MR. R. D. DUXFIELD DEATH AT HOROTIU HOME WELL-KNOWN STOCK BREEDER [fkom our own cokukspondent] HAMILTON, Tuesday Tho death occurred at his homo at Horotiu this morning of Mr. Robert Dickinson Duxfield, a former school teacher and a prominent Waikato stock breeder ahd farmer, at the age of 75 years. Mr. Duxfield was born at Newcastle-on-fyne and was educated at the Yarmouth Grammar School, in Yorkshire. He passed his preliminary law examination and was articled to a legal firm at Stockton-on-Tees. He went to tho Dublin University later and graduated M.A. Service as Teacher In 1885 Mr. Duxfield came to New Zealand and joined tho staff of the Wanganui Collegiate School. For fivo years ho was principal of the Whangarei High School, and later he became a member of the staff of Christ's College. Mr. Duxfield came to tho Waikato in IS9B, when he took up farming. In 1599 he married Miss Kathleen Emily Cubitt. the daughter of the late Rev.L. L. Cubitt, then vicar of Whangarei.
For many years Mr. Duxfield was a member of the Waipa County Council and a member of the Ngaruawahia regatta committee. He was president of the Auckland provincial executive of the Farmers' Union and a vicepresident of the Dominion executive. He was also a director of the Farmers' Trading Company, Limited, the Farmers' Freezing Company, Limited, and tho Waikato Central Salevards. Limited. Judge of Cattlo As a breeder of milking Shorthorns Mr. Duxfield was known throughout New Zealand. With one animal, Pino Farm Gem IV. he secured 42 chamEionships, including many Royal Show onours. Other animals that he bred have also been very successful in th*» show ring. Mr. Duxfield's services as a judge of milking Shorthorns were often in demand, and he was a member of the Royal Show executive. Mr. Duxfield is survived by Mrs. Duxfield and four sons and one daughter, Mrs. R. D. Harding, who was married on Saturday.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23022, 27 April 1938, Page 17
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23022, 27 April 1938, Page 17
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