SALE BY AUCTION. igiF THIS DAY. FRUIT TREES. MR. CARNEGIE has received instructions from Mr. David Bower to Sell by Public Auction, at his Store, Princes Street, Dunedin, THIS DAY, sth June, at 12 o'clock, a very choice selection of Fruit Trees, comprising — Apple Trees Pear do. Plum do., in all varieties Cherry do. Currant do. Gooseberry do. The above have been grown expressly for this market. They are all grafted, and warranted free from blight. No Reserve. Terms— Cash. SALE BY AUCTION. MESSRS. W. C. YOUNG & Co, have received instructions from T. J. White, Esq., to Sell by Public Auction, at their Sale Rooms, Dunedin, on THURSDAY, the 10th instant, at One o'clock, — A QUANTITY OF KITCHEN FURNITURE AND UTENSILS, CROCKERY, MEAT SAFE, &c. Also, 100 Large Black and Red Currant Bushes 200 Raspberry Plants A Quantity of British Queen Strawberry do. 8 Peach Trees, budded Sundry Flowering Plants A Quantity of Books, &c., &c. Also, 10 Apple Trees, in full bearing $lf NOTICE. ALL Accounts against the ship " NOURMAHAL," Capt Brayley, must be rendered in duplicate to the undersigned by 4 o'clock p.m. on Tdesdat next, the Bth inst. J. MACANDREW & Co., Agents. . WANTED to Purchase, Two Copies of the " OTAGO WITNESS " of Bth ultimo. Apply at the Office of this Paper. NOTICE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. DUNEDLN COUNTRY DISTRICT. Province of Otago \ to ivit. j TITHEREAS, a Writ under the Hand of * 7 His Excellency Thomas Gore Browne, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Islands of New Zealand, &c, &c, bearing date the Tenth day of April, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-eight, and under the Public Seal of the Islands of New Zealand aforesaid, has been directed to me, John Gillies, Esquire, Resident Magistrate, and Principal Returning Officer for the Province of Otago, requiring and commanding me to cause to be elected from and amongst the Voters duly qualified for that purpose, freely and indifferently, and in manner and form by law prescribed, One legally qualified person to serve as Member of the House of Representatives, for the Dunedin Country District of the Province of Otago : Now, therefore, I, the said John Gillies, Esquire, Resident Magistrate and Principal Returning Officer for the said Province of Otago, do hereby, in pursuance of the said recited Writ, give notice that a Public Meeting of the Electors of the Dunedin Country ! District will be holden at the Court-House, in Dunedin, on TUESDAY, the Fifteenth day of June instant, at twelve o'clock noon, for the purpose of nominating One person to serve as Member of the House of Representatives for the Dunedin Country District of the said Province ; and in the event of a Poll being demanded for the Candidates, or any of them, such Polling shall take place on WEDNESDAY, the Sixteenth day of June instant, at such Court-House aforesaid; at the SchoolHouse, East Taieri ; at or near the Residence of Mr. James Smith, in Tokomairiro Plain ; at the Clutha Ferry House ; and at or near the Residence of William Jones, Esquire, Goodwood. The voting at the above-named Polling Places to commence at Twelve o'clock noon of the said day. Dated at the Resident Magistrate's Court at Dunedin, this first day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-eight. JOHN GILLIES, Resident Magistrate and Returning Officer. Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, Ist June 1858. T HEREBY GIVE NOTICE That I have -fl- appointed the following additional Polling Places for the purpose of the Election of Members to serve in the House of Representatives for the Dunedin Country District : — At the School-house, East Taieri. At or near the residence of James Smith, Tokomairiro Plain. At the Clutha Ferry House. At or near the residence of Wm. Jones, Esq., Goodwood. J. M'Glashan, Deputy- Siqierintcndent.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Otago Witness, Issue 340, 5 June 1858, Page 3
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