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NEWMARKET SECOND OCTOBER. . October 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. i THE CLEARWELL STAKES, | Of 30 soys each, with 200 added, for twn-year-olds ; colts, Bsb 101b ; fillies, Bst 71b. T.Y.C. Duke of Hamilton's b f Miss Jummy, by Petrarch —Lady Portland, Bst 131b ... (J. Watts) 1 Lord Bradford's b c Martinet, by Zealot— Quick March, Bst 101b ... ... (C. Wood) 2 Mr Manton's br c Loved One, by See Saw — Pilgrimage, Bst 101b ... ... (G. Barrett) 3 Mr J. H . Houldsworfch's eh fby Springfield— Lady Morgan, Bst 71b ... ... (Booty) 0 M. Lupin's b c Phoebus, by Saxefrage— Ermeline, Bst 181b ... ... ... (J. Goater) 0 Mr R. Peck's b c Hawkstone, by Hermit — Anonyma, Bst 101b (car. Bst 111b) . . (F. Archer) 0 Prince Soltykoff's b c Wise Child, by Robert the Devil or Mask— Lady Sophie, Bat 101b (T. Cannon) 0 Lord Arlington's b c Cachino, by Hilarious — Thistle, Bst 101b ... ... (C. Loates) 0 Betting : 2to 1 agst Martinet, 11 to 2 Loved One, 6 to 1 Phoebus, 100 to 15 Miss Jummy, 100 to 15 Hawkstone, 8 to 1 Wise Child, 10 to 1 Cachino. The Lady Morgan filly jumped round the wrong way when the flag fell, and Phoebus in ► the centre cut out the work from Martinet and Miss Jummy, Oberon and Hawkstone following them on the left, with Cachino early tailed off. Before entering the cords Martinet lost his place, and Miss Jummy having deprived Phcebus of the command, she was pursued by Oberon until a hundred yards from home, when Martinet came again and took second place, but he failed to overhaul Miss Jummy, who won cleverly by three-quarters of a length; a neck between second and third. Time: 1 mm. 14 l-sth sec. Value of the stakes, £897. THE CESAREWITCH STAKES, A Handicap of 25 soys each, with 500 soys added ; the second received 200 soys, and the third 100 soys out of the stakes. Two miles two furlongs 28 yards. 100 subs. M. H. Bouy's eh f Plaisanterie, by Wellingtonia —Poetess (bred in France), 3 yrs, 7st 81b (Hartley) 1 Mr Hungerford's b m Xema, by Ben Battle—Seagull, 5 yrs, 7st 21b ... ... (Rickabv) 2 Mr T. Cannon's b f Postscript, by George Frederick—Afterthought, 4 yrs, 6st ... (Robinson) 3 Mr J. Hammond's br m Florence, 5 yrs, 9st 21b (F.Webb) 0 Mr R. Craig's eh h Blue Grass, 5 yrs, Bst 41b (J. Snowden) 0 Baron de Hirsch's b c Althorp, 3 yrs, 7st 101b (CWood) 0 Mr Abington's eh h Ben Alder, 5 yrs, 7st 41b ( J. Woodbum) 0 M. J. L. de F. Martin's b c The Condor, 3 yrs, 7st 3lb ... „. ... (J. E. Tomlisson) 0 Col. O. Crewe-Read's br c Kinsky, 4 yrs, 7st (A. White) 0 Lord Ellesmere's b f Belinda, 4 yrs, 6st 12lb (E.Martin) 0 Chew Gmistrelli's eh c Raffaello, 4 yrs, 6st 121b (Freeman) 0 Lord Lascelles' b f Clochette, 4 yrs, 6st 121b 1 (Lashmar) 0 Mr W. Burton's br f Vicugna, 4 yrs, Gst 121b (Luke) 0 Mr J. Hammond's eh c Eurasian, 3 yrs, 6st 101b (F. Barrett) 0 Mr S. H. Ashton's chc Master Sam, 3 yrs, tist 101b (Finlay) 0 Mr H. T. Barclay's b c Madcap, 3 yrs, 6st9lb (Liddiard) 0 Capt. Lee-Barber's b h Ivanhoe, 5 yrs, 6sfc 9lb (G. Woodbum) 0 Lord Rosebery's eh f Cipollina, 3 yrs, 6st 21b (T. Loates) 0 Prince Soltykoff's b f Charmian, 3 yrs, 6st 31b _ (H. Arnull) 0 Lord Hartington's b c Sir Kenneth, 3 yrs, 6st 21b (Wall) 0 Mr L. de Rothschild's eh c Holdfast, 3 yrs, 6sfc (Glover) 0 Mr Foy's gr c Jacob, 3 yrs, sst 71b (R. Chaloner) 0 Betting : sto 1 agst Eurasian, sto 1 Althorp, 7 to 1 Plaisanterie, 8 to 1 Xema, 100 to 8 Holdfast, 100 to 7 Charmian, 100 to 6 Postscript, 20 to 1 Cipollina, 25 to 1 Sir Kenneth, 33 to 1 Belinda, 33 to 1 Florence, 40 to 1 Clochette, 50 to 1 Vicugna, 50 to 1 Ben Alder, 100 to aay other. As soon as they were fairly in motion Kinsky drew out with a clear lead of Raffaello, who in turn established daylight from Sir Kenneth, Cipollina, Holdfast, and Xema. These were followed along Choke Jade by Ivanhoe, Ben Alder, Eurasian, and Plaisanterie, and then came •Althorp, Charmian, Master Sam, Belinda, and Clochette, with the rear rank comprised of The Condor, Florence, and Jacob. Except that Cipollina dropped out of the leading lot in the first half-mile, there were no changes of importance until Kinsky, who had been leading by "five or six lengths, lost the immediate attendance of Raffaello as they came on to the flat. His retirement was less rapid, however, than that of Holdfast, and he remained on the heels of the first half-dozen at the Rowley Mile post, this batch being made up of Kinsky, Sir Kenneth, Xema, Charmian, Plaisanterie, atfd Althorp. The second division was now formed of Belinda, Postscript. Clochette, Eurasian, and Blue Grass, of whom Eurasian had already become harmless. Half-way across the flat Kinsky was headed by Sir Kenneth, and they were then pursued by Xema to the T.Y.C. winning-post, when the last-named carried her colours to the front from Sir Kenneth. The latter now rapidly cleared Kinsky on the right, with Plaisanterie pulling in the centre from Althorp, with Postscript on the left. These were well separated from Belinda, Cipollina,. Raffaello, Clonhette, Charmian, and Eurasian, and the tail was made by Master Sam, Vicugna, The Condor, Madcap, Holdfast, and Jacob. In. crossing Bushes Hill Sir Kenneth hung out signals of distress, and /■^ema came on from Plaisanterie, Postscript, Althorp, until half-way down the hill, when Hartley let the French mare out, and she instantly deprived Xema of the command. The latter had, in fact, been vainly endeavouring to resist the attack, and when Plaisanterie had won her race in the Abingdon Mile Bottom there seemed a chance that Postscript, who had shaken off Althorp, would struggle into second place, as for a few strides she must have been nearly level with the Irish mare, but in climbing the hUJ the light-weight was spun out, and by swerving to the stand side she enabled Xema to to beat her by four lengths for second place, while Plaisanterie, who ran home as straight as an arrow, gained a gallant verdict by half as much. At an interval of at least six lengths Gipollma struggled home fourth from Althorp. Value of stakes, £1130. THE MIDDLE PARK PLATE, Of 500 soys added to a sweepstake of 30 soys each. For two-year-olds ; colts, Bst 101b ; fillies and geldings, Bst 71b; winners extra. The second received 200 spvs, .and the third 100 soys out of , the stakes. Bretby $takes Course six furlongs). 118 subs. Mr Vyner's b c Minting, by Lord Lyon— Mint ' Sauce, flat 3lb ... • ... (F Archer) 1 Mr A Benholm's eh f Braw Lass, by See SawPrincess Louise Victoria, Bst 71b (carried Bst 81b) (A Giles) 2 Mr Childwjck's eh c Saraband, by Muncaster— Highland Fling, 9st 31b ... ... (CWood) 3 Mr E H Combe's b c Volta, by Blair Athol— Electric Light, flst ... ... (F Webb) 0 Mr'Manton's br c St. Mirin, by Hermit— Lady Paramount, Bst 101b ... ...(J Watts) 0 Duke of Beaufort's br c Button Park, by Avontes —Make Sure, Bst 101b ... (Snowden) o
(Snowden) o
Wood) 1
Mr Gerard's br c Hercules, by Hermit— Vigorous, SstlOlb ... ... (G Barrett) 0 Lord Manner's be Claudian, by Petrarch— friory, Bst 101b ... ' ... (T Cannon) 0 Lord Oadogan's bl c Kaunitz, by Kisber—llluminata, Bbt 101b ... ... ...(J Goater) 0 Betting : 7t04 on Minting, 9to 2 agst Suraband, 7 to 1 St. Mirin, 25 to 1 Volta, 33 to 1 Braw Lass, 33 to 1 Claudian. The flag fell to a splendid start, in which Braw Lass cut out the work on the right from Minting and Volta in the centre. On the immediate whip-hand of this pair laid Claudian and St. Mirin, with Saraband and Hercules running side by side on the lef f>, and Button Park bringing u$ the rear. Sailing along at the top of her speed Braw Lass was a couple of lengths clear of Minting and Volta at the Bushes, and soon after passing this landmark St. Mirin hung out signals of distress, and dropped behind Saraband and Kaunitz. The favourite, who was, perhaps, hardly at home in the deep ground, seemed to pitch a good deal as he entered the Abingdon Mile Bottom, and Archer had to call upon him two hundred yards from home to overhaul Braw Lass. In' so doing he parted company from Volta, and had scarcely got within range of Braw Lass opposite the public stand than they were challenged on the left by Saraband. The race then became very close and exciting, and Minting had to answer speedily to the final call of his jockey to win by a neck from the " outsider,"' who saved second money from Saraband by a head. Volta was fourth a length and a-half away, with Kaunitz fifth, St. Mirin sixth, Claudian seventh, and Hercules last. Time 1 mm. 19 4-5 see. Value of the stakes, £2915. HER MAJESTY'S PLATE, Of 500gs ; weight for age. D.I. (2 miles 105 yards). Mr J Hammond's b c Sfc. Gatien, by Rotherhill or The Rover (by Blair Athol)— St. Kditha, 4yrs,9st ... ... ... (0 Wood) 1 Mr T Jennings' eh f Jane, 3 yrs, Bsfc lib (E Martin) 2 Betting : 100 to 3on St. Gatien, who cantered in front to, the Cesar ewitch stand, when he turned the steam on, and striding along for the remainder of the journey, won by 20 lengths. THE NEWMARKET OAKS, A sweepstakes of 25 soys each, with 200 added, for three-year-old fillies. Bat 101b each ; with penalties and allowances; second received 100 soys out of the stakes. T.M.M. (7 furlongs 158 yards). Lord Rosebery's eh f Cipollina, by Macaroni — The Duckling, Bst 101b ... (T Cannon) 1 Lord Ellesmere's b f Lady Clarendon, by Hampton — Summer's Eve, Bst 31b (G- Barrett) 2 Lord Zetland's b f St. Helena, by Hermit—Castella mare, 9st 31b ..." (J Watts) 3 Lord Cadogen's Lonely, 9st 31b (F Webb) 0 Mr G Kruckenberg's lerne, Bst 31b (C Wood) 0 Prince Soltykoff's Charmian, Bst 101b (J Snowden) 0 Lord Hastings' Armida, Bst 101b (P Archer) 0 Betting : sto 2 agst Cipollina, 9to 2 Armida, 5 to 1 Lady Clarendon, 8 to 1 Charmian, 8 to 1 Lonely, 8 to 1 St. Helena, 100 to 8 lerne. Cipollina cut out the work from Armida and Lady Clarendon, with lerne and Charmian separating them from Lonely and St. Helena, until entering the flat, when Lady Clarendon took second place. At the Rowley mile post St. Helena, who was on the right, tfrew nearly level with Arraida, while Lonely and Charmian were running side by side on the left until half a mile from home, when the last-named pair hung out signals of distress. The next to collapse were Armida and lerne, and at the T.Y.C,''' winning post St. Helena, who had passed Lady Clarendon just beforehand, drew up to Cipollina, and for a few yards had her neck in front. But she then went all to pieces, and with Lady Clarendon heading her again, Cipollina sailed away and won easily by four lengths; a bad third. lerne was 'fourth, Lonely fifth, and Cha'rmain last. Value of the stakes, £677. THE PRENDERGAST STAKES/ Of 50 soys each, with 200 aovs added. For two-year-olds. Colts, Bst 101b ; fillies, Bst 71b ; winners extra. Second received 100 soys out of the stakes. T.Y.O. Lord Rosebery's b c Koster, by Dutch Skater— Incense, Bst 101b ... (T Cannon) 1 Mr Mainley's bl or br c St. George, Bst 101b (CWood) 2 Lord Cadogan's b f Sagitta, Bst 71b (carried Bst fllb) (F Archer) 3 Mr C J Lefevre'6 Calais, Bst 101b .(J Watts) 4 Betting : 9t04 on Sagitta, sto I agst Calais, 8 to 1 Koster, 10 to 1 St. George. - Koster led for a couple of hundred yards, and then resigned to Calais, the pair being followed by St. George until approaching the cords, when Sagitta, who had been waiting on the right, improved her position. In the next fifty yards Calais was beaten, and Sagitta obtained a slight command, but Koster and St. George stuck to her, and as she was dying out in the last few strides Koster got up again, and won by a short head from St. George, who in turn secured second money by a head. Value of the stakes, £897. THE EIGHTH GREAT CHALLENGE STAKES. Of 20 soys each, with 300 added. Weight for age, with penalties and allowances. Second received 100 soys, and the third 50 soys out of the stakes. Bretby Stakes Course. Six furlongs. Duke of Portland's b f Modwena, by Galopin— Mowerina. 2 yrs, 6st 131b ... (F Barrett) 1 Mr W Gilbert's eh h Despair, by See-Saw— Peine de Cceur, 6 yrs, flat ... (F Archer) 2 Duke ot Portland's br f Satchel, by Galopin— Quiver, 3 yrs, Bst 61b ... ... (C Wood) 3 Duke of Westminster's Benefit, 2 yrs, 6st 121b T, , rxr ;. , ,r- t (J WOOdbUm) 0 Duke of Hamilton s Miss Jummy, 2 yrs, 6st 131b „ (Lashmar) 0 Lord Zetland's Prism, 5 yrs, 9st ...(J Watts) 0 Mr C J Lefevre's Consigne, 2 yrs, 6st 131b (Tomlisson) 0 Betting: 5 to 2 agst Despair, 7 to 2 Miss Jummy, 6 to 1 Prism, 6 to 1 Benefit, 8 to 1 Modwena, 100 to 8 Satchel, 20 to 1 Consigne. After three or four failures, in which Miss Jummy and Despair showed temper, the two-year-old jumped off with the lead from Consigne and Despair on the left, Modwena and Benefit running together on the right, and Prism, who was apparently outpaced, figuring in the rear. With Miss Jummy immediately bearing away to the centre of the course, she resigned at the Bushes to Modwena, who came down the hill in command of Despair, while Benefit turned it up and dropped behind Consigne and Satchel. Although Archer was busily employed with Despair the whole of the way, he could not coax him to do his best, and Modwena, without being put to the pinch, won easily by three lengths, two lengths separating second and third. Time, 1 mm. 20 1-5 sec. THE NEWMARKET DERBY, A sweepstakes of 20 soys each, with 200 added. For three-year-olds. Colts, Bst 10lb ; fillies, Bst 71b ; with penalties and allowances. Second received 100 soys out of the stakes. The last mile and a-half of the B.C. 36 subs. Lord Zetland's b c War Path, by Uncas—lnstallation. Bst 101b ... ... ... (Watts) 1 Prince Soltykoff's b c Mechlin, by New Holland Nottingham Lace. Bst 101b ...(F Archer) 2 Lord Rosebery's Touch-and-Go, by Touchet— Annorica, Bst 101b ... (T Cannon) 3 Mr W J Legh's John Barleycorn, Bst 41b (JWoodburn) 0 Mr Lde Rothschild's Florin, Bst 31b (F Barrett) 0 Betting : sto 4 on Touch-and-Go, 100 to 30 agst Mechlin, 11 to 2 John Barleycorn, 100 to 7 agst Florin, 25 to I Warpath. Warpath made play, and goon held a, corn.
manding lead of Florin and John Barleycorn, with Mechlin and Touch-and-Go side by side in the rear. At the Turn of the Lands Warpath was quite a dozen lengths ahead, and although Mechlin after parting company from Touch-and-Go half a mile from home drew into second place, his pursuit of Warpath was perfectly hopeless, and Lord Zetland's colt sailed home a winner by ten lengths ; a bad third. Value of the stakes, £507.
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Otago Witness, Issue 1777, 12 December 1885, Page 21
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2,587RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 1777, 12 December 1885, Page 21
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RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 1777, 12 December 1885, Page 21
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