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THE TWO THOUSAND GUINEAS STAKES, A subscription of lOOsovs each, lor three-year-olds — colts Ost, fillies Bsh 91b ; second received 200sov out of the stakes, and third saved stake. ]{.M (-1 mile 17yds.) 82 subs. Duke of Westminster's b c Ormonde, b.y Bend Or —Lily Agnes, 9st ... ... (G Barrett) 1 Mr Vyner's b c Minting, by Lord Lyon — Mint Sauce, 9st ... ... ... (J Watts) 2 Prince Soltykoff's eh c Mephisto, by Robert the Devil— Meg Merrilics, 9st ... " (T Cannon) 3 Mr Childwick's eh c Saraband, b.y Munca-jter--Highland F ing, 9st ... ... (P Archer) 0 Duke ot Westminster's bl c Coracle, by Hermit— Barchett ina, 9st ... ... (Yin y) 0 Mr Wanton's br c St Mirin, by Hermit— Lady Paramount, 9st ... ... (I' 1 Barrett) 0 Betting : 11 to 10 agst Minting, 3 to 1 Saraband, 7 to 2 Ormonde, 33 to 1 Mephisto and St. Mirin, and 200 to 1 Coracle. With the exception of Mephisto all the competitors were saddled in the Birdcage, from which Saraband led the way to the post, followed by St. Mirin and Minting, the Kingsrlcre pair bringing up the rear. When the advance flag was hoisted Cornells Look up his position on the right from Minting and Mephisto, with St. Mirin on the left, the nearest to him being
Saraband. A slight display of temper on the part of Ormonde delayed the start, although no break away intervened before the dropping of tho flag. The fu-st in his stride was St. Mirin, who made play lor a couple of hundred yards, when Coracle passed him under full pressure, with tho others pretty well in a line. The attempt of Coracle to force the pace proved very futile, as h« almost immediately resigned again to St. Mirin, and the latter carried on the runnim; from Ormonde and Minting, with Saraband at tho heels of Ormonde, and Mephisto in the track of Minting. In this order they travelled to the T.Y.C. winning-post, where Archer was uneasy upon Saraband, and he dropped back well beaten at tho Bushes, where St. Mirin resigned to Minting and Ormonde. The pair came out side by side, and then Minting held a neck lead until half way down the hiil, where Ormonde passed him and entered the Abingdon Milr Bottom half a length first, a wide gap separating them from Mephisto, who had headed St. Mirin. For the remainder of the journey the two leaders drew rapidly away from the wearer of the pink jacket, aud Ormonde, having taken the measure of Minting, tho favourite rolled from distress opposite the stand, and Ormonde sailed home a gallant and easy winner by a couple of lengths. Mephisto was a bad third, ten lengths behind Minting, aud in turn two lengths in front of Saraband, with Coracle last. Time, lmin. 46 4-ssec. Value of the stakes, £4000. THE ONR THOUSAND GUINEAS STAKES, A subscription ot lOOsovs each, for three-year-old tillies, Sst 121b etch ; second to receive 200sovs out of tho stakes, and the third to save her stake. R.M. 'v subs. Duke of Hamilton's Miss Jummy, by Petrarch out of Lady Portland ... ... " (J Watts) 1 Prince Solty'koff's Argo Navis, by New Holland out, ot Meteor .. ' ... (II Arimll) 2 Lord Zetland's Jewel Song, by Specu mn out of Margarita ... ... ' (J Woodburn) 3 Lord Culogan's Sagitt.i, by Kisber out. ot Stray Shot ... ... " ... (P Barrett) 0 Lord Kllesmerc's Catanict, by Hampton out of Come ... ... ' ... (G Barrett) 0 Lord Falmouth's Doncaster Belle, by Doncnster out ot Belle Agnes ... ..." (V Archer) 0 Mr J II Houldsworbh's Sunrise, by Springfield out of Sunray ... ... (T Cannon) 0 Mr C J Lefevre's Consigne, by Flageolet out ot Contempt ... ... ' ... (F Webb) 0 Duke or Portland's Modwena, by Galopin out ot Moweiina ... ... ' ... (('Wood) 0 Lord Koaebery's Lily Maid, by Kisber out of Bellicent ... ... ... (J Goater) 0 Betting : 2 to 1 agst Modu ena, 3to 1 Miss Jummy, 8 to 1 Cataract, 100 to 9 Jewel Song and Consigns, 100 to 6 Sagitta, 20 to 1 Sunrise, and 25 to 1 Doncaster Belle, Lily Maid, and Argo Navis. Punctual to time the ten runners reached the starting-post, but owing to the f factiousness of more than one of the competitors nine minutes elapsed before Lord Marcus Beresford despatched them on their journey to a beautiful start. The instant they had settled into their shides Sagitta dashed to the front, aud forcing the pace to the utmost she was not long before taking a lead of close upon twenty lengths. In the centre of the course Argo Navis was the most prominent of the remainder, although having but a slight advantage of Cataract, Lily Maid, Miss Jummy, and Modwena, who wero in close company just in advance of Jewel Song on the left, and Sumiat, who had a berth to herself wide oa the right" , while acting as whippers-in on the stand side were Consigne and Doncaster Bi-lle, both of whom were hope-1-jssly out of it before a quarter of a mile had been traversed. No noticeable change occurred untii passing thu T.Y.C. post, where Sagitta began to come back to her opponents, and being hopelessly beaten on reaching the brow of the Bushes Hill, she quickly disappeared from the front. On her retirement Miss Jummy assumed the lead, followed by Cataract aud Argo Navis on her left, with Modwena and Jewel Song lying close up on the whip hand. On reaching the Ahingdoii Dip both C-itauct and Modwena weie in difiicullicp, and in commencing the ascent Miss Jummy nlijhtly iiioreared her lead, said stalling off a ri-soiun.> challenge of Argo Navis, the Duk:; of Tliiiniltcu'ri filly won very easily by a leugbli and a-h.df from Argo Navis, who defeated Jv-v.'el Song by a neck for second place ; Modwfai'a, dose up, was fotirth, a head behind Jewel Song, with l.ily Maid fifth, Cataract sixth, Sunrise . fventh, Sugilta eighth, and DoncasUn 1 Bfl'.u and Cotioigue, beaten off, last. Time, lmin. 52 2-s.sec. Value of the stakes, •£3230.
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Otago Witness, Issue 1805, 25 June 1886, Page 21
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993NEWMARKET FIRST SPRING. April 27, 28, 30. Otago Witness, Issue 1805, 25 June 1886, Page 21
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NEWMARKET FIRST SPRING. April 27, 28, 30. Otago Witness, Issue 1805, 25 June 1886, Page 21
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