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ASCOT. June 8, 0, 10, 11. ASCOT STAKES HANDICAP, Of 25sovs each, with 500 adiM for the winner, 100 for the second : third received . Osova oufc of the stake. About two miles. Lord Eilesmere's b m Helimld, by Hampto'i— Belle of Bury, syrs,7st lllb \.J Woodlmrn) 1 Lord Harbington's Sir Kenno'h, 4yr.-, 9st (Wood) 2 Mr D Biiird's St. Michael , oyrs, 7sb Sib (Or Barrett) 3 Sir R Jardine's Greenbank, Oyrs, 7st 131 b (Bowman) 0 Mr L do liothschiid's Beaver, 3yrs, <ssfc 1 lib (car. Tst) ... ... ... (FBanett) 0 Mr W Burton's Fulham, lyrs. 6st 71b ( ar. Ust 91b) (Arnull) 0 Mr A James' Astrachan, 3jrs, 6st 4lb (liobituou) 0 Captain Mitchell's Lady's Maid, 3yrs. 6st 31b (SharpH) 0 Duke of Beaufort's Winter Cherry, 3yrs. i\-t lib (Calder) 0 Mr E Ten Broeek's Blue Lias, oyrs, sat 10 b (T Loates) 0 Mr T Jennings, jun.'s Stanislas, 3yrs, ost 81b (car. sstlllb) ... ... ... Peake 0 Betting : 7to 2 agst Astrachan, 9 to 2 agst Sir Kenneth, 6 to 1 agst Beaver, 10 to 1 eueh agst Winter Cherry and Fulham, 100 to 15 agst Lady's Maid, 100 to 7 agst Belinda, and 20 to 1 agsb Greenbank. St. Michael, on the inside, was first away, followed by Beaver, Winter Cherry, and Fulham, with Sir Kenneth last. At the turn past the stand Beaver and Fulham had headed St. Michael, who rapidly fell away, being passed m succession by Astrachan, Winter Cherry, and Blue Lias. There was no material change m this order ai the horses ran into the Swinley Bottom, by which t,ime St. Michael had joined Sir Kenneth m the rear. At the Brick Kilns Winter Cherry ran up to Beaver, and, with Fulham close np, the trio came on from Astrachan and Blue Lias. In another 200 yards St. Michael began to improve his position. On rounding the bend into the straight Beaver and Winter Cherry were still together at the head of the others, with Fulham third : but the latter falling away as soon as the horses were fairly m a line for home, St. Michael and Belinda became third and fourth. At the distance Beaver could not keep pace with the rest, and was speedily overtaken by Belinda, Sir Kenneth, and St. Michael, to whom the issue of the race was thenceforth confined. The three named ran for nearly 100 yards m a line, but m the last 50 yards Belinda came out and won a fine race by half: a length ; a neck divided second and third. Time, 3min 45sec. Value of the stakes, £1085. PIEINCK OK WALES STAKES. Of 50sovs each, with 1000 added. For three-year-olds ; second received SOJsovs, and the third 20t)sovs out of thes akes. New course, one mile live furlongs. Duke of Bsaufort's eh c Button Park, by Avontes — Maksurc, Bst 101 b ... ...(G Barrett) tl Mr J Houldsworth's c by Springfield Morgiana Bst3lb ... ... ... (Lashmar) t2 Sir It Jardine's Riversdale, Bst 31b ... (Osborne) 3 Mr T Jenningß, jun.'s Calais, Bst 31b (Tomlinson) 0 Prince Soltykoff's Wise Child, Bst 01b (Wood) 0 MrManton;sTlieSuu,Bst3lb ...(F Barrett) 0 Lord Bradford's Martinet, Bst lSlb ... (Watts) 0 Lord Alington's Candlemas, Ost lib ... (Archer) 0 Duke of Beaufort's Ariel, BsG 101 b ... (Wilkins) 0 Betting : sto 2 agst Candlemas, 4to 1 Martinet, 9 to 2 Riversdale, 11 to 2 Button Park, 100 to 8 each Wise Child and Calais, 20 to 1 the Morgiana colt, and 33 to 1 Ariel. On the fall of the flag the nine horses ran almost m a line for a couple of hundred yards, after which Riversdale went to the front, attended by the Morgian.i colt, The Sun, Button .Park, with Ariel and Martinet close behind, and Calais last. At the Brick Kilns, the position of the leaders remained unchanged, with the exception that the Morgiana colt drew nearer to Riversdale. Riversdale was leading into the straight, but only just m front of the Morgiana colt and Button Parks, who was still going strongly, with Can Uenu-s next Up the straight an exciting race was run, and it was not until opposite the stand that Riversdale showed signs of being beaten. No sooner did he falter than Button Park and the Morgiana colt became fii-st and second. The three leaders ran gamely, but Riversdale already beaten, could not overhaul the other two, who ran a dead heat for first place, with Riversdale half a length behind. Time, 2 mm 49 sec. Deciding Heat : Betting : 15 to 8 on Button Park. The Morgiana colt led uutjl turning into the straight, where the favourite drew up, and, heading his opponent just afterwards, won cleverly by a neck. Value of the stakes, £2925. GOLD VA.SE. Value 200sovs, given ;,y her Majesty, added to a s-\ of 20sovs each ; 2 miles. Mr 1) Baird's Bird of Freedom, by Thuringian Prince— Vitula, 4yrd, 95t... , (Archer) 1 Mr L de Ko hsehild's Middlethorpe, Cyrs, 9&t 41b (Cannon) 2 Mr T Jennings, jun.'s Duct, 'lyrs, Ost (Webb) 3 Mr U Graiir, jun.'s Blue Grass, Gyrs, 9st 4lb (Osborne) 0 Duke of Hamilton's Friday, aged, 9st 4lb (Watts) 0 Betting : 5 to 2 each agst Ducat and Middlethorpe, 3 to 1 agst Bird of Freedom, 6 to 1 agst Blue Grass, and 100 to 8 agst Friday.
Friday was quickest away, followed by Bird of Freedom, Blue Grass, Middlethorpe, and Ducat. Soon after making the hotel turn Friday had obtained a lead of many lengths, Blue Grass having meantime changed places with Bird of Freedom, with Midulethorpe last as they disappeared down the hill. By the time the far side of Swinley Bottom was reached Friday's lead was much reduced, and as they ncared the Brick Kilns, Blue Grass crept up to Friday, and, as they turned into the straight took first place. Two furlongs from homo Middlethorpe began to come through his horses, while at the same time Ducat headed Blue Grass. Bird of Freedom then came to the front, closely attended by Middlethorpe, the pair drawing well clear of the rest, and running a close race, which resulted m a head victory for Bird of Freedom; four lengths between second and third. ROYAL HUNT CUP, A piece of plate val e oOOsovs, added to a handicap sweepstakes of 20sovs each ; second received 150sovs. New mile. Mr W Gilbert's eh h Despair, by See-Saw— Peine de Occur, aged, 7st 131 b ... (C Loates) 1 Mr Uhildwick's Le Caissier, 3yrs. 6st 21b (Alsop) 2 Colonel O J Crewe-Kead's Kinsley, oyrs, Bst 21b (Pagan) 3 General O Williams' Hamblttonian, syrs, Bsfc 81b (Wood) 0 Lord Zetland's Prism, Gyrs, Bst 71b ... (Watts) 0 Duke of Beaufort's Eastern Hmperor, oyrs, Bst tilb ("G Barrett) 0 Mr ,T Davis' Lord Charles, -lyrs, Bst 51b (Archer) 0 Sir It Jardine's Borneo, oyis, Bst 51b ... (Osborne) 0 Mr Smithwiok's Kilcree'ie, -lyrs, Bst (b 1 Barrett) 0 Mr 13 Hob son's Hesitation, 3yrs, sst 7lb (Sharpe) 0 Mr J Hammond's Eurasian, iyrs, 7st 111 b (J.ashtnnr) 0 Mr Douglas Baird's Doubloon, 3yrs, 7sfc 31b (Tomlisson) 0 Lord Bradford's Martinet. 3yrs, 7st ... (Wall) 0 Mr W Gilbert's Vermilion, livrs, list 121 b (A White) 0 Betting: 4to 1 agstHambletonian, 9 to 2agst Lord Charles, 7 to 1 agst Eastern Emperor, 10 to 1 agst Kilcreene, 100 to 9 agst Eurasian, 100 to 8 agst Kinsky and Le Oaissior, 100 to 6 agst Vermilion, 20 to 1 each agst Martinet, Prism, and Doubloon, 25 to 1 agst Despair, and 33 to 1 agst Hesitation. Doubloon, next the rails, made running from Despair (m the centre of the course), Le Caissier, Lord Charles, and Hambletonian. Doubloon was first over the road, but dropped back soon afterwards, and Kinsky took third place. Despair was then left with the lead, and at the Spagnoletti board bolted across the course, carrying Le Oaissier with him, and drove him right over towards the judge's box. Notwithstandthis Le Caissier again got into his stride, and was only beaten by Despair by a neck ; four lengths between second and third; Eastern Emperor was fourth. An objection was lodged against the winner on the ground of boring and a cannon. Before it was overruled by the stewards 2 to 1 was laid on Le Oaissier getting the stakes. Value of the stakes, £1160. ASOT DRR V STAKES, Of 50 soys each, with 500 added, for three-years-olds ; second received 100 soya, and the third 50 soys out of the stakes : Swinley i "ourse (1£ miles). Mr Manton's b c St Mirin, by Hermit — Lady Paramount. «st 31b ... (G Barrett) 1 Mr Childwick's Saraband, Sst 101 b ... (Webb) 2 Lord Bradford's Titterstone, Bst 41b... (F Barrett) 3 Sir 11 Jardine's Johnnie Whimple, Sst 101 b (Osborne) 0 Lord Ahngton's Candlemas, Sot 101 b ... (Archer) 0 Mr T B Jennings juu's Calais, Bst 31b (Tomlisson) 0 Prince Soltylcoff's Silver, Sst 3lb ... (Wood) 0 Betting : 3to 2 agst St. Mirin, 3 to 1 agst Saraband, 4 to 1 agst Silver, 9 to 2 agst Candlemas, 10 to 1 agst Titterstone, 100 to 7 agst Johnnie Whimple. and 20 to 1 agst Calais. On settling down Titterstone went m front ot Silver, Johnnie Whimple, St. Mirin, anil Candlemas. After going for five furlongs, Calais took third |place with Johnnie Whimple, Saraband, and Candlemas next. After passing the brickkilns, Calais and Titterstone were side by side m front. On turning into the straight, St. Mirin and Saraband drew up and, at the distance St. Mirin came out with the lead, and won by a length and a half ; three lengths between second and third. Value of the stakes, £1550. CORONATION STAKES, Of] 00 soys each, with 300 added. For three-year-old fillies ; second received 200 soys out of the et ikes, and third savv d stake. Old mile. Prince Soltyl'off's bf Argo Ivavis, by New Holland —Meteor, Bst 31b ... ... (Wood) 1 Mr A Benholm's Braw Lass, Bst 101 b (carried Sst 111 b) ... ... ... ... (Webb) 2 Lord Ellesmere's Cataract, Bst 101 b (G. Barrett) 3 Duke of Beaufort's Catherine Swinford. Bst 31b ... ... ... ...(Wilkins) 0 Lord Cadogan's Sagitta, Bst 31b (F. Barret) 0 Lord Hosebery's Cameiot, Bst 31b (Lashmar) 0 Betting : 7 to 4 on Argo Navis, 4 to 1 agst Braw Lass, 8 to 1 Cataract, and 100 to 7 any others. Argo Navis made the whole of the running, and won by a length and a half ; three-quarters of a length between second and third. Value of the stakes, £2750. ALL AGED STAKES, Of 25sovs each, with 300 added ; second received 200 soya out of the stakes ; third savedstake. T.Y.C. (5 furlongs 136 yards). Duke of Westminster's eh cWhitefriar, by Hermit — Lndy Blanche, 3 yrs, Sst 71b, carried Sst 91b (Archer) 1 M. Ephrussi's Jacobite, 3 yrs, flst lib (Cannm) 2 Mr (J. Arden'd GlenAlbyn, aged, g lOst lib 3 (C. 1 oates) 0 Mr Craven's c by Mask— Proselyte, 2 yrs,6st 121 b, carried Gst 131 b ... ' (Tomlisson) 0 Betting: 7 to 2 on Whitefriar, 7 to 1 agst Glen Albyn, 100 to 8 Jacobite, and 20 to 1 the Proselyte colt. Whitefriar, who was Qdgetty at the post, was the first off, but immediately gave way to the Proselyte colt, who led until the road was crossed. Soon afterwards Whitefriar went m front, and won m a common cauter by four lengths ; a bad third. ST. JAMES' PALACE STAKES, Of lOOsovs each, with 300 added, for three-year-olds : second received 200sovs out of the stakes ; third saved stakes. One mile. Duke of Westminster's b c Ormonde, by Bend Or —Lily Agues, 9st ... ... (Archer) 1 Mr T, Jennings, jun.'s Calais, Sst 71b (Cannon) 2 Lord Hastings Seaton, 9st ... (Lashmar) 3 Betting 100 to 3 on Ormonde. Seaton irade the running for a couple of hundred yards, when Ormonde went to the front, and won m a canter by three-quarters of a length. Seaton passed the post pulling up. Value of the stakes, £1800. GOLD CUP, Value lOOOsovs. with 200sovs for the second, and 100 soys for the third, added to a Sweepstakej of 20sovs each ; about 2b miles. Barm Hirsch's bh Aftuorp, by T.bthorps— Bide-a-Wee, l-vrs.Ost ... ... Cannon 1 Mr D. Baird's Bird of Freedom, .lyrs Pst... Archer 2 Count Hunyady's Buzgo, -lyrs 9st ... Oaborne 3 Betting : 11 to 10 on Bird of Freedom, 2 to 1 agst Althorp, and 4 to 1 agst Buzgo. Buzgo came away with the lead, Bird of Freedom lying third. After making the hotel turn the three were m Indian file iii the above order. No alteration took place until, m Swinley Bottom, Bird of Freedom drew nearer to the two others. Passing the Brick Kilns, the three took close £order, and turning into the straight the two leaders were nearly side by side. In 'the straight Bird of Freedom challenged, and at the Spagnoletti Board looked like winning, but
Althorp shot out soon afterwards ana won by two lengths ; a bad third. Time, 4min 46 2-sth sec. EOUS MEMORIAL STAKES, Of lOsovs eacli, h ft, with 1000 added; second received lOOsovs out of the stakes. New mile. Mr J. Hammond's b h St. Gatien. by Rolherhill or the Hover— St. Editlia, syrs, 9st 51b (Wood) 1 Mr Douglas Baird's St. Michael, 3yrs, 7sts)U> (G.Barrett) 2 Lord Ellesmere's Cataract, 33'rs, 7st 61b (J. Woodburn) 8 Mr J. Lowther's King'Monmouth, 4yrs, 9st 31b (Watts) 0 Mr J. Davis' Lord Charles, -iyrs, Bst 101 b (Cannon) o Mr Legh's Bxning, 3yrs, 7st 91b ... (F. Barrett) 0 Betting : sto 2 agst King Monmouth, 11 to 4 St. Gatien, 100 to 30 St. Michael, 100 to 15 Lord Charles, 106 to 8 Exiling, 20 to 1 Cataract. St. Michael made the running for Exniug, St. Gatien, and Lord Charles, and this order was maintained until reaching the Spagnoletti Board, where St. Gatien drew out with a slight lead. He was directly afterwards joined by St. Michael, the pair running a good race, which resulted m a victory for J St. Gatien by a head a bad third. HAUDWICKE STAKES Of 2000 soys, added to a sweepstakes of'lßsovs each • second horse received 10 per cent, and the third ,r. o per cent, on the whole stakes. Swinley course (one mile and a-half). DuVe of Westminster's b c Ormonde, by Bend Or t —plr Agnes. 3yrs, Bst 81b ... (Q. Barrett) 1 Lord Hastings' Melton, 4yrs, 9st 101 b (Archer) 2 Prince Soltykoff 's Silver, 3yrs, 7st 71b fe m T . • ,x, (H. Amull) 3 Mr T. Jennings, jun.'s Ducat, 4yrs, 9st 71b Duka of Westminster's Coracle, Syrs, 7st 12! b (P Barrett) 0 Betting : 100 to 30 on Ormonde, 7to 2 agst Melton, 100 to 8 agst Silver, and 200 to 1 each agst Ducat and Coracle. Coracle was first away, and made the running from Silver, Ormonde, and Melton for a hundred yards, when Mdton fell back last. Half-way down the hill Silver pulled his way to the front, and he was followed through the Swinley Bottom by Coracle, Ducat, and Ormonde, Melton being still m the rear. Passing the Brick Kilns the lot closed up, and just before entering the straight Ormonde went on second and Melton third. When fairly m the line for home Silver was beaten, Ormonde drew to the front, and easily stalling off Melton's challenge at the distance, the Duke of Westminster's colt, amid the greatest excitement, won m a canter by two lengths; a bad third. Time, 2niin. 43sec Value of the stakes, £2338. ALEXANDRA PLATE, Of 1000 soys, added to a sweepstake of 25 boys each • second receive 200 soys out of the stakes, and the third stakes. About three miles. Mr R. Craig, jun's eh h Blue Grass, by Pat Molly— Amy Farley, (jyrs, 9st 71b ... (Watts) 1 Baron de Hirsch's Althorpe, 4 yrs, 9st 51b r. .. tt o , (Cannon) 2 Count Hunyady's Buzgo, 4yrs, 9st (carried 9stslb > - ... ... (Giles) 3 Betting : 9t02 on Althorp, 6to 1 agst. Blue Grass, and 10 to 1 Buzgo. The last-named cut out the work from Blue Grass, the pair being clear of Althorp, and m Indian file they ran past the stand to the hotel turn, where Buzgo was still showing the way from Blue Grass, with Alfchorp lying fully a dozen lengths behind the leader, and, passing the brick kilns, Blue Grass drew to the front, made the remainder of the running, and won by forty lengths; a bad third. Time, smin 31 l-sthsec.
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Otago Witness, Issue 1810, 30 July 1886, Page 24
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2,730RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 1810, 30 July 1886, Page 24
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RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 1810, 30 July 1886, Page 24
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