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MEMBER FOR EEMUEKA STANDING AS INDEPENDENT An announcement that he would not submit his name to a National Party selection ballot for Ilemuera, but would contest the seat as an Independent was made by the sitting National Party member," Mr. W. P. End<?an, yesterday. The announcement was made after he had received a deputation from the party's Auckland divisional executive which placed before him a resolution passed by the Remuera electoral committee requesting him to go to a selection ballot. . „ ~ The Auckland division of the party also made a statement after the interview saying that Mr. R. M. Algie would ; be the official National candidate. Lack of Information Mr. Endean said his first knowledge that procedure had been s6t in motion to select a candidate for Hemuera was obtained from a Hkkald representative when lie arrived from Sydney by flyingboat last Thursday. In Sydney ho had heard that a cablegram had been forwarded before his arrival there, but had been returned and his informant did not remember the contents. When lie reached New Zealand he was not even a ware of the election date. The deputation bad offered him a week in which he would be able to get his friends and supporters to join the party before a selection ballot was held. He told the deputation that on the facts before him he would have no chance of selection and that he preferred to stand as an Independent and submit his name to the 18,000 Remuera electors. Qualified Support of Party "After 13 years' service in Parliament and after the knowledge and experience J have gained, both in Great Britain and at various conferences at Ottawa with members ot the United States Legislature, 1 feel 1 may be able to assist my country in solving the problems with which she will be faced after the war," Mr. Endean added. He said that if he was re-elected be would support the National Party policy providing it was for the good of the country. "I will use my discretion and do everything in my power to benefit New Zealand and the Empire." . In its statement the Auckland division said that the rules of the National Party provided that a sitting member of Parliament must, if called upon, go to a selection ballot for the party nomination. "Mr. Endean informed the deputation that he declined to submit his name for selection," the statement added. "In accordance with the rules and constitution of the party, Mr. R. M. Algie becomes the official National Party candidate for the Remuera seat." Seven Candidates In Field Mr. Endean's decision to stand in addition to the official National candidate, Mr. Algie. brings the number of aspirants for the seat to seven, the largest number so far in the field for any electorate. Others who have been announced are: —Dr. Martyn Finlay (Labour), Mr. L. P. McMahon (Democratic Labour), Mrs. Suzanne Milne (Heal Democracy Movement), Fl.vingOfficer E. W. Sintori (People's Movement), and Mr. Hugh G. Kendal (Fighting Forces League). In the 1938 general election, when there was a straight-out contest between Mr. Endean and Mrs. M. M. Dreaver (Labour), Mr. Endean won with a majority of 2861. The voting was: Endean, 9605; Dreaver, 6744. Mrs. Dreaver was subsequently elected at a by-election in Waitemata following the death overseas of the sitting member. Captain W. J. Lyon (Labour). MORE CANDIDATES SOUTHERN SEATS SERVICEMEN INCLUDED Further candidates at the general election have been announced as follows: — Franklin, —Mr. E. Moss, agricultural master at King's College, will contest the Franklin seat as an Independent sponsored by the Real Democracy Movement. Born in Lancashire in 1909, Mr. Moss was educated at Scotch College. Melbourne, and Melbourne University, where lie graduated in agricultural science. He came to New Zealand in 1934 and was appointed a Government agricultural instructor. Subsequently he farmed at Broadwood and Matamata until joining the staff of King's College. Riccarton. —Commander R. R. Beauchamp, R.N. (retired), will contest Riccarton in the interests of the Democratic Labour Party. After 16 years in the Navy, Commander Beauchamp took up farming in New Zealand in 1926. He was associated with the Fairbridge Farm School Association in England, Canada and Australia. On the outbreak of war with Japan he was called up for service with the Royal New Zealand Navy, with which he is at present serving. Christchurch East.—Corporal H. G. Schou, aged 29, a member of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, will contest Christchurch East for the Democratic Labour Party. He replaces Mr. Te Ari Pitama, who was obliged to withdraw because he is a three-quarter caste Maori and was therefore not eligible to contest a European seat. Of Danish descent. Corporal Schou was born and educated in Christchurch and before entering the Air Force was a radio announcer. Waitaki.—Mr. J. S. Adams, of Otekaieke, North Otago, has been chosen as the Labour candidate for Waitaki. A farmer, Mr. Adams is a member of the Waitaki County Council, the Oamaru Harbour Board and the Otago Land Board. Central Otago.—The Labour Party candidate for Central Otago will be Mr. James Mackay. Clutha. —Mr. H. K. Edie will contest Clutha in the interests of the Labour Party. EDUCATION SYSTEM PROSPECTIVE IMPROVEMENTS (0.c.) KAIIvOHE. Monday The prospects of further education improvements after the war was indicated by the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. P. Fraser, speaking at Kaikohe to-night. He said that the Minister of Education, the Hon. H. G. R. Mason, and he had discussed the question of a future educational programme so that development might go on at a much accelerated pace and on an even wider basis. Mr. Mason proposed to call a conference after the election with the object of. laying down a Dominion policy, and also policies for individual localities. It was hoped to obtain from those interested an expression of what they thought was required in the way of educational opportunities by pakeha and Maori children, continued Mr. Fraser. People it was proposed to' cali included teachers, members of educa- j tion boards, school committees, representatives of Church and private schools and parents' associations. FARM HAND'S WAGES (0.C.) CHRISTCHURCH, Monday "It is hard to get good men and when you get them you want to keep them," said a farmer before the Armed Forces Appeal Board at Christchurch. The farmer said the man he was appealing for worked from about 5 a.m. until 9 p.m. daily and was capable of taking charge. In reply to the board, the farmer said be paid the man £2 17s a week in addition to which he had his keep. He was given a fortnight's holiday every year and a bonus. "And he does all that for £2 17s weekly." commented the chairman, Mr. R. A. Cuthbert. "J can understand your anxiety to keep him." The appeal'was . adjourned sine die. \
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New Zealand Herald, Volume 80, Issue 24664, 17 August 1943, Page 2
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1,139BALLOT REJECTED New Zealand Herald, Volume 80, Issue 24664, 17 August 1943, Page 2
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BALLOT REJECTED New Zealand Herald, Volume 80, Issue 24664, 17 August 1943, Page 2
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