BLOCK.—On March 17, on active serTice, Lieutenant Peter A. Block, K.X.R., beloved husband of Peggy Block Inee Barioni. CLINKARD. —On March '_M, at Rotorua, Cecil Henry, ex-M.P., beloved husband of the late Julia Clinkard. and father of Harry, Charles, Alt'., George and Sid. Funeral at J{otorua io-mnrrow (Wednesday) afternoon. CLINKARD. — On March 21, a* his home. Botorua, Cecil Henry Clinkard; aged 70 year?. Funeral will take place on Wednesday. ' DAVIDSON. —On March l.'i, tint, at Sutherland. Sydney, Frank Davidson, late of Parua Bay and Auckland: aged SO years. HINE. —On March 21, lull, at a private hospital. Auckland. Lieutenant Charles Percy, late X.X.R . I.V_'}>3, MM.. dearly-beloved husband of Caroline Hilda, and loved father of Gladys ami (Hen. of <;8 Landscape Road. Mount Eden; aged It) years. A service will be held .it Si. Andrew's Church. St. Andrew's J-load. Epsom, at p.m. to-day (Tuesday), the funeral, with military honours, then leaving for Hillsborough Cemetery.
HINE, \ haries Percy.-—Loved brother of Bertha (Tauranfra). Ida (New Plymouth), Anne iChristchurcli). Amy (Takaka), Nora am! Bil! iAmk In ml). INCALL.—On February 1, at Croydon, England, Helen Goold, loved wife of the late Godefroi Intrall, late of Auckland; aged SS years. JONES. — On March 21, at Auckland, Elizabeth, beloved wife of the late E. J. Jones. —At rest. LESTER. —On January 23, 1011, Florence Elinor Lester (nee Florence Wool ley), wife of Frederick \V. Lester, 71 Concord Road, Concord, X.S.W., anil loved sister of Mrs. A. Curtain, Cambridge; aged •!,"> years. NEWBOLD,—On March '_Jl (suddenly), at bis daughter's residence, Lower Hutt, Frank Septimus, beloved husband of the late Emma Lillian Xewbold, SI Garnet Road, Grey Lynn, and loved father of Mrs. Black, Howiek, Mrs. Sparks. Lower Hutt. Mrs. Barker, Westmere, Mrs. Allott, Frankton Junction, Tom, Surrey Crescent, and Irene, Westmere; aged ♦i. r i years. Funeral will leave W. H. Tongue and" Sons' Chapel. Thursday, at 2 p.m.. for Waikumete Cemetery. OLIVE.—OiI March 2-1. 19-11, at the Auckland Hospital, Ray, husband of Gladys Olive; aged oS years.—R.l.P. Funeral will leave C. Little and Sons. Limited, 209 Hob6on Street, jt p.m. to-day (Tuesday), for Waikumete Cemetery.
PREVETT.-—Killed at Scarborough. England, Rodney Wilbert, beloved little son of Sydney and Joan Prevett, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Marks, of Matamat.a; aged years. QUADRIE.—On March 21, 1911. at Thames Hospital. John, eldest son of the late Xora and David Quadrie, of Thames, and brother of Mrs. M. Xicolson, of Auckland: aged 77/ years. Interred on Saturday at Thames. „ ROWE.—On March 24, at Hamilton, Alfred James, loved husband of Florence Beatrice Oliphant Howe, of Rifle Range Road, Frankton; aged 81 years. Funeral leaves Scrimshaw's Chapel to-morrow (Wednesday), at 2.30 p.m. /or the Hamilton East Cemetery. VARNOM.—On March 21, at his residence, 20-1 Pftrnejl Koad, James Richard, son t.f the late' Thomas and Susannah Varnom; aged 77 years. Funeral will leave W. Morrison's Chapel, 367 Parnell Road, at 2 p.m. to-day (Tuesday), for Purewa. WALLIS.---On March 2-1, 1911, at a private hospital, after a short illness, Alice. Funeral leaves Watney Sibun's Chapel 3.H0 p.m. to-day (Tuesday). WATKINS.—On March 2.'!, 1041, at her residence. St. Kilda Road, Fencourt, Cambridge. Ellen Mary, only daughter of the late Matthew and Mary Watkins, and dearlybeloved sister of William and Lewis, of Tiran, and Horace, of Fencourt; in her filst years. The funeral will leave her late residence at IHO p.m. to-day (Tuesday), for St. Andrew's Church, for service at 2 p.m. Funeral leaving after for the Pukerimu Cemetery.