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LIVERPOOL SUMMER. Friday, July 22. Mersey stakes, Of 600sovs, for two-year-olds. Five furlongs and a-half. Lcrd Londonderry's eh c Inferno, by Robert the Devil-Beatrice, 9.6 (F.Webb) 1 Mr W. Cooper's br f Armorel, by Florentine— Ursuia, 8.4 ..". (J. Woodburn) 2 Mr R. Marsh's b c Tanderagee, by Morgan— Balornock, 8.12 (Fagan) 3 Mr Tenby's Salerno, 8.7 (Allsopp) 0 Sirß. Jardine'sFitz-Fife, 8.7 (Platt) 0 Col. North's Nitrate Prince, 8.7 (M. Cannon) 0 Betting : 15 to 8 agst Armorel, 5 to 2 Inferno, 7 to 2 Tanderagee. Joint running was made by Tanderagee and Armorel. At the distance Inferno closed with Armorel and won a good race by a head. LIVERPOOL CUP, Of 1200dovs ; the second received 150sovs, and the third lOOsovs from the stakes ; by subscripttion of 25sovs each. One mile and three furlongs. Col. North's b h Nunthorpe, by Speculum or Camballo— Matilda, 6yrs, 8.11 (M. Cannon) 1 Baron do Hirsch's b c Windgall, 3yrs, 6.13 (Peako t Mr Bluudell Maple's b orbr c Clarence, 3yrs, 7.6 (J. Woodburn) t Sir R. Jardine's b c Enniskillen, 4yrs, 7.5 (Platt) 4 Mr Abington's b m Lady Rosebery, aged, 9.2 (F.Webb) 0 Mr 11. M. Dyas' b m Alice, syrs, 8.10 ' (S. Chandler) 0 Duke of Beaufort's gr m Coromandul, syrs, 7.8 (R. Chaloncr) 0 Mr J. T. Davies 1 eh c Chesterfield, 4yrs, 7.4 (Allsopp) 0 Mr J. Charlton's eh c St. Cyr, 4yrs, 7.4 (Mullen) 0 (Winner trained by R. Sherwood, sen.) Betting : 9to 4 agst Nunthorpe, 4to 1 Clarence, 100 to 7 Wiudgall. Half way up the straight Coromandel and Lady Rosebery were beaten, and Windgall drew to the front followed by Clarence and Nunthorpe. At the distance, Nunthorpe on the rails assumed the command, and vigorously ridden by M. Cannon, won a good race by a neck from Clarence and Windgall, who ran a dead heat for second place. Time, 2min 28 3-ssec. Value of the stakes, L 925. GOODWOOD. Tuesday, July 26. stewards' cup, Of 300aovs, added to a sweepstakes of lOsovs each ; the second received 50sovs out of the stakes. Entrance 3sovs. T.Y.C. Duke of Devonshire's eh h Marvel, by Marden —Applause 11, syrs, 8.8 (Colling) 1 Lord Durham's eh c Peter Flower, 4yrs, 8.10 (F. Rickaby) 2 Mr D. Cooper's eh c Hildebert, 4yrs, 7.7 (Bradford) 3 Colonel O. Montagu's eh c Noverre, 4yrs, 7.5 (Peake) 4 Mr Blundell Maple's Prince Hampton, 4yrs, 9.5 (J. Watts) 0 Mr A. Kilsyth's Euclid, 3yrs, 8 8 (G. Brown) 0 Lord Bradford's Cuttlestone, 4yrs, 8.6 (T. Weldon) 0 Colonel North's Iddesleigh, 6yr3, 8 4 (R. Chaloner) 0 Mr J. Gubbin's John Morgan, syrs, 8.4 (J.J. Griffiths) 0 Prince Soltykoff's'.Woolsthorpe, 4yrs. 8.3 (J. E. Tomlisson) 0 Lord Rosslyn's Adieu, 4yrs, 8.2 (J. Fagan) 0 Colonel North's Lady Hermit, 3yrs, 8.2 (M. Cannon) 0 Sir F. Johnstone's Polyglot, 3yrs, 8.0 (G. Barrett) 0 Mr John Charlton's Lady Lena, 3yrs, 7.13 (C. Loates) 0 Mr M'Calmont's Belmont, syrs, 7.12 - (G. Chaloner) 0 Mr Brodrick-Cloete's Unicorn, 4yrs, 7.12 (J. Woodburn) 0 Mr Hamar Bass' Rusticus, 6yrs, 7.12 (T.Mullen) 0 Mr Fairies Galeopsis, 3yrs, 7.9 (F. Pratt) 0 Lord Haßtings' Jeasamy, 4yrs, 7.9 (Finlay) 0 Lord Ilchester's FJorrie, 3yrs, 7.3 (J. Wall) 0 Lord Durham's Vivien, 3yrs, 7.2 (A. Watts) 0 General Owen Williams' Pensioner, 3yrs. 7.2 (Allsopp) 0 Duke of Beaufort's Platoon, 3yrs, 7.2 (A. Birch) 0 Colonel Heyward's Kentigern, 4yrs, 7.0 (Utting) 0 Sir James Miller's Jodel, syrs, 6.12 (H. Wheeler) 0 Lord Dudley's St. Odille, 3yrs, 6.8 (H. Toon) 0 Major Wickham's Mock Orange, 3yrs, 6.7 (P. Chaloner) 0 Mr "r. Blewitt's Quidnunc, 3yrs, 6.8 (P. Chandley) 0 Mr A. Taylor's Minuet, 4yrs, 6.6 (Gough) 0 Duke of Portland's Anna, 3yrs, 6.3. (Norman) 0 Betting : 11 to 2 agst Cuttlestone, 1000 to 45 Marvel and Peter Flower, 25 to 1 Hildobort. As they approached the distance Peter Flower and Marvel singled themselves out from Noverre, Cuttlcstone, Woolsthorpe, and Mock Orange. Soon afterwards Marvel shot out and for a stride or two seemed to bo leaving Peter Flower, but the latter stuck to his work and in an exciting finish was only beaten by a neck. Value of the stakes, L 837. RICHMOND STAKES, Of 25sovs each, with 500aovs added, second received 200sovs, and the third 1003ovs out of the stakes. For two-year-olds. T.Y.C. Mr J. H. Houldsworth's eh c Inverdon, by Springfield— Rosello, 8.10 (M. Cannon) 1 Prince Soltykoff's b or br c Haddon, by Mask— Flitaway, 8.11 (F.Webb) 2 Mr W. Cooper's br f Armorel, by Florentine— Ursulu, 8.7 (G.Barrett) 3 Mr John Charlton's Watch Tower, 8.13 (G. Chaloner) 0 Lord Hindlip's Craig Maskeldie, 8.10 (J. Watts) 0 Mr T. Jennings' Lord William, 8.10 (Peake) 0 Mr L. de Rothschild's Bendemeor, 8.10 (C. Loates) 0 Lord Kesteven's Lyrinue, 8.7 (T. Weldon) 0 Duke of Portland's Miss Mildred, 8.7 (Allsopp) 0 Betting : 9to 4 agst Inverdon, 6 to 1 Armorel, 100 to 12 Haddon. Armorel and Inverdon drew out at the distance, but a little further on Haddon made his effort, and finishing a good race with Inverdon, the favourite won by a neck. Value of the stake, L 942. Wednesday, July 27. fiOODWOOD STAKES, Of 20soya each, with 300sovs added ; the second received SOsovs out of the stakes. Two miles aud a-half. Mr C. J. Merry's b li Ralph Neville, by Camballo—The Interloper, syrs, 7.12 ... (Finlay) 1 Mr E. Loder's eh f Billow, 4yrs, 8.2 (M. Cannon) 2 Mr J. Charlton's b f Madame Neruda 11, 4yrs, 7.10 (C. Loates) 3 Mr G. B. Burton's eh h Barmecide, 6yrs, 8.7 (G.Barrett) 4 Mr A. Kilsyth's b f Penelope, 4yrs, 8.2 (G. Brown) 0 Duke of Beaufort's gr m Coromandel, syrs, 8.0 (R. Chaloner) 0 Mr H. Milner's b c Certosa, 3yrs, 7.8 (Woodburn) 0 Mr H. Cox's b c Andante, 3yrs, 6.10 (Allsopp) 0 Lord Durham's b cßithynian, 3yrs, 6.2 (Bradford) 0 Betting : 4to 1 agst Billow and Ralph Neville, 100 to 15 Madame Neruda 11. Ralph Neville entered the straight four lengths clear of Bithynian, behind whom came Barmecide, Billow, and Madame Neruda 11. As they entered the rails, Ralph Neville swerved, and this enabled Billow and Madame Neruda II to reduce the gap. Not that they ever got on terms, and driven for nearly a mile Ralph Neville stuck to his work and won by four lengths from Billow ; three lengths between second and third. Time, smin 7 2 ssec. Value of the stakes, LSBO. SUSSEX STAKES, Of 25iovs each ; the second received 200sove, and
the third lOOsovs out of the stakes. For three-year-olds. New mile. Duke of Westminster's b c Orme, by Ormonde -Angelica, 91 .. (G. Barrett) 1 Baron de Hirsch's br c Watercress, 9.1 Mr J. H. Houldsworth's b c Bushey Park, 8.10 .. T7 , , ._ „ (M. Cannon) 3 Mr J. Durward sb c Drogo, 8.10 (Fagan) 4 Lord Bradford's blk c FJank March, 8 10 Mr H. Milner's eh f Adoration, 8.11 (F. Webb) 0 Betting 5 to 1 on Orme, 10 to 1 agst Watercress, 100 to 7 Bushey Park. * So well was Watercress going' below the distance that Barrett had to call upon Orme who at pnee responded, and after the issue had hung in tho balance until 50yds from the chair, the odds were landed rather cleverly by a head, WaterCle ?a having pecked opposite the stand. Time, limn 43 2-ssec. Value of the stakes, LS22. Thursday, July 28. _ , „„ , gordon stakes, Of 30sovs each, with 500sovs added : the second horse to receive 10 per cent., and the third 5 per cent, on the whole stake. Craven Course (one mile two furlongs). Lord Rosslyn's b c Buccaneer, by Privateer— Primula, <iyrs, 9.3 (G.Barrett) 1 Mr Rose's b f Lorette, 3yrs, 7.11 nr T tt tt ( J - Woodburn) 2 Mr J. H. Houldsworth's b c Bushey Park. 3yrs, r« 8 ,' 5 xT «v, (W. Heckford) 3 Col. North s b f Lady Hermit, 3yrs, 8.7 (M Cannon) 0 Betting: 6 to 4 on Buccaneer, 2 to 1 agst Lorette, 50 to 1 Bushey Park. As they descended the hill Bushey Park and Lady Hermit were in difficulties, and at the entrance to the rails Lorette hart reached the heels of Buccaneer, but she was hanging badly, and with no improvement to tho end sustained an easy defeat by three lengths. Time, 2min Msec. Value of the stakes, L 497. ROUS MEMORIAL STAKES, Of 20sovs each, with 500sovs added for the owner, and lOOsovs for the nominator of tho winnor ; for two-year-olds ; the second received lOOsovs out of the stakes. T. Y.C. Mr H. Milner's eh f Medora, by Bend Or— Agneta, 8.13 (F.Webb) 1 Prince SoltykofTs b or br c Haddon, 8.7 „ nn „ , , , (M. Cannon) 2 Mr R. H. Combe s br f Evermore, 8.13 Duke of Portland's b or br c Kilmarnock, 8.11 T *n „.*. ( J - Watts) 4 Lord Calthorpe's Legality, 9.0 (G. Chaloner) 0 Baron de Rothschild's Medicis, 8.13 (C. Loates) 0 Betting : 6to 4 agst Kilmarnock, 7 to 2 Evermore, 5 to 1 Haddon, 10 to 1 Medora. Won in a canter by three lengths ; half as far between second and third. Time, lmin 17 3-sscc. Value of the stakes, L 1230. GOODWOOD CUP, Value 300sovs, added to a sweepstakes of 20sovs each ; half the sweepstakes to go to the second. Two miles and a-half. Mr D. Baird's b h Martagon, by Bend Or— Tiger Lily, syrs, 9.10 .. ..'. (J. Watts) 1 Duke of Westminster's br h Blue-green, Syrs, 9.10 (G. Barrett) 2 Colonel North's eh c Colorado, 4yrs, 8.12 (M. Cannon) 3 Betting : 11 to 8 on Martagon, 2to 1 agat Bluegreen, 10 to 1 Colorado. Blue-green cut out the work for a mile, where Colorado took second place. They continued in this order for another six furlongs, when tho three drew closer together. At the same time Blue-green continued to show well in advance, and half way down the hill Martagon on the outside passed Colorado. He now waited upon Blue* green until a distance and a-half from home, when he was sent to the front and obtained an advantage of nearly a length. This encouraged Blue-green, who struggled on in such determined style that he reduced it to an " all out " verdict of a neck ; a bad third. Time, smin 12sec. Value of the stakes, L 370. PRINCE OF WALES' STAKES, Of 20030VS each subscription for two-year-olds ; the second received 400sovs out of the stakes, and the third saved stake. T.Y.C Mr D. Baird's b or br f Silene, by St. Simon — Palmflower, 8.11 (J. Watts) 1 Mr J. H. Houldsworth's eh c Inverdon, 9st (M. Cannon) 2 General Owen Williams' br c Haut Brion, 9st (G. Chaloner) 3 Lord Bradford's Deal/ 8.11 ... (Weldon) 0 Mr R. H. Combe's Bill of Portland, 9.0 (Rickaby) 0 Betting: 11 to 8 agst Bill of Portland, 85 to 40 Haut Brion, 5 to 1 Inverdon, 100 to 12 Silene. As they entered the rails Bill of Portland began to hang, and had no sooner dropped out below the distance than Inverdon joined Haut Brion and raced together tor a few strides, when Silene gave them the go-by, and won easily by three lengths. Time, lmin i6sec. Value of the stakes, L 3200. Friday, July 29. Nassau stakes, Of 30sovs each, with 200 added. The second received lOOsovs. For three-year-old fillies. Old mile. Baron de Hirsch's br f La Fleche, by St. Simon— Quiver, 9.8 (G.Barrett) 1 Mr H. Milner's b f Broad Corrie, by Hampton— Corrie Roy, 9.1 (F.Webb) 2 Mr Fairies chf First Flight, by Melton—Selection, 8.10 (J. Watts) 3 Lord Durham's Vivian, 8.10 ... (Rickaby) 0 Mr J. H. Houldsworth's Glenayes, 8.10 (M. Cannon) 0 Betting : 11 to Bon La Fleche, sto 2 agst Broad Corrie, 100 to 12 First Flight. A mile from home Broad Corrie drew into second place, but was unable to do more than reach La Fleche's neck, who shook her off oppoI site the lawn, and won easily by a length and a-half. Value of the stakes, L 590. BRIGHTON. Wednesday, August 3. Brighton cup, Of 50030v5, added to a sweepstake of lOsovs each. One mile. Lord Rosslyn's b c Buccaneer, by PrivateerPrimula, 4yrs, 9.9 (G. Barrett) 1 Mr Abifigton's b m Lady Rosebery, aged, 9.6 (F.Webb) 2 Mr J. N. Astley's br g Mark Price, syrs, 8.2 (M. Cannon) 3 Mr Lowther's eh c Workington, 6yrs, 9.9 (J. Watts) 0 Betting : 11 to Bon Buccaneer, 3to 1 agat Lady Rosebery, 8 to 1 Mark Price. At the distance Lady liasebery had reached the firths of Buccaneer, who was being hard ridden to eep in front, ile contrived to run on gamely under his difficulties, and with the mare rini&bing less resolutely than the horse she was beaten by a neck, Mark Price being three lengths off third, and Workington last. Time, Imm 40 4-saec. Value of the stakes, L 485.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2013, 22 September 1892, Page 29
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2,137RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 2013, 22 September 1892, Page 29
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RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 2013, 22 September 1892, Page 29
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