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October 9, 10, 11. THE CESAREWITCH STAKES, A handicap of 25 roys eauh, with 300 added ; winners extra ; trcoml received 20j soys, and third ICO out of the Htakea Ceearewitch eourae. Two rujlos two furlongs 28 yards. 110 subs. Mr G Lambert'a eh c Don Juan, by John Davis— I adylike, 3 5 rs, Bst 101b . . (B Martin) 1 Mr X Peck's b m Hackness, by Albert VictorCicely Hacket, 5 yra, 7st 41b . . (C Bowman) 2 Duke of Hamilton's b c Cosmos, by Holly wond — Niaga », 3yrj, 63t5'b .. .. (J Wall) 3 Mr W a Lung's Tonnns, 5 yrs, 7st lilb (Booty) 0 Sir F Johnstone's Corrie Roy, 5 yrs, 9at 81b •(CWood) 0 Mr Gerar l's Sweetbread, 4 yra, Bst 131b (F Archer) 0 Mr F T Walton'a Girofle, 6 yrs, Bat lib (Huxtable) 0 Duke ot Baaufort'a Faugh-a-Ballagh, 4 yr-«, Bit lib (G Ford ham) 0 Lord Bradford's Quicklime, 4 yr3, 7sb Bib (Luke) 0 Lord Elleamere's Abbotsford, 6 yrs, 7st 71b (A White) 0 Mr C J Lefevre's Ladislas, 3 yrs, 7st 61b (Totnliueon) 0 Lord Rocksavage's Limestone, 6 yrs, 7st 61b (F Hos iter) 0 Lord Alington's Baliol, 4 yra, 7^t 61b (G Barrett) 0 Mr T Cannon's Sachem, 4 yrs. 7st lib (S Loates) 0 Mr W Lllii' Plying Squadron, B yrs, 6sfrßlb (T Turner) 0 Mr H T Barclay's Bendiero, 3 yra, 6st 7ib (Gallon) 0 Lord Cawdor'a Witchcraft, 3 yrs, 6at 7ib (J Woodburn) 0 Mr R Vyner's Grenville, 3 yrs, 6st 41b (Goodway^ 0 Lord Ellesmere's Lizzie, 3 yra, Sat 121b (Lissmore) 0 S.r J Willoughby's Pnaramond, 3 yrs, 6st 101b (Merkin) 0 Mr R H Combe's Revelry, 3 yra, sst 81b (F Barrett) 0 Mr J W Smith's Preferment, 3 yrs, sst B'b (G Woodburn) 0 Betting : 4 to 1 agst Hackness, 11 to 2 Don Juan, 7 to 1 Corrie Roy, 8 to 1 Quicklime, 100 to 7 Pharamoncl, 100 to 6 Girofle 1 , 100 to 6 Tonans, 20 to 1 Sweetbread, 20 to 1 Faugh-a-Ballagh, 20 to 1 Cosmos, 22 to 1 Sachem, 33 to 1 Witchcraft, 40 to 1 Bendigo, 40 to 1 Lizzie, 6G to 1 Grenville, 100 to 1 Baliol, 100 to 1 Ladislas. J?or a few strides the lot ran in an unbroken line, but when they had fairly settled down to work Bendigo, on the left, sailed away to the front, and made the running, followed on his own side by Faugh-a-Ballagh and Don Juan, with Cosmos and Pharamond well up in the centre, and Preferment most prominent of the remainder. Before a quarter of 'a mile had been covered Faugh-a Ballagh was pulled back and Bendigo went on with Cosmos, Pharamond, Preferment, Lizzie, and Ladislas in immediate attendance, and after these came Faugh-a-Ballagh, Don Juan, Sachem, Witchcraft, and Limestone, Sweetbread, Quicklime, and Baliol waiting in the rear. - After coming through Choke-jade, the field, which had hitherto kept very close order, began' to break up, and Ladislas quickly last his place with those who formed the vanguard. As they came across the flat Bendigo still held the command, and came on in advance of Cosmos and Preferment, with Witchcraft, Don Juan, Hackness, Lizzie, and Faugh-a-Ballagh close up next, and Sachem, in company with Pharamond, Tonans, and Sweetbread, following in their immediate wakes, while at the head of the others came Corrie Roy, Girofle, and the stable companions Quicklime and Limestone, the lot being whipoed in by Grenville, Abbotsford, Ladislas, and Flying Squadron, of whom the last named broke down and was tailed off. With but little change they came streaming in the order named past the T. V.C winning-post, but before they had progressed a furlong further on their journey matters had assumed a very different aspect. As they reached the Bushes Bendigo was still playing leading business from Cosmos and Preferment, with Don Juan' and Sachem going wonderfully well next, and Hackuess, with Lizzie and Tonans most prominent of the others, of whom Quicklime, Limestone, Sweetbread, Pharamond, and Preferment were all being very hard ridden in order to make a show even of holding their places. So soon as the descent from the Bushes was commenced the issue was reduced to still more narrow limits by the retirement of Bendigo and Preferment, and a very few strides more sufficed to get to the bottom of Sachem. Thus Cosmoß came down the hill with Don Juan and Hackness in very hot pursuit, the latter being just about clear of Tonans. Aa they entered tha Abingdon Bottom the last-named was done with, and Cosmos was joined by the two favourites, both of whom headed him before they commenced to climb the hill for home. For a few strides it looked as though Hackneas would be more than a match for Don Juan, but, served by his very light weight, the three-year-old kept pounding along to the end, and answering very gamely to every freßh call of his diminutive pilot, he began to forge ahead 150 yards from home, and eventually secured a well-earned verdict by a length ; a similar distance divided the second and third, Cosmos, who occupied the latter position, being threequarters of a length in front of Tonans, who was placed fourth ; Sachem was fifth, about a head in front of Lizzie and Bendigo. Time by Benson's chronograph, 3 mm. 59 3 sth sec, Value of the stakes, £1562. IHR MIDDLE PARK PL^TE, Of 500 eov3 , added to a sweepstakes of 30 eovs. each for two yoir olda ; colts Bsi 101b, fillies and geldings S3i; 71b ; winners exlra ; second received 200 eova., and the third 100 out of the scanea. Bretby Stakes course (six furlongs) ; 117 subs. Lord Fa'mouth's b f Busybody, by Petrarch— Spinaway, 89t 71b .. (F Archer) I Mr J H Houldsworth's b c Royal Fern by Springfield — Wood Anemone, 9st (me. 41b extra) (T Cannon) 2 Sir J. Willouqhhy'a eh f by Hermifc -Adelaide, 9st (inc. 71b extra) .. .. .. (Gilee) 3 Mr R Peck's b f Sup?tba, by Sterling-Highland Fling, 9t (inc. 71b extra) . . (C Wood) i Lord BUetmore's b or br c Somerton, by Hampton — summer's Eve, 9st(inc. 41b extra) (F Webb) 0 Mr Tj de Bothßchild's b c Talisman, by Sterling - Hippia, Bst 101b .. .. (G Fordham) 0 Duke of Westminster's b c Cambusmore, by Don-caster-ht™thfleet, Ssl-101b... (J Watts) 0 Betting: Evens on Superba, 15 to 8 agst Busybody, 10 to 1 Royal Fern, 100 to 6 Talisman, 20 to 1 Adelaide filly, 25 to 1 Cambusmore. There waß very little delay at the post, and in a moderate start Royal Fern, on the left, jumped off clear of Busybody and Cambusmore, these in turn being separated by daylight from Superba. In the centre, the Sister to Adelaide filly occupied a prominent position, and on tho right Talisman was laying well up with the leaders. Before reaching the Bushes, Cambusmore and Somerton were done with, and Busybody closing with Royal Fern, came down the hill in cJ*eo attendance, while the Adelaide filly wai <fe" in hot pursuit of them on their right, Sup«t)a, who had momentarily looked dangerous on the crest of the Bushes Hill, being, with Talisman, in trouble in the next few strides. In the dip the Adelaide filly was beaten, and Busybody, challenging Royal Fern, ran the lunger of the pair, and obtaining the advantage half-way up the hill, won a pretty race by half a length; three lengths away frora Air Houldsvvorth's colt came the Adelaide filly, third, a v head in front of Superba, who was placed-iourth, Talisman was fifth, and the other two were beaten off. Time by Benson's chronjpgraph, 1 mm. 23 bog. Value I of the Brakes £2570,
THE NEWMAs>KET OAKS, A sweep«take3 of 25 bovn each, with 8i!0 si\s added, for three-year-old fllliea ; Bst 101b, with pcnalt.ts and allowances ; ? econd received 100 aovj out, ot stakes. T.M.JI. (1 mile 7 furlong 138 jards) 53 suba Loid Ellcgmere'a br f Lizzie, by John DavisVocalist, Bst 101b (carried Bst 12 b) . . (F Webb) 1 Mr OJ' Lefevro'a br f Hauteur, by Ito^i 4 'Ui: an - EUwthorndale, 9-sfc 31b (W Fordham) 2 Sir F Johrißtone'd bl f Lovely, by Alvarez - Bteotiij Un-ht. Bst 101b .. •• (CWood) 3 Loid Falmou ha Biitoivmrtis, Ost 31b.. (V Arc'-cr) o hit J H Ilouldsworth'a Lilac, Sst 101b. . (Lcniaiio) o Betting: G to 4 agst Britomartis, 2 to 1 Lmio, 5 to 1 Lovely, and 100 to 8 each Lilac and Hauteur. Lizzie made the running, followed by Brilomartis 'and Hauteur, with Lovely next, and Lilac last, until entering the cords, when the favourite and the lastnamed were beaten, and Lizzie, drawing out from Hauteur and Lovely, won by a length and a-half. A length separated the second and third. Lilac was last. THE CHAMPION STAKES, Of 20 soya each, with JOOO added. Weight fjvaje, with certain allowance*. Second icceit'cd ;o nor cent , and the third 5 per cent, on the wliolo Btake. A F. (I mil* 2 furlongs 73 yarda). 120 subs. Mr C Lefevre'a eh h Tristan, by Hermit -'ihrif t, 6yrs. 9«t .. •• •• (FWe-.b) 1 Duke of Hami l ton's b c Oasiau, by Silvator— vs us-.0, 3yr«. Bstslb .. •• (J Watts) 2 Lord Falmouth'-i br f Dutch Oen, by Uufch Skater— Cantoniere. 4yrn, Shtl'lb (I* 1 Archer) 3 Duke of Beaufort's Faugh-a-Ballagh, 4 yrs, Ost (O Wood) 0 Duke of Hamilton's Export, 3 yrs, B.t 51b (8 Lnato») 0 Mr C J Lefevre's Regain, 3 yrs, 83t Bib (G Fordham) 0 Betting : 7to 4'agst Tristan, 9to 4 Ossian, 5 to 2 Dutch Oven, 20 to 1 any other. Export soon settled down with a long lead, and made fast running from Ossian, Dutch Oven, and Tristan, Faugh a-Ballagh being close up next, and Regain last. They ran thus to the Bushes, where Export was beaten, and with Dutch Oven also in fcr«nhi», Ossian was left in front, and canw ou ft o i. L\ :*ian into the dip, when tho latter took closer order. Watts was compelled to call upon Ossian half way up the hill, and for a moment ho swerved, aud though quickly put straight again ho had allowed Tristan to obtain the advantage, and Webb making the most of it made the best of his way home, and won all out by a length ; a bad third. Faugh-a- Ballagh wa« fourth, close up with the pulling up Dutch Oven, and Export last, beaten off. Time by Benson's chronograph, 2 mm 17 3-sth sec. Value of the stakes, £2265. THE SIXTH GREAT CHALLENGE STAKES, Of 20 soya each with 500 added Weight for aj»e, with penalties and allowances; second received 100 soys, and the third 50 Bova out of the stakes. Bretby Stakes Course (six f ur.ongs) —4b Bubs. Lord Falmouth'3 b f Busybody, by Petnueh— Spinsway, 2 yrs 7st 61t> . . (G Kordliatn) 1 Mr W Gilbert's eh c Despair, by See Saw— l'eine de Ccaur, 4 yrs, 93t .. •• (Clones) 2 Duke of Hamilton's eh c Vibration, by Kovprbtr.*tion—Lady Macavo i, 4yr3, Oaf... (J Wa'.ts.) 3 Mr C J LefevreM Tristan, 5 yra, 9st 71b (F \\\-\,b) 0 Mr C J Lefevre's Hermhajje, 2 yw. 0-t lvlb (T .mlinuon) 0 MrßJardine's c by Brown Bread-Hygcia l^r*, Sst .. •• •• (CWood; 0 Betting: 7 to 4 agst Busybody. 9 to 4 Tristan, 4 to 1 Despair, 10 to 1 Vibration. • Despair, in the centre, and Vibration on the left, jumped eff in front, but before they had fone many strides the latter was steadied, aud )espair went on with a clear lead of Tristan on the left, and Busybody on his whip hand, next to these being the Hygeia colt and Vibration, while Hermitage brought up the rear. Half way down Bushes Hill Tristan was joined by Busybody, and the pair came on in hot pursuit of Despair into the dip, where Tristan was beaten, and the favourite challenging Despair, got on terms with him 50 yards from home, and .eventually won cleverly by a neck. Tristan finished a bad third, but was not placed owing to Webb not weighing in. Hermitage was last throughout. Value of the stakes, £1145.
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Otago Witness, Issue 1672, 8 December 1883, Page 21
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2,016RACING IN ENGLAND. NEWMARKET SECOND OCTOBER. Otago Witness, Issue 1672, 8 December 1883, Page 21
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RACING IN ENGLAND. NEWMARKET SECOND OCTOBER. Otago Witness, Issue 1672, 8 December 1883, Page 21
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