May 7.
THE JUBILEE STAKES, Of 3000 guineas, by subscription of 10 guineas each, a further subscription of 20 guineas, and an additional subscription of 20 guineas for starters ; the second received '200bovb, and the third < lOOsovs. One mile. 76aubs. , f, Mr H T Barclay^ br h Bendigo, by Ben Battle— • Hasty Girl, aged, 9st 71b ... (J Watts) 1 Mr F Douglas's eh cMartley, by Doncaster— Lady Mar'garette, 3yra, 6ut 121b ... (Chandler) 2 Mi; J Daly's oh g Tyrone, by York — Olyda, 4yre, 7atfllb ,' ... ... ... (Warne) 3 Sir G Ohetwynd's br c Fullerton, by Touchet--Caroline, 4yrs,Bst ... ..\ (OWood) i Duke of Westminster's St. Mirin, 4yrs, Bst 131b ! (G Barrett), 0 Mr Naylor's Fulmen, aged, Bst 21b (J Woodburn) 0 Lord Bradford's Isobar, &yrs, Bst ... ( J Fagan) ■ 0 Sir W ThrockmortonVAnnamite, 3yn, 7st lllb (E Martin) 0 Captain Machell's Kllwarlin, 3yrs, 7at 101b , ' ' (S Loates) 0 Mr OhildwlckVHarpenden, 4yrs, 7sb 21b ' ' "■ (Alhopp) 0 Lord Ailesbury's Gallinule, 3yrs, 7st 31b (Cotterell) 0 Mr W J Legh's Veracity, 3yrs, 7st 31b... (Calder) 0 Mr W Gilbert's Vermilion, aged, 6st lllb (A White) 0 Colonel Forester's Ice, 3yrß, 6st 81b ' ... (J Wall) 0 - Mr T Cannon's Tib, 4yrs, 6st 81b ... (T Loates) 0, General O Williams's colt by Bruar— Tuba, 3yrs, ssti2lb ... | ... ... (GChaloner) 0 Mr Manton's Claymore, 3yrs, sst 121b ' , 1 (Cleminson) 0 Mr G Cleveland's Fra Diavolo, 3yrs, sst 71b (G Bates) 0 Betting : 4to 1 agst- Bendigo, 9 to 2 St. Mirin, 100 to 14 Kilwarlin, 8 to 1 Annamite, 10 to 1 Harpenden, 100 to 8 Claymore, 100 to 7 Fullerton, 100 to 6 Tib, 20 to 1 Tyrone, 25 to 1 each Isobar, Veracity, and Martley. ' ■ < When the signal was given the Tuba colt bolted out of the course to the left, and Veracity made running from Isobar, Claymore, Martley, Gallinule,, and Tyrone. These formed the vanguard from Ice, Fulmen, Fra Diavolo, Annamite, and Bendigo, and the last two were Fullerton and Vermilion, immediately behind Tib and St. Mirin. In the first quarter of a mile Tyrone joined Veracity, and the pair went on side by side from Martley, Harpenden, .Veracity, and Claymore, who lost the company .of Gallinule before the completion of half the journey.' His. place was quickly filled up by Annamite, with Bendigo in the latter's track, ■ and in turn about level with Kilwarlin: With Claymore always travelling on the ontside he .became harmless long before reaching the bend, and Veracity did not hold his ground into the line for Home, In the meantime Vermilion had, with rapid strides, joined the front rank, and as they entered the straight she was fourth, with Tyrone and Martley showing the way, from Harpenden. : Immediately behind these came Annamite, Bendigo, and Kilwarlin, of whom the last-named swerved aoross St. Mirin just as he was 'taking a good place, and nearly knocked' him down. Fullerton did not escape disappaintment at the same tune, although in his case Wood at once steered to the outside,, whereas St. Mirin remained in a hopeless berth. As he approached the distance Annamite compounded, and with Tyrone and .Martley battling the one against the other clear of Harpenden it did not' seem possible for Bendigo, who ,had- just passed Vermilion, to .overtake them. But the moment that Watts hit him with the whip he began to make up his ground with big strides, and as Martley swerved' to the left opposite the stand it gave Bendigo plenty of room to draw out and win cleverly by three-parts of a length. In spite of his erratic course in the last hundred yards Martley managed to beat Tyrone by a head for second place, and the latter was in turn only the same in advance of Fullerton, who had been encompassed with difficulties before he obtained a dear line.- Harpenden was, a couple of lengths off, fifth, Vermilion sixth, St. Mirin seventh, Annamite eighth,, Fra Diavolo ninth, Tib tenth, Kilwarlin eleventh, Ice twelfth, and Veracity thirteenth, with Fulmen, Gallinule, Isobar, and Claymore the last four. Time, lmin 43 3-ssec. Value of the stakes to the winner, £2850.