BAKER.—On March 21, at Tirohia, Hamilton. to Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Baker, Ncwstead (nec Molly Davison I. a daughter.—Both veil. BENT.—On March 20, at Warkworth Cottage Hospital, to (icrtrnde uiee Kelland). wife of S. L. Bent, a daughter. BOYD—On March 10, at Luffness Te Awamulu. to Mr and Mrs. C. Boyd, a daughter. CAVE. —On March 21. at Harrisvillo, Doniinion Road, to Mavis, wife of Mechanician H. Cave, R.N.Z.N.. a son.— Both well CLOW. —On March It), at Whitiora. Cambridge, to Mr. aad Mrs. Drew Clow (nee Nathalie Campin), a son (stillborn). FARRELL. —On March 22, 1044, at Bethany, to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farrell, a daughter.—Both well. (Visitors after four davs.) FiTZPATRICK. —Oil March IS, at Camp-bell-Johnstone Ward, to Norrie and Eva. a gon. HARRIS. —On March 17. at Ranui, to Jlr. and Mrs. Rex Harris (nee Joan Tuohey), 18 Tawera Road, Green Lane, a daughter. HENTON. —On March 'JI. at CampbellJohnstone. to Mary, wife of Desmond Henton. a daughter. KRILETICH. —On March 22, at Nurse pohlen's. Point Chevalier, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Krlletich. Great North Road, another bonny (on—Both well. (Visitors after seven days.) LAPY/OOD. —On March IT, at Nurse McMabon's. Ngaruawnhia. to Mr. and Mrs. F. Lanwood. a son.—Both well. LOWRY. —On March 21, at Hnntly HosStal. to Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lowry, a son tillborn). RAMSEY. —On March 21, at Kaitaia, to Ifii and Hazel, a son.—Both well. ROTHERY.—On March 21, at Huia Obstetric Hospital, Otahuhu, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rotnery. of Mansrere. a daughter. —Both well. TAPP. —>0n March 22, at Castlemaine, to Gloria (nee McClure), wife of F.O. H. L. Tapp, R.N.Z.A.F., a daughter.—Both well. TONG. —On March 21. at Te Kohanga. Balmoral, to Corporal and Mrs. Eric Tong, a daughter.—Both "well. (Visitors after seven days.) VENNELL.—On March 19, at the Rotorca Hospital, to Nina, wife of Lieutenant C. ¥. Vennell. a son.—Both-well. ' WILLIAMSON On March 20. at WhaCgarei Annexe, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williamson (nee Hazei Smith), a son.—Both well.
New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 24850, 23 March 1944, Page 1
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