PEDIGREE JERSEY BULL, 15 months old, for lease, gratis. A son of Dr Ritchie Crawford's cow, Xenia's Derby Maid (Imp.) which cost 425 guineas. Good Feed and Careful Attention essential. Apply W. R; Ireland, 'Phone 45. GIFTS FOR XMAS— For Ladies: Handbags, Shoppin, Bags, Pyjamas (Berlei Brand), Tailored Sets (Berlei Brand). Handkerchiefs, Face Cloths, . Sponge Bags. MATHESON'S, LTD. RESIDENTS I DO NOT FORGET THE EVENING SPORTS \ ' j on' Friday, next, 18th inst. | Full Net Proceeds /to assist UNEMPLOYED MARRIED MEN. ROLL UP, EVERYBODY, at 6 p.m. DECLARATION OF RESULT OF POLL FOR THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF WALLACE.' I, Harold James Henderson, Returning Officer "for the Electoral District of WALLACE, do hereby declare the result of the poll taken on the 2nd day Of December, 1931, for the election of a Member of Parliament for the said district to be as follows:— Candidates. Votes pollea. PETER GILFEDDER. 2566 ADAM... HAMILTON 5408 Total number of valid votes polled ... .... ... ... .... 7974 Number of votes • rejected asinformal... ... .../...' 72 I therefore declare the said ADAM to be elected. Dated at Riverton, this 10th day of December, 1931. ,' - ■:'./_ H. J. HENDERSON, Returning .Officer. > ST. ANDREW'S SCOTTISH J SOCIETY. The annual. meeting of the above Society will be held m Mr Matheson's Room on Wednesday, 16th December, 1931, at 8 p.m. \ ~ Business—Report and Balance Sheet. Election of office-bearers. A cordial 1 invitation is extended to all members. B. J. IRELAND, Secretary. '"\"_ ''_ .' , —..:' ?:. :, 3 ' " '.- yj / GIFTS FOR XMAS—, >'l For Men: Parisian Ties, Dress Shirts, Shaving Bowls, Suitcases, Fancy Sox (large assortment, best Shades), Handkerchiefs, Silk Underwear. MATHESON'S, LTD.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume XXVII, Issue 1349, 15 December 1931, Page 2