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LIVERPOOL SPRING. Friday, March 30. grand national steeplechase, Of 2500sovs (inclusive of a trophy value lOOsovs), by subscription of 25sovs each ; the second received 300sovs and the third 200sovs out of the stakes A handicap. Grand National course, about four miles and 856 yards. Captain C. H. Fenwick's b g Why Not, by Castlereagh— Twitter, aged, 11.13 (A. Nightingall) 1 Mr J. M'Kinlay's b m Lady Ellen 11, by Prince George— Lady Ellen, 6vrs, 9.10 (T. Kavanagh) 2 Mr John Widgev's eh g Wild Man from Borneo, by Decider— Wild Duck, (Jyrs, 10.9 (Mr Jos. Widger) 3 Duke of Hamilton's eh m Trouville, by Beaurepaire—Woinika, 6yrs, 10.6 (Mr J. C. Cheney) 4 Mr C. Grenfell's b g Father O'Flynn, by Retreat—Kathleen, aged, 11.3 ... (Owner) 0 Lord Shaftesbury'B br h Carrollstown, by Hollywood, dam by Ascetic — Penelope, aged, 10.13 (G. Williamson) 0 Mr G. Grant's bl b. Ardcarn, by The King or Buckshot— Valeric, aged, 10.12 (Mr Bewicke) 0 Captain Michael Hughes's b g yEsop, by Chippendale— Fable, aged, 10.12 (G. Mawfon) 0 Mr F. B. Atkinson's b m Nelly Gray, by Ben Battle— Peace. syrs, 9.12 (H. Escott) 0 Mr M. A. Maher'B br m Schooner, by Favo— Pinnace, 6yrs, 9.12 (W. Taylor) 0 Mr Mark Firth's b g Musician, by Harmonium —The Kitten, aged, 9.10 (F. Hassall) 0 Mr Lort Phillips's b g Varteg Hill, by Masaniello—Lady Teazle, aged, 9.10 ... (D. Davies) 0 Mr J. C. Leslie's br g Calcraft. aged, 9.10 (Mr A. H. Ripley) 0 Mr E. Storey's eh g Dawn, by Silver Crown — Old Fashion, 6yrs, 9.7 (G.Morris) 0 Betting: 5 to 1 agst Why Not and Nelly Gray, 11 to 2 Ardcarn, 6 to 1 JSsop, 100 to 7 Father O'Flynn, 25 to 1 Lady Ellen 11, Trouville, Schooner, Dawn, and Musician, 40 to 1 Wild Man from Borneo, 50 to 1 Carrolistown and Varteg Hill, 100 to 1 Calcraft. Schooner made running from iE^op, Trouville, Father O'Flynn, and Dawn. After jumpiDg the first fence iEsop joined Schooner, and they went on side by side from Father O'Flynn and Trouville. All proceeded smoothly to Becher's, where the casualties commenced with the comiDg to prief of Calcraft, and two fences further on Nelly Gray, who had taken the lead, jumped the wing on the left hand, and fell outside the course. /Esop, Trouville, Musician, and Lady Ellen II then kept company to the canal side, where the last-named assumed the command. Entering the inner circle of the racecourse, Dawn carried his colours to the fore from Musician. The ditch fence near the distance post was cleared by /Esop, Dawn, and Musician together, and in the order their names are written they jumped the stand water closely together from Lady Ellen 11. Entering the country Dawn began to tire, aud, like Ardcarn, was pulled up half a mile further on, iEsop now leading from Lady Ellen 11, Wild Man from Borneo, and Why Not. At Becher's Father O'Flyun, who had been going well, dissolved partnership with Mr Grenfell, and soon afterwards Lady Ellen II was in the van from Why Not and Wild Man from Borneo. A mile from home Lady Ellen II held a six lengths' advantage of Why Not, who was in turn as far behind Wi^d Man from Borneo.As they approachod the third fecca from home Why Not caught Lady Ellen 11, aud in turn obtained a slisjht advantage, but Wild Man from Borneo was also improving his position, and when he went to the front between the two last fencea the race seemed almost over. Why Not was on the best ground, however, though
hugging the rails, and over the final obstacle he had a neck or so the best of Wild Man from Borneo, wLh Lady Ellen II keeping up the pursuit on the whip hand. For the remainder of the journey every yard was contested, and a powerful finish on the part of Arthur Nightingall landed him the winner by a length and a-half from Lady Ellen 11, who in turn secured second money from Wild Man from Borneo by a head. Trouville was a very bad fourth, about a length in advance of /Esop, with Musician a long way off, with Carrollstown seventh, Schooner eighth, and Varfceg Hill ninth and last. Time, 9min 45§sec. " Value of the stakes, £1975.
Saturday, March 31. Liverpool spring cup, Of 726sovs ; a handicap. One mils and three furlongs. Mr Manton's eh m Shrine, by Clairvaux or Isonomy — Pilgrimage, aged, 7.5 ... (Allsopp) 1 Mr Houldsworth s b h Bushey Park, syrs, 710 (W.Pratt) 2 Mr M. D. Peacock's eh g Golden Drop. syrs, 8.1 (S. Chandley) 3 Lord Cadogan's Seaton Delaval, syrs, 7.4 [car. 7.5] (Finlay) 4 Mr Jersey's Lady Rosebery. aged, 9.0 (S. Loates) 0 Lord Ellesmere's Phocion, 4yrs, 7.11 (T. Loates) 0 Sir J. Blundell Maple's Macready, syrs, 7 0 (Bradford) 0 Mr J. Lowther's Low Moor, 4yrs, 6 6 (H. Toon) 0 Betting : 10 to 1 agst Golden Drop, 100 to 8 Bushey Park, 25 to 1 Shrine. Inside the distance the hard-ridden Seaton Delaval dropped out, and with Shrine readily shaking off Bushey Park, who passed Golden Drop opposite the stand, she won by three lengths ; a length between second and third. Time, 2min 24 2-ssec.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2100, 24 May 1894, Page 31
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878RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 2100, 24 May 1894, Page 31
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RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 2100, 24 May 1894, Page 31
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