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Auokland, February Bth, eta Tauranga, February 10th.

Both the morning journals notice Mr Srauigan's removal to the Lunatic Asylum with sympathy, and express hopes for his speedy recovery. February 10th. At the Inquest on the fire by which the j kerosene store was destroyed, the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the fire was caused by incendiarism. The Waitemata election resulted as follows :— Henderson, 217 ; Freer, 96. The Thames election resulted as follows :— O'Neill, 702 ; Swan, 531. February 11th. Paratene Barton has returned to Alexandra, having left 50 men at Pekaxra. He says that Tapihana was defiant, and danced the war dance ; Whitiora is also determined. Barton ordered Tapihana to KawaU, and says that if Tapihana goes, all will be well ; till then, the Europeans must b« vigilant. j February 12th. I The Janet Dalgleish has arrived from Newcastle, having on board the crew of the brig Caroline, which foundered on. the 29th ult, 50 miles from Newcastle. The cook of the Caroline, Thomas Laurie ' by name, was drowned. The polling for the Waikato election resulted as folio tra :— Maopherson, 131; Kirkwood, 74. The last fortnightly yield of the Caledonian was 40290z5, and another thousand ounces is expected to-day. Shares are heldatLSS. Belfasts, 9s. Mr Q. W. Binnev reports wheat at from 5s to 5s 3d ; feeding barley, 3s ; malting, 3s 6d ; flour, Ll3 to Ll5 ; bacon, lOd ; maize, 5s 6d ; oats, stocks low, Oamaru, 3s 2d ; Canterbury, 3s 6d. Wellington, 13th February. The Colonial Rifle Matches commence at Auckland on the 6th March. The Luna leaves here on Friday next for Southern ports, to pick up the Middle Island representatives. The Maori Western district election polling took place here to-day. Wi Pirata— a half caste-— 79 ; Mete Kingi, 1 ; Kemp, 0. February 15th. An open<air meeting, called by the unemployed, was held 'at noon to-day. About 160 person* were present, A pe-

tition was adopted, praying for a Govern- { ment grant to the people in the place, land at Manawatu on deferred payments, and employment on public works on the same terms as those granted to the j Swedish immigrants. Wanganui, February 14th. The polling for the Maori election so far gives Kemp a majority of 15 over Mete Kingi, the former representative. This' majority, it is anticipated, will be increased when the out district returns are received. Patea, February 15th. The natives are quiet, and the election here passed over without much stir. Kemp gained a majority. Rewi does not intend to interrupt the road work or the telegraph at Taupo. Nelson, February 11th. The poll for the Motueka election resalted in a tie, each candidate obtaining 193 votes. The Returning Officer gave his casting vote in favour of Sir David Monro. February 15th. The Airedale .was lost off the river Waitara on Tuesday morning. While a thick rain was falling she ran on a rock. The Phoebe passed her, but learned at New Plymouth what had occurred— the news having been carried to that place by the Airedale's purser, who rode into town from Waitara — and put back to the Airedale's assistance. The Phoebe brought on all the passengers and mails. The Airedale's deck had to be cat open to get out the mails, which have all been saved, but are wet through being under water for two hours. Captain Kennedy stays by the wreck. Napieb, February 14th. The result of to-day's races was as follows : Oup — Orlando, 1. A protest waa raised on account of an alleged oross. Railway Stakes— Slander, 1. Hack Race — Despatch, 1. Ladies' Purse — Matterino, 1. Match for L5O-Pai Mairire, 1. The course was in splendid condition. February 15th. The result of the second day's races was as follows :—: — Maiden Plate— Jenny Lind, 1. Scurry States — Slander walked over the course. Hack Race — Despatch, 1. Hawke's Bay Stakes — won by Yatterina, hard held. Ropata and his force are in the heart of the Rua Tahuna country, but have met with no signs of Te Kooti. February 16th. The third day's races resulted as follows :— Provincial Produce Stakes.—Hikutoto,l. Free Handicap.— Yatterina, 1. Optional Selling Stakes.— Slander, 1. Consolation Handicap. — Breetw&lder, 1. Gee? mouth, February 10th. Mr Davis, Assistant Geologist to Dr Hector, who has been engaged in an examination of the coalfields of this district, was drowned last evening whilst attempting to ford a small river ten miles north of Greymouth. He had crossed easily a day or two before, but in the interval heavy rain h«d fallen, which had swollen the river, and caused the ford to ihif t. His horse was carried off its legs, and was, with its rider, swept out to sea. Mr Dent, road overseer, who was with Mr Davis at the time, rode into the surf at imminent risk of his life, and succeeded in resouing the horse, but poor Davis had been washed off and drowned. His body was cast up on the beach this morning. There was a bridge over the stream only half a mile off, with a good track leading to it. _______ Hokitika, February 10th. The poll for the Totara General Assembly election resulted as follows :— Keogh, 131 ; Tribe, 128 ; Carreras, 75 ; Hoob, 14. Mr Barff retired. The official returns have not yet been received. The Olio has not yet put in an appearanoe, and it is believed she has passed on. February 11th. The s.s. Alhambra arrived yesterday from Melbourne, which she left on the 4th. She brings a large cargo for Dunedin, including 6000 gunnies sugar. 13th February. The official returns of the Totara election for a member of the House of Representatives have been received. Tribe has been returned by a majority of 3 over Keogh. The election will probably be disputed, Barff, whose name appeared wrongly on the Five Mile Beach voting papers, having retired, He polled 3. The matter has been referred to the Government. February 16th. Anthony Noble, the coloured man who

was found guilty of the murder of the little girl Malumby, some weeks ago, was executed within the precincts of the gaol this morning. He made & full confession, bearing oat the medical testimony at the trial. Roxburgh, February 10th. The returns for the Waikaia election from Teviot, Neviß, Potters, Moa Flat, and Horse Shoe Bend have been received. The result, according to them, , is as follows :— Bradshaw, 165 ; Dean, 20. The returns from fcwitzers, Tapanui, Waikaka, and Nokomai have not yet been received. February 16th. Mr Macandrew held a monster meeting here last night. His assertion that Mr Beighton had recommended the sale of the Island Block was completely repellsd and refuted. Mr Macandrew gave very unsatisfactory answers. A resolution was passed unanimously to the effect that Mr Macandrew's antecedents render him totally unfit to be again elected to the office of Superintendent. Three cheers were given for Mr Reid, and three groans for Mr Macandrew. Invercargill, February 12th. The polling for the Mataura General Assembly election took place yesterday. All the returns are in, and the following is the result: — Bell, 235 ; Kinross, 73 ; Denniston, 70 ; majority for Bell, 162. Queenstown, February 11th. Mr Donald Reid addressed a very large meeting at the Town Hall last night. He spoke for two hours, was listened to most patiently, and was frequently and loudly applauded. A vote that he was a most fit and proper person to fill the office of Superintendent was oarried by acclamation, there being only two dissentients. Previous to Mr Reid's address public opinion in Queenstown was in favour of Mr Macandrew, but now it is quite the reverse. | Mr Reid also addressed a meeting at Arrowtown yesterday, and met with a | moßt cordial reception. Lawrence, Feb. 14th. Mr Macandrew addressed a meeting of 300 electors in the Athenaeum last night, Mr Bastings, the Mayor, acting as chairman. After Mr Macandrew had made a short speech, he was severely catechised for two hours. Mr Matthew Hay then proposed a vote of confidence, to which the following amendment was moved :—: — | " That in the opinion of this meeting, I Mr Macandrew, by his actions during the last four years, has proved himself to be politically dishonest, and is unworthy to be again returned to the office of Superintendent." The amendment was carried by 150 to 9. Loud and prolonged cheers were then given for Mr Reid, and three groans for Mr Macandrew. Oamartj, February 16th. The return matoh between the Oamarn Rifles and the Timaru Artillery was fired ! this morning. The conditions were 400, i 500, and 600 yards, seven shots at each range, 10 men a-side. The scores were as follows :— Oaaiaru, 469 ; Timaru, 388 ; majority for Oamaru, 81. In the first match, the Timaru team were beaten by 119 points, theecorea then being— Oamaru, 476 ; Timaru, 357. Tokomaip.iro, 13th February. Mr Macandrew visited G-lenore for the purpose of addressing the electors this morning. There was no meeting, however, as not single individual attended. BiiUPS 1 , February 16th. The s.s. Gothenburg arrived here at 7 p.m. to-day from Melbourne, which she left at 3 p.m. on the 11th. Passengers for Dunedin and Lyttelton : —Right Rev. Dr Moran, Rev. Father Coleman, Sister Rooney, Messrs Gill, Hughes, Wbitty, Tracey, M'Laughlin, Sullivan, Kioley, Doolan, Jordan, Mrs Lucas and infant, Mr and Mrs Legg, Miss Oolville, Messrs Hoskins, M'Otnereill, Puflett, Lan,e, Baldwin, M'Kinlay, Sir Francis Smith, Mrs Saint, Misses Fitchett (2), and 50 in the steerage. Cargo List : — For Dunedin, 230 tons, for Lyttelton, 80 tons ; for Wellington, 45 tons ; for Nelson, 11 tons. Melbourne, February 4th. The nominations for the General Elections commenced yesterday. A contest will take place everywhere except at Villiers, which returned Messrs Bayles and O'Grady unopposed. The Age has gone into opposition. The protectionists are making strenuous exertions to get their men returned. There is a split among the Liberals, many of whom look to Mr Higinbotham as the coming man. Judge C. A. Smyth, at Beechworth, yesterday complained of the excessive heat, and became bo excited that restraint was necessary, and he was removed to the Beechworth Lunatic Asylum. Sun- 1

stroke i/ supposed to be the immediate cause of his misfortune. "Mr Heller hai gone to Tasmania oa ft month's engagement. /The Hong Kong Sugar Company have started an agency here,| Seventy insolvents filed their schedules on the 31st January, which was the last day the old Bankruptcy Act was in operation. The female servants who arrived by the Essex were engaged readily at from LIO to L 22 per annum. George Wright pleaded guilty to a charge of embezzlement from Messrs Bright Bros, and Co., and was remanded for sentence. The Roman Catholic Archbishops, Polding and Goold, are on a visit to Ballamt, where pontifical high mass will be eel* brated to-morrow. The Back Creek syphon has again burst, and Mr Higinbotham declares it to be a total failure. Meanwhile, the Coli* ban Scheme is likely to remain useless for a long time, in consequence of this mishap. The New South Wales Government were saved from the threatened motion of want of confidence by the Opposition carrying the previous question. They are likely, however, to be defeated on the Budget. Mr Denchey's remains are believed to have been taken from the Cemetery, M Mr Egan's were. Arrived. — Hero. Sailed.— -Margaret, for Invercargill. ! February 11th, | The Bangitoto arrived on Thursday. She sails again about Wednesday next, with the English mails via Suez. Bishop Perry, as President of the Society for the Promotion of Morality, hat issued an address to the electors of Victoria, urging them to elect none but moral men, and those opposed to the opening of public-houses on Sunday. Judge Smyth has almost recovered from his mental ailment. Hayward, the defaulting Collector of Fitzroy, has been sentenced to a year's imprisonment Mr Gilohrist, Town Clerk of Fitzroy, has resigned. The Protection League held ft crowded meeting in the Haymarket Theatre. 2000 persons were present. Resolutions were, carried in favour of 20 and 30 per cent, duties, and the exclusion of prison-made, articles from the market. Mr Hanify, formerly Clerk to the Petty Sessions, is dead. Tenders have been received for the, working of the line of telegraph to Wilsun'B Promontory. The telegraph has been opened as far as Gabo Island. The National Insurance Company and Commercial Bank have declared no dividend. Ihe Banls: of Victoria, however, has declared a dividend of 10 per cent., and the Hobson's Bay Railway one of 5 per cent. Several captains of sailing vessels hare been fined for neglecting to oarry light* along the coast. Sudden and heavy rains and temporary floods took place throughout the colony on Tuesday last. A good deal of damage was done in various localities. In the New South Wales Parliament the Treasurer has introduced a tariff similar to that of Victoria, and collections under it will commence on Tuesday next* The debate on the Budget has been ad* journed until Wednesday. The Government are likely to be defeated. j The Launceston railway— the first constructed in Tasmania — was opened yesterday. At Adelaide the Government are again giving work to the unemployed. Heavy rains have injured the grain, which wai stacked in the fields. Arrived.— Magnet, from Greymouth. At Newcaatle— lndus, from Dnnedin. Sailed.— Sarah and Mary, and Prosperity, far Hokitika. Commercial.— The markets have been steady throughout the week, and at the olose flour has been easier, Ll4 being the highest price obtainable. Wheat is at 6s ; feeding grains are steady, bat slightly easier. Sugars remain firm, with improved prices. Kerosene has been speculated in at an advance.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1003, 18 February 1871, Page 13

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Telegrams. Otago Witness, Issue 1003, 18 February 1871, Page 13

Telegrams. Otago Witness, Issue 1003, 18 February 1871, Page 13