Of 20sov8 each, h ft, with 600 added ; the 6econd received 10 per cent, and the third 5 per cent. ; on the whole Btake. One. jnile and two furlongs. Sir F Johnstone'sch c Friar's Balsam, by HermitFlower of Dorset, 3yrs, 8.5 ... (G Barrett) 1 Mr Vyner's b h.Minton, by Lord Lyon— Mint Sauce, syrs, 9.0 a , (FWebb) 2 Mr H Milner'e b f Zanzibar, by Sterhng-Lady Paramount, 3yrs, 8.2 ... (B Martin) 3 Mr T -Jennings, jun., b f Mamia, by- Speculum, '4yr8,8.11 (T Cannon) 4 Prince Soltykoff 'B eh f Love-in-idleness, by Mask, 3yrf1,8.12... ... ... (W Robinson) 0 Dpke of Beaufort's bl or br o Benburb, by Ben Battle, 3yrfl, 8.5 ... ... (F Barrett) 0 Btttting : 100 to 60 on Minting, 5 to 2 against Friar's Balsam, 20 to 1 against Zanzibar. 33enburb made running from Zanzibar on the left, Friar's Balsam settling down third in the centre. They ran in 'this order to theT.Y.C. winning post, when Friar's Balsam assumed the command, with Minting in attendance. As they descended the hill from the Bushes Barrett and Webb were sitting perfectly still, and their horses rapidly drew clear of Zanzibar, who was almost caught in the Abingdon Mile Bottom by Mamia. The pair had nothing to do, however, with the finish, and when Minting became fairly extended he did not last very long, as he was all abroad a couple of hundred yards from home, and Friar's Balsam, without bring asked a question, won in a canter by half a length ; a bad third. Mamia was placed fourth, and Benburb finished last, Value of the stakes, £1071 10s.
Otago Witness, Issue 1933, 7 December 1888, Page 26
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