, Page 18
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