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July 29th, 30th, 31st, August Ist. Tub Bichmonu Stakbs of 500 soys, a'lded to a Bweep of 2b soys each For two-ye ir olds; colts, Sat 101b; fillies, Bit 7lb. Winners extra. T. Y.O. 161 entries. Duke of Westminster's eh c Bend Or, by Doncaster—Rouge Rose, 9at lib (including 51b penalty) .. ~ ~ ~ J TEDS fcrato-f STARJSB ol 280 89TB, added, to a sweepstake

of 15 soys each. Weight for age, with penalties.

Duke of Hamilton's b h Lollypop, by Souvenir SugaTstlck. 6 yrs, 9st 91b .. .. \ Mr Pulteney's b m Placida, by Lord Lyon—PictaV, 5 yrs, 9stllb .. .. .. ~2 Lord Lonsdale's b h Hacksthorpe, by Citadal Rosary, 4 jrs, 9at 41b .. .. .. 3. The Steward' Cup, value 300 soya, added to a handicao of 10 soys each, h ft. T.Y.C. (three-quarters-of a mile). 72 subs. Mr J T Best's eh c Peter, by Hermit—Lady Masham, 3 vrs, Bst ~ .. [C Wood) I Mr S Western's Vrgetariari. 3 yrs, 7st (Lube) 2 Duke of Hamilcon's Lollypop, 6 yrs, lost (distance) 3 Mr Pulteney's Placida, 5 yrs, 93t 61b (H Jeffreys) 0 Lord Hastings Master Kildare, 4 yrs. 9at 21b (P Archer) 0 Lord Kiverß* Warrior, 5 yrs. 9st lib (J Goater) 0 Mr Mackenzie's Rob Roy, 5 yrs, 8»t 91b (Cannon) 0 Lord Rosebery'a Kosbach, 6 yrs, B*t 9!b (Constable) 6 Sir W Throckmorton's Herald, aged, Bst 91b (Glover) 0 Mr Alexander's Thunderstone, 6 yrs, Bst 71b (Huxtable) 0 Lord Zatland'a Flotsim, 4 yrs, 83t 7ib (J Snowden) 0 Mr J Grett'in's Jupiter, 4 yrs, Bst Bib (Morgan) 0 Duke of Hamilton's Polly Perkins, 5 yrs, Bst 31b (Greaves) 0 Er H Bragg s Grand Manner, aged, Bst (W Piatt) 0 Mr Naylor's Sidonia, 5 yrs, 7st 111b (Ohaloner) 0 Mr H Savile's Lincolonshire; 4 yrs, 7at 101b

(G Pordham) 0 Mr Jousiffe's Centenery, 4 yrs, 7st 7lb (J Mac-

dona'd) 0 Mr Bowes' Twino the Plalden, C yrs, 7it 41b

(Pagan) 0 Lird Wilton's Cradle, 6 yra. 7t 31b (Lemaire) 0 iir W A Lethbridge's St. Augustine, 3 yrs, 7st

(Gallon) 0 Lord D Gordon's Scapegrace, 3 yrs, 7st, (Collins) 0 Mr A Egorton's Sir Amyas Leigh, 3 yra, 6st 121b

(Saddington) 0 Mr Craven's Nottingham, 3 yrs, 63t 111b ("carried Cst 121b .. .. .. (Morrell) 0 Lord Ayl<sford's. titylites, 8 yrs, 6st 71b (carried 6stßlb) .. .. .. (Barker) 0 Mr J Snarry's Jeßsie Agnes, 3 yrs, 6»t 51b (Hopper) 0 MrKphussi's Tonise, 8 yrs, 6st 4lb (Boll) 0 Mr B Line's Winelow's Soothing Fyrup, 3 yrs, 63t _ 3it> .* .. .. .. (Barret) 0 Lord Hartmeton a Assegai, 3 yrs, 6st (Beach) 0 Mr A Taylor's b t by The Miner—Belgravla, 3 yrs 6atlolb .. .. .. (Sal'tr) 0 Lord Dupplin's Lady Alicia, 3 yrs, 6st 101b (Raw- _ snoali)

Betting : 5 to 1 agst Cradle, 10 to 1 Stylites 10 to 1 Rosbach, 100 to 8 Warrior, 100 to 8 (at first 8 to 1) Peter, 100 to 7 Master Kildare, 100 to 6 each Lincolnshire and the Belgravia filly, 25 to 1 each Placida, Jessie Agnes, Venise, Assegai, and Lady Alicia, 100 to 3 each Herald, Grand Flaneur, Nottingham, and Winslow's Soothing Syrup, 40 to 1 each Thunderstone, Twine tbe Plaiden, Vegeterian, and Sir Amyas Leigh, and 50 to 1 Lollypop. There was a long delay at the post, and Scapegrace showed prominently in all the breaks away; but the flag eventually fell to a beautiful start. The front rank, as near as we could discover, was composed of Jupiter, Vegeterian, Herald, Lollypop, Stylites, and Rosbach, who formed' the right-hand division; whilst prominent ia the centre showed Cradle and Grand Flaneur, with Lincolnshire at the head of the left-had lot, which also included Placida and Thunderstone, Master Kildare and Peter occupied good places at the heels of the right-hand division, of which the first to hang out signals of defeat after entering the rails were Rob Roy, Rosbach, and Jupiter, and soon afterwards Cradle and Grand Flaneur were also disposed of. Jupiter retained the lead until within a quarter of a mile of home, and then retired, leaving Lollypop with a slight advantage of Vegetarian and Peter, at whose heels laid Master Kildare until past the distance, when he attempted to get through, but, being disappointed, never reached the leaders, who ran a splendid race home, which resulted in Peter's favour by three-quarters of a length, Vegetarian beating Lollypop by a length, "bout a head behind the third Placida and Stylites, finished abreast, clea- of Herri d, Thunderstone, Cradle, Warrior, and Master Kildare " all of a heap ;" the rest being so widly scattered that we cannot attempt to indicate the order in which they passed the post. Sime, lmin 19sec. Thb Giutwickk Stakes, a sweepstakes of 100 soys each. For three-year-olds; colts, Bst 101b; fillies, Bst 61b. Those got by stallions er out of mares that never produced a winner of 100 says, allowed. 31b ;if both, 61b. One mile and a-half. Mr W S Crawf urd's eh c Sea Breeze, by Favionius— Wild Myrtle, Bst 41b .. .. .. 1 Mr W S Crawfurd's eh f Wifey, by Cremorne— Lady Mary, Bat 21b .. .. .. _ Lord Falmouth's eh c Charibert, Bst 71b .. 3 Mr Bowe>' b f Reconciliation, Bst 2lb ;. .. 0 Thk Ham Stakks, a sweepstakes of 100 soys each. For three-year-olds; colts, Bss 101b; flliiei, Bst 71b; allowances similar to those IntheGra! hke Stakes, T.V.C. '/■■ Duke of Hamilton's br t The Song, by The Beadle —Music, Bst lib.. .. .. ~ The GooDWoon Cop, value 300 soys, added to a sub-cr scription of 20 soys each, h ft,- weight for age - penalties and allowances. 2J miles. 16 subs. Mr P. Gretton's Isonomy, by Sterling—lsola Belle, 4 yrs. 9st 31b .. .. (T Cannon) 1 Duke of Hamilton's The Bear, 6 yrs, 7at 41b (Lemaire) 2 Mr PLorillard's .Parole, 6 yrs, Bst 41b (carried Bst 51b) .. .. .. (F Archer) 8 Lord Roseberry'a Touchet, 5 yrs, 9st (Constable) 0 Lord Dupplin's Reefer, 4 yrs,.Bst 71b (H Jeffery) O Mr Best's Peter, 3 yrs, 7st 71b .. (O Wood) 0Betting: 6 to 4 agst Isonomy, 100 to 30 1 Parole, 9 to 2 Touchet, 5 to 1 Peter, and 25 to 1 each The Bear and Reefer. There was a slight delay at the post, owing* to Touchet whipping round. Directly they were off, The Bear went to the front and made rnnuing, being followed by Touchet, who was fighting for his head, then Isonomy, Reefer, and Peter, with Parole last, came on in the order named. As they went down the straight The Bear increased his lead, and was nearly 200 yards ahead of Touchet. who in turn was clear of Isonomy, Reefer, Peter, and Parole, who came on in Indian file. Going to the clump, Parole passed Peter and Reefer" the latter of whom soon became last. When seen again, the Bear had begun to come back, and going up the hill his lead was reduced to some 50 yards, and Isonomy had headed Touchet, these being some distance in advance of Peter and Parole. Directly they came intfv the straight, two last-named headed Touchet, and, with Isonomy, raced after the Bear, who, plodding on, got Parole and Peter in trouole soon after passing the rails, Reefer and Touchet having been previously disposed of. After this Isonomy ran up to the Bear, and, waiting on him until opposite the stand, came away with an effort, and won by three lengths. The remainder trotted past the post, Parote being placed third, while Reefer was the whipper in. Time by Benson's chronograph, smin Bsec.

Tub Susskx Ssakes of 500 soys, added to a swoenBtakes of 25 soys each. For three year olds. Colts, sst Mb; flliies, Bst 71b. Winners extra. One mile 126 entries. Count F de Latrranrre's eh c Eayon dOr, by Flageolet—Araucaria, 9st lib .. .. 1 Mr J H HonldMvorth'a eh c Ruperra', by Adven-turer-Lady Morgan, Bst 131b ~ 2 Lor*! Falmouth's b t Leap Year, by Kingsoraft^Wheat ear, Bf>t 101b .. 3 Mr 0 Bianton's eh c Exeter, Sophie, 8 jtl3lb.. ~ ~ .. Q Won easily by Rayon dOr, who subsequently, as we were informed by cablegram, won the St. Leger, with Rupewa second, and J_xeter third,

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Otago Witness, Issue 1453, 27 September 1879, Page 18

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RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 1453, 27 September 1879, Page 18

RACING IN ENGLAND. Otago Witness, Issue 1453, 27 September 1879, Page 18