BARCLAY.—On November 10, 1912. Alfred Richard Barclay, barrister and solicitor, eldest son of tho late Rev. Ooorgo Buirlay, and dearly Moved husband of Awiio Barclay; aged 54 years.--Private interment. LLOYD.—On November 10, 1912, at her daughter's (Mrs Smart) residence, 19 Ruthcrglen roatl, Kaikorai Valley, Ellen Mary, relict of Arthur Lloyd; aged 72 years. 1t.1.r. RKNNIE.—On November 9, at her refiidence, 18 David street. Cn.vcrsh.nn, Hannah, beloved wife of William Hcnnie. and eldest daughter of Jamns Wilkinson; used 47 Private interment.—C. .1. Thorn, undertaker. Sl'EAD.—On November 9, 1912, at Duriedin, Isabella, relict of William Stead (late of Warrington) Deeply regretted.--'Hie Funeral will leave Mrs Radio's residence, Warrington, This Day (Monday), the Uth, at 3 p.m., for tho Warrington (^omctery.—John Gillies, undertaker, 24 Georgo street, luid 11 Great I\inp street. Announcements of Wrths, -inrriagw, and * Mths font by pnst lor publication mnst hear tho sicnutare ol our ajjrnt, 3 clcriryinno, or a J.f. Charf? lor these, 3s ench pmpn 11, or It booked, when not five linos, .m<l 6:1 lor each line Ofrr five. "In Mmorlnm " notice? aro inserted nt the Fimo r.itoc, hut when verses aro added, an additional chars? ol R'l per lino is made lor each lino ol tjuee. occupied. Notices ol Death and Privato Interment: pivpald ts Gd, liookert 6s Cd, Notices ol Death and Funeral: prepaid S=, boekci 9j. In computing tho lines ol ipiee to bo occupld, advertisers are notified that they can reckon sit words to Iho lino. All words over 30 are, tliurjlore, oharped at CI lor each fix won!?. Xotificatlons of r,irth=, Morrlflfios, end Heaths appearing in tho Daily Times Bra inserted al-o in live Witness and tho Mail Summary lor Greit Britain and Amerlua without additional chirp?. XfRS and Mrs 11. C. THOMPSON iWdi to Tliunk their many friends for their kind sympathy in their recent sad bereavement.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 15608, 11 November 1912, Page 4
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