FOX.—On December 27, at Dunedin, Frederick Robert Thomas, beloved husband of Catherine B. Fox; aged 64 years. Deeply mourned. Private interment. Flowers respectfully declined. —C. J., Thorn, undertaker. GIBSON. —On December 24, .it Balelutha, the infant daughter of Mr and Mrs A. D. Gibson. GRAHAM. —At his residence, Heriot row, on December 27, Charles Christie Graham; in his eighty-first year. KINMONT.—On December 24, at Brighton (suddenly, the result of an accident), John Williamson (Eoin), fourth son of the Bev. A. Kinmont, M.A., of East Taieri; aged 15 years. SCRIVINER. —On December 27, at her residence, Gordon road, Mosgiel, Ann Louisa, beloved wife of Alfred Scriviner; aged 83 years. Decnlv regretted. Privato interment.—Robert Wedderspoon, undertaker. YOUNG. —On December 27, at his residence, Brighton, Frank, beloved husband of Bertha Young; aged 75 years. Deeply regretted.—The Funeral will leave his late residence To-morrow (Wednesday), December 29, at 12.45 p.m., for the Green Tsland Cemetery.—W. Geddes, undertaker.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16577, 28 December 1915, Page 4
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