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EPSOM SUMMER. May 25,26, 27,28. the woodcote stakes.
Of lOOOsovs, by subscription of 20sovs each, for two-year-okU - colts Bs(> 12lb, fillies, Bsfc 91b— with penalties and allowances ; second received 100 so» s. Six furlongs. Mr Fern's b c The Baron, by XcnopTion — Tantrum, Bst 121b ... " ... (C Wood) 1 Mr C J Bedford's eh c Sir Galahad, by Sir Bevys — Idun,Bst9lb ... ... "(F Barrett) 2 Mr R Caringfcon's b colt, by Geor^o Frederick — Ma Belle, Bst 121b ... ... (G Barrett) 3 Mr Edmunds' br c Black Bead, by Robert the Devil, Bst 91b ... ... (T Cannon) 0 Lord Londonderry's eh c Mount-Stew art, by Lowlander, Bst 121b ... ... (JWntts) 0 Duke of Westminster's br c by Hampton — Lilian, Bst 12lb ... ... ' ... (F Archer) 0 Betting: Evens on The Baron, 5 to 1 agst Black Bead, 6 to 1 Lilian colt, and 10 to 1 Sir Galahad. Sir Galahad made play from the Lilian colt and The Baron, with Mount-Stewart nexfc, and Black Bead last. Iv descending the hill The Baron joined the Lilian colt, and they followed Sir Galahad over the road, side by side, with Black Bead steering to the upper ground. At the distance the Lilian colt was in trouble, and after one or two sharp reminders The Baron began to overhaul Sir Galahad, whom he defeated easily by a length ; the same between second and third. Time, lmin. 2isec. THE DERBY STAKES, Of oOsovs each, for three-year-olds— colts Ost, fillies Bst {lib ; the owner of the second received 300sovs and the thir.l lOOsovs out of the stakes. About a mile and a-half. 199 subs. Duke of Westminster's b c Ormonde, by Bend Or —Lily Agnes, 9sfc ... ... (F Archer) 1 Mr R deck's eh c The Bard, by Petrarch— Magdalene. 9st ... ... ... (OWood) 2 Mr M.uiton's br c St. Mirin, by Hermit— Lad y Paramount, 9st ... ... (T Cnnnoii) 3 Duke of Beaufort's eh c Button Park, by Avoutes —Makesure, 9st ... ... (G Barrett) <1 Lord G'nithorpe's b c Seher/.0, by Gnlopin—Bowstring, Osfc ... ... ... (J Osbome) 0 Duke ot Westminster's bl c Coracle, by Hermit— Barchettina, (Ist ... ... (FWebh) 0 Earl of Zetland's gr c Grey Friai s, by Hermit— Perseverance, 9st ... ... (J Walts) 0 Mr G Lambert's b c Chelsea, by Cremorne—Dalham Lass, Ost ... ... (J Goater) 0 Duke ot Beaufort's b c Ariel, by See Saw— Little Noll.Oßt ... ... ... (Willou) 0
Betting : 85 to 40 on Ormonde, 7to 2 agst The Bard, 25 to 1 Grey Fiiar.= ,40 to 1 Sr. Mirin, 50 to 1 Chelsea, and 1000 to 15 Scherzo and Button Park.
Place betting : 100 to 15 on Ormonde, 2 to 1 The Bard, 6 to 5 agst Grey Friars, 3 to 1 St. Mirin, 100 to 30 Che-I&ea, 4 to 1 Scherzo, and 5 to 1 Button Park.
The. nine competitors reached tho startingpost four or five minutes before the appointed lime, and the flag had no Rootver been hoisted than the signal was given. Coracle on tho outside jumped off in front of Ormonde, Ariel, The Bard, and Chelsea for a couplo of hundred j ards, when Ariel And Chelsea took second and third places from Scherzo, Ormonde, The Bard, und Button Park, with Grey Friars and St. Mirin joint whippers-in. They proceeded thus to Sherwood's house, when Ariel deprived Coracle of the command, and the pair stretched away through the furzes from Chelsea and Scherzo, Button Park going on fifth from Ormonde, while Tho Bard dropped back to the other two. At the mile-post Ariel figured three lengths ahead of Coracle, who went on twice as far from Chelsea, Scherzo, and Button Park, daylight in turn separating these from Ormonde, with St. Mirin now last to the top of the hill, where tho field was widely spicad. But a great closing up took place sis they commenced the descent, and Coracle, having relieadcd Ariel, Ormonde rushed into third place half way down, with Chelsea dividing him from The Bard, Scherzo, and Button Park. In rounding Tatteuham Corner The Bard took a step nearer by passing Chels-ea, and when Ormonde sailed to the head of affairs immediately after crossing the road, The Bard drew up to his girths on the whip-hand. The pioneers, Coracle and Ariel, thereupon vanished, and the. two unbeaten colts having singled themselves out, they were then pursued at a respectable interval by Button Park and Chelsea, with St. Mirin next. The. last-named trio had, however, no part iv the finish, which became simply a match from the moment that the steam was turned on. Half way up tho straight The Bard, who was running into his bridle with great fire and resolution, got a neck in front of Ormonde, and for a few strides his name was shouted as lou.Hy as that of his rival. Still the advantage he obtained was only on sufferance, and wheu Archer caught hold of the favourite in earnest from the distance he at once recovered possession, and forging ahead at every stride from the middle of the stand ho won eahily at last by a length and a-half. St. Mirin, who was ridden out, finished a bad third by beiiting his stable companion, Button Park, in tho last stride by a head, with CheKea, a neck behind, fifth, Ariel sixth, Scberzo seventh, and Coracle last. Time, 2min. 45 3-ssec. Value of the stakes to the winner, £4700. THE EPSOM GRAND PRIZE, Of lOOOsovs for the winner and 200sovs for breeder of the winner, added to a s\veep«tiikes of 25sovs each, for three-year-olds— colts Bst 101b, fillies 8 t 51b— with penalties and allowances. About o:ie mile and a-quarter. 150 subs. Sir F Juhnstone'e b c Candlemas, by HermitFusee, Bst 31b ... ... (G Barrett) 1 Lord Bradford's eh c Sir Hamo, by Bertram or Zealot— Manoeuvre, B<fc 31b ..' (C Wood) 2 Mr Manton's br c St. Mirin, by Hermit— Lady Paramount. Sst 3lb ... (J Woodburri) 3 Duke of Beaufort's br c Button Park, by Avonles Makesure, Bst 121b ... ... "(F Webb) 0 Mr R H Combe's br c Volta, by Blair Athol—Electric Light, 9 1 31b ... ... (F Archer) 0 Mr D Bnird's br c Doubloon, by Sterling— Merry Duchess, fst 101b ... ... (J Watts) 0 Mr G I amber •'« b c Chelsea, by Cremorne—Dalham Lass, Pst 31b ... ... (J Goater) 0 Mr F W I.atnbt on's b f Mischief, by Hampton — Wee Lnfs, Bst, alb ... ..." (Fngnn) 0 Mr Jennings', jun, b c Calais, by Altvre— Caller Ou, Sst 31b ... ... (JETomlisson) 0 Prince Soltykoff's b c Silver, by Sterling— Lucefcta, Bst 31b ... ... (F Barrett) 0 Mr G T Davies' b c Palmistry, by Speculum — Palmy Day, Bst 3lb ... ... (Luke) 0 Betting : 6 to 5 on Candlemas, 7 to 1 agst Silver, 100 to 12 St. Mirin, 10 to 1 Volfca and Sir Hamo, 100 to 8 Doubloon, 100 to 6 Chelsea, and 20 to 1 Calais and Button Park. A delay of a few minutes was ended by Sir Hamo getting' away with the lead from Doubloon, Candlemas, Chelsea, and Calais, the middle lot being Button Park, Silver, and St. Mirin, with Volta and Mischief the last two. Before reaching the mile-post Chelsea drew to the head of affairs, and was followed through the furzes by Candlemas and Calais, these being in turn clear of Doubloon, Sir Hamo, Silver, and St. Mirin to tbe top of the hill, where Palmistry, Volta, and Mischief were clustered together in the rear. In commencing tbe descent Chelsea resigned to Calais and Candlemas, and before rounding Tattenham Corner Mr Lambert's colt was also passed by Sir Hamo, Doubloon, and St. Mirin. After entering the straight Oandleraas on the inside drew level with Calais, and when Sir Hamo came up between the pair the favourite took up the running. Thereupon Calais dropped back, and the two leaders were then pursued by Doubloon, St. Mirin, and Chelsea. The race was soon redaced to a match, and when Sir Hamo challenged at the distance ho gradually reached Candlemas and got his head in front opposite the stand ; but in an exciting tust-lc the Kingsclere colt recovered his advantage by a stout effort, and won a splendid race by a neck. St. Mirin was four lengths off, third. Time, 2min. 16 3-ssec. Value of tho stakes to the winner, £2827.
THE OAKS STAKES, Of oOsovs each, for three-year-old fillies ; BsL 10lb each ; tho owner of the second received SOOsovs, and third 150sovs out of the stakes. About a mile and a-half. 138 subs. Duke of Hamilton's b Miss Jummy, by Petrarch —Lady Portland ... ... (J Watts) 1 Prince Soltykoff ' s b Argo Navis, by New Holland —Meteor ... ... ... (T Cannon) 2 Mr A Benholm's eh Braw Lass, by See Saw — Princess Louise Victoria ... (F Webb) 3 Lord Cadogan's b Sagitta, by Kisber— Stray Shot (F Barrett) 0 Lord Ellesmere'ab Cataract, by Hampton — Corrie (G Barrett) 0 Lord Haldon's br Storm Light, by Chevron — Light ... ... ... (White) 0 Mr T Jennings' b Cravate, by Tithorpe— Sash (J Goater) 0 Mr R Peek's Philosophy, by Hermit — Alone'sdam [car Bst lllb] ... ... (F Archer) 0 Duke of Portland's h Modwena, by Galopin — Mowerina ... ... ... (C Wood) 0 Lord Rosebery's bl Camelot, by Cremorne— Lynette ... ... .".. (Lashmar) 0 Sir R Jardine's eh Day Dream, by Adventurer — Fanny Day... ... ... (J Osborne) 0 Mr Hedworth Lambton's eh Altiora, by Glendale — Altluca ... ... ... (Snowden) 0 Betting : 11 to 10 agst Miss Jummy, 4 to 1 Braw Lass, 5 to 1 Philosophy, 1000 to 65 Camelot, 25 to 1 Argo Navis and Modwena, 33 to 1 Cataract, and 100 to 1 Storm Light. The time of starting had expired by nearly ten minutes before the lot were under orders, and with Philosophy and Camelot inclined to be fractious there was another delay before the flag fell. Philosophy then had the luck to get away with the lead from Altiora, Storm Light, and Braw Lass, and then came Miss Jummy, Sagitta, and Camelot, with Cataract, Argo Navis, and Modwena iv the rear. As soon as possible Archer took a pull at Philosophy, and drawing her out of the front rank bho left Storm Light in command from Altiora, Sagitta, and Braw Lass, tho second division then consisting of Day
Dream, Cravate, and Miss Jummy, with Philosophy on the favourite's whip hand. Tho pace, could not possibly have been slower, and at the mile-post Storm Light was only crawling along two lengths ahead of Altiora and Day Droam, with Braw Lass and Sagitta fourth and fifth from Cravato, Jliss Jummy, and Philosophy next, until half the journey had been completed. Altiora then drew up to the girths of Storm Light, and with tho rate of progression slightly improved, they were pursued down the hill by Day Dream, Braw La-s, Sagitta, and Miss Jummy in a cluster, daylight separating them from Philosophy, Cravate, and Argo Navis, with Modwena still last, behind (tat tract. In entering the htraight Storm Light got away again from Altiora by means of the inside berth, and they came on from Sagitta, Miss Jummy, and Braw Lass, with Philosophy on the outside. Argo Navis was here also taking a place on the upper ground when Cataract crossed her, and she was virtually knocked out of her stride. Soon afterwards Altiora and Sagitta disappeared from the van, and with Miss Jummy depriving Storm Light of the lead below the distance she was pursued by Braw Lass, Philosophy, and Cataract to the stand, where Argo Navis began to come with a rattle, and Modwena likewise emerged from tho ruck. Tho effort of Argo Navis was too late, as although she took second place i»i the last fifty yards, Miss Juinmy was going on comfortably, and as tho race was run hho may bo said to have won oavly by half a length. Braw Lass was beaten twice as far, with Cataract, a head behind, fourth. Time, 2min. 54 2-ssec. Value of the stakes to the winner, £3250. THU EPSOM CUP, Of 5 Osovs, added to a sweepstakes of 20sov8 each ; weight for age, with penalties and allowances. About one mile an<l a-half. Mr W J Legh's b c Radius by Hampton— Hay, 4yrs,BstlOlb ... ... (Gi cs) 1 Mr'D Bnird's Bird of Freedom, 4yrs, Pst 31b (F Archer; 2 Chevalier Giuistrelli's Itaffncllo, oyrs, list Gib (Ciowther) 3 Betting : 7 to 1 on Bird of Freedom, and 10 to 1 agst Radius. Radius jumped off with tho lead, and made such strong running from Bird of Free loin that Raffaello was tailed oft' in the fii>t three-quarters of a mile. As they descended the hill Bird of Freedom tried to reduce, the gap, but tho effort was of no avail, and being as dead as a stone in Archer's hands from the road, he succumbed by six lengths : a very bad third.
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Otago Witness, Issue 1809, 23 July 1886, Page 25
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2,108RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 1809, 23 July 1886, Page 25
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RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 1809, 23 July 1886, Page 25
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