NEWMARKET. July 5, 6, 7, 8. JULY STAKES, Of 50sovs each ; for two-year-olds ; second received lOOsovb out of the stakes, and third saved stake ; New T.Y.C. Sir F Johnstone's br c I/iar'a Balsam, by Hermit —Flower of Dorset, 9st ... (T Cannon) 1 Lord Calthorpe's Seatreeze, 9st ... (S Loates) 2 Lord Bradford's Chillington, 9st (G Barrett) 3 Duke of Hamilton's Lunan, Bst 111b ... (Watts) 0 Betting : 85 to 40 on Friar's Balsam, 9 to 4 agst Seabreeze, and 25 to 1 either of the others. Friar's Balsam made the whole of the running, followed by Seabreeze, and won by threequarters of a length ; a bad third. IMPERIAL GOLD CUP, Value 600sov8, added to a sweepstakes of lOsovs each* Six furlongs. Duke of Westminster's b h Ormonde, by Band Or— Lily Agnes, 4yrs, 9st 3lb (T Cannon) 1 Sir G Chetwynd's Whitefriar. 4yrs, 9st 71b (Wood) 2 L«rd Hastings' Lovegold, 3yrs, 7st 111b (F Barrett) 3 Betting : 1000 to 30 on Ormonde, 50 to 1 agst Whitefriar, and 100 to 1 Lovegold. Ormonde made all the running, and won by two lengths; a bad third. ZETLAND PLATE, Of 300sovs, added to a sweepstake of lOsovs each ; for three-year-olds. Duke of Beaufort's br c Belisarius 11, by Pero Gomez— lschia, Bst 101b ... ... (Wood) 1 Mr R H Combe's Maxim, Bst 51b (Rickaby) 2 Lord Zetland's Gale, Bst 71b ... (E Martin) 3 Mr Leopold de Rothschild's Genista, Bst 7lb O? Barrett) 0 Betting : Even on Belisarius 11, 9to 4 agst Maxim, 5 to 1 Genista, and 8 to 1 Gale. Genista made the running from Maxim and Gale for three-quarters of a mile, when Belisarius II overhauled the leader, and won in a canter by five lengths ; a bad third. CHESTERFIELD STAKES, Of 30sovs each ; for two-year-olds ; second received lOOsovs, and the third saved stakes. Five furlongs. Duke of Portland's b c Ayrshire, by Hampton — Atalanta, 9st 31b ... ... (Wood) 1 Mr A Benholm's Bartizan. Bst 101b (F Barrett) 2 Lord Hartington's c, by Barcaldine— Chaplet, Bst 101b ... ... •■• (W Lashmar) 3 Mr B H Combe's Simon Pure, Bst 101b (Eickaby) 0 Duke of Hamilton's Disappointment (late Ottoline). Bst 71b (carried Bst 81b) ... (Watts) 0 Mr Manton's A Life's Mistake, Bst 71b (G Barrett) 0 Betting : Even on Ayrshire, sto 1 each agst Bartizan and A Life's Mistake, 6 to' 1 Disappointment, 20 to 1 Simon Pure, and 50 to 1 Chaplet colt. When the flag fell Bartizan came away with the lead, and made strong running from A Life's Mistake, Ayrshire, and Simon Pure. Ayrshire took second place a furlong from home, and, catching Bartizan close to the post, won a good race by half a length ; a bad third. JULY HANDICAP, Of lOsovs each, with 300 added. Six furlongs. Mr F Lawson's be Gervas, byTrappist—Deadlock, 3yrs, 6Bt 111b ... ... (Dunn) 1 Mr A Benholm's Braw Lass, 4yrs. 7st 3lb (J Woodburn) 2 Mr Mackenzie's Upset, 4yrs, 6st 9lb (T Loates) 3 Sir G Chetwynd's Whttefriar, 4yrs, 9st 31b (Wood) 0 Mr Childwlck'a Sweetheart, 3yrs, 7st 21b (Allsopp) 0
Duke of Hamilton's Chatter, 4yrs, 6st 31b (allowed 51b) ... ... ... (W Gray) 0 Mr D Baird's Petulance, 3yrs, 6st2lb (allowed 51b) (F Pratt) 0 Lord Hartington's Isosceles, 3yrs, 6st 71b (Wall) 0 Mr J H Houldsworth's Agave, 3yrs, 6st 71b (carried 6st9lb) ... ... ... (Warne) 0 Duke of Beauford's Fealty, 3yrs, 6st lib „ (W Blake) 0 Mr Manton's Intruder, 3yra, 6st (G Chaloner) 0 Betting : 4to 1 agst Braw Lass, 85 to 20 Gervas, 6 to 1 Isosceles, 100 to 15 Whitefriar, and 11 to 1 Fealty. * Braw Lass settled down in front of Gervas and Isosceles, with Upßet and Whitefriar next, and in this order they ran to the foot of the hill, where Upset drew to the front, but he was shortly afterwards headed by Gervas and Braw Lass, and the former, coming right away in the last 100 yds, won in a canter by a length and a half, three lengths separating second and third ; Chatter was fourth, Whitefriar fifth, Isosceles and Fealty next, the last pair being Intruder and Agave.