- LONG TERM. IN HOTFSE MR. BURNETT OF TEMUKA [BY TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION! m, , ,v\ TIMARU, Sunday lne death has occurred qf Jfj Thomas David Burnett, M.P. f 0 » Temuka, aged 64. Born at Cave and educated at the Timaru Boys 7 Higr. School, he went to work t)n the station of his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs' Andrew Burnett, who, came from Scot land to Canterbury in 1861, and proceeded to the Mackenzie Country, h 1864 they took up the Mount Cook run which Mr. Burnett inherited oa tie death of his father. Mr. Burnett entered politics in 191Q when he won the Temuka seat, he had held ever since. The Burnett family had never forgotten the debt they owe to the hardy pioneers, and their gitt of St. David's Pioneer Memorial Church at Cave was a typical expression of their regard. The hard life facing women on farnu induced Mr. Burnett to establish the Strathcona hostel, where young women were trained in homecraft with a vie* to assisting on farms. Mr. Burnett provided a large area of land, and.mads himself largely responsible for the financial upkeep of the institution.. He was also the prime mover in the Borelands water supply scheme, which ensures an adequate supply for a vast area which is subject 4o" draught. fle erected a monument at Burke's Pass to commemorate the noted Mackenzie, after whom the Mackenzie Countiy was named, and was instrumental in theerection on Cave Hill of a memorial, hewn from stone, in memory of the.soldiers of the district who "died in the Great War. Mr. Burnett is survived by his wife, one son and one daughter., •..
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New Zealand Herald, Volume 78, Issue 24136, 1 December 1941, Page 8
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New Zealand Herald, Volume 78, Issue 24136, 1 December 1941, Page 8
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