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DOMINION TITLE EVENTS. RECORDS TO A. J. ELLIOT. BLACK'S BRILLIANT QUARTER . GROSE OUTSTANDING CYCLIST. Ideal weather conditions prevailed for the conclusion of the New Zealand amateur athletic, championships at the Domain on Saturday and fast times were the order of the afternoon. The attendance was estimated at between 7000 and 8000, this being the largest crowd seen at such a meeting in Auckland for many years. Following up his brilliant sprinting of the previous day A. J. Elliot, of Auckland, ran the final of the 220 yds. in 21 2-55., this being the best time ever done, by a New Zealnnder, although it is onefifth of a second slower than the time registered by G. Simpson, of the United States, when touring the Dominion last year. As there was no wind at the time of Elliot's performance the referee, Mr. JR. W. McVilly, decided that the time shall go. forward for official recognition. The same will also apply to Elliot's 9 4-ss. done in his heat of the 100 yds. on iriday. There was a breeze blowing when the final .of the hundred was run on Saturday, and this slowed th o competitors up a good. deal. Probably the most meritorious performance of the meeting was that of S. A. Black, of the West Coast Centre, in wanning the 440 yds. in the wonderiu: time of 48 4-ss. An event which provided the public with a great thrill was the three mites fiat, in which J. W. Savidan was com pelled to go all out to defeat N. F. Cooper by five yards. P. J. Grose, the well-known Canterbury cyclist, scooped the pool in the cycling championships. The championship shield was won by Wellington by a margin of eleven points from Auckland, which, however, would have reversed the position and would have beaten Wellington by one point, but for a mishap in th'e final of the 440 yds. hurdles. There were three competitor:; in this, D. Kerr-Taylor and A. H. Malcolm. both of Auckland, and H. Leach, Wellington. The Aucklanders rose at 11m last hurdle together, fully five yards ahead of Leach. Malcolm struck thu hurdle and fell and his arm knocked Kerr-Taylor, who also stumbled to Urn ground. This enabled Leach to run home an easy winner. The mishap was unfortunate as either Aucklander would havn gone very rlose to the record. The points gained for the championship shield were:—Wellington, 49; Auckland, 38; Canterbury, 29: Otago, 25; West Coast, 15. Following were the results:— 120 YARDS. HURDLES. World's record. 14 2-ss; New Zealand record. 15 l-ss; present champion, A J. Darby (West Coast), 17 2-ss. 'J. W. Shirley (Auckland) . . . . 1 J. Holderness (Wellington) . . . . [' /P. T. Bowie (Auckland) . . ..<■'> I. O. Manson (Otago) fell at the third . hurdle from the finish when lying second Shirley led all the way to win by 2yds Bowie being 2ft. away. Time, 16s. 880 YARDS. World's record, 1m 51 3-ss: New Zealand . record, lm 54 4-ss: present champion D. Evans (West Coast), 2m 4s. T. G. Broadway (Canterbury) . . . , 1. -TV. Ogg (Wellington) <' .L. C. McLachlan (Otago) .. .. o Broadway set a fast pace from the start, doing the first quarter in 55 2-ss. Dow waji then in second place, followed by Ogg and McLachlan. Broadway was never headec; and although challenged very strongly ir, the straight by Ogg he responded gamely to win by a yard. McLachlan was 7yds. away. 100 YARDS. .World's record, 9 2-ss; New Zealand record. 9 4-ss; present- champion, G. Hart (Canterbury), 10 2-ss. A: J. Elliot (Auckland) ..- . 3 C. H. Jenkins (Wellington) . . ? 2 G. Hart (Canterbury) . . . . vs 3 The field was bunched at half way, where Elliot commenced to forge ahead, and ho breasted the tape a yard and ahead of Jenkins, with Hart right up. Three yards would have nearly covered the whole field. The race was run agoinsl a fairly strong breeze. Time, 10 15s. HALF-MILE CYCLE. New Zealand record, 59 2-5s (banked track), 64s (grass track); present champion, T. O'Brien (Canterbury). 70 4-ss. P. J. Grose (Canterbury) . *.• 1 H. R. Dwight (Auckland) i * . • [' A. Hanson (West Coast) *. . r <•'» ' TJlmer (Wellington) finished third,_ bu", ■was disqualified for boring in the straight Grose went to the front at the bell and ■won by half a length, a similar distance • between second and third. Time, 70 l-ss. 100 YARDS LADIES. .New Zealand record, 11 l-ss; present champion, Miss T. Kench (Wellington), 11 4-ss. First Heat.—Miss T. Kench (Wellington), 1; "Mrs. A. Harris (Auckland), 2; Miss K. Callinan (Canterbury), 3. Time, 11 2-ss. Second Heat.—Miss M. Lean (Wellington), 1; Miss G. Kayes (Auckland), 2; Miss R. Grant (Ota£o), 3. Time, 11 3 ss. Final. Miss T. Kench (Wellington) .. .-.1 Miss R. Grant (Otago) .. r. Miss K. Callinan (Canterbury) ..- 3 Miss Kench finished more strongly than her opponents over the last 25yds., breasting the tape a yard ahead of Miss Grant, who beat Miss Callinan by a foot. Time. 11 the New Zealand record. PUTTING THE SHOT. World's record, 52ft. 7j-in.; New Zealand record, 51ft. 6jjiri.; present champion, • P. Mu'nro, 41ft. 4in. P. Munro (Wellington) . . ■. e • . A. A. Cameron'(Otago) v.- w. « D. H. Grant (Auckland) s.• .. «> Distance, 4.lft. 7in. 440 YARDS HURDLES. [World's record, 52 3-ss; New Zealand record, 56 4-ss ; present, champion, T. R. Buxton (Otago), 64 1 ss. H. Leach (Wellington) .. .. -. * I D. Kerr-Taylor (Auckland) . a .. '& A. IJ. Malcolm (Auckland) . , . . 3 Kerr-Trvlor set a fast pace and led to the last hurdle, where he. and Thompson jumped together five yards ahead of Leach. Both Aucklandeis fell, however, and Leach ran in an easy winner. Time, 57 4-ss. ONE MILE CYCLE. New Zealand record, 2m 13 2-5s (gns> track); present champion, T. O'Brien (Canterbury), 3m 0 2-ss. F. J. Grose (Canterbury) « ..- I H. Gordon (Auckland) .. * '2 M. Gane (Wellington) .. .. 3 O'Brien.led into the straight, but Ons? sprinted strongly to win by a length, f.ane being a wheel away. Time, 2rn 2A 4-ss. HIGH JUMP. jWorld's record, 6ft B,jiDNew Zealenl record, 6ft 2|in; present champion, - F. Brady (Wellington), sft. ssin. fT, J. Crowe (Wellington) .. ..1 'A.-A. Cameron (Otago) 2 tP. Hackett (Auckland) . , .. 3 Height, ;sft. lOin.
220 YARDS. World's record, 20 3-ss; New Zealand record, 21 l-ss; present champion, C. H, Jenkins (Wellington), 22 4-ss. A. J. Elliott (Auckland) . kk 1 S. A. Black (West. Coast) . » s» 2 C. H. Jenkins (Wellington) 3 Elliott, had a yard lead at 150 yards of Black and Jenkins, who were in line at this stage. Elliott forged ahead to breast the tape over two yards in front of Black, who beat Jenkins by a little over-a-foot. Time, 21 2-ss. MILE WALK. World's record, 6m 25 4-ss; New Zealand record, 6m 27 2-ss; present champion, G. S. Cabot (Otago), 7m 7 2-ss. 1. Driscoll (Wellington) .. . .-1 S. J. Gudsell (Auckland) .. ..2 B. Cameron (Auckland) 3 Gudsell led Driscoll practically throughout by about two yards, the other placing? varying. Coleman and Wills, both West Coast representatives, were disquali- j fied for lifting. Driscoll came fast over I the last 50 yards to win by seven yards, j Cameron being well back. Time, 6m 43 2-ss. THROWING THE JAVELIN. World's record, 232 ft llfin; New Zealand record, 206 ft 6in; present champion, G. Sullivan (West, Coast), 149 ft lUin. P. Munro (Wellington) . . . •• • 1 S. J. Harbutt (Auckland) .. * . 2 E. C. Wooller (Auckland) . .-.3 Distance, 150 ft. ljjin. THREE MILES CYCLE. New Zealand record, 7m 13s (grass track) j present champion. T. O'Brien (Canterbury), 7m 20 4-5s (banked track). The first heat was run on Friday. Second Heat.—M. P. Byrnes (Auckland), 1: F. J. Grose (Canterbury), 2; M. Gano (Wellington), 3. Time, 7m 58s. Final. F. J. Grose (Canterbury) .. .. 1 T. O'Brien (Canterbury) 2 S. Campbell (Canterbury) . .. 3 In a thrilling finish Grose won by inches, Campbell being a wheel away. Time, 7m 58 3-ss. 440 YARDS. World's record, 47 2-ss; New Zealand record, 49 l-ss; present champion, D. Evans (West Coast), 525. S. A. Black (West Coast) .. v.- 1 T. Pickering (Otago) .. .. . . 2 J. Fleming (Wellington) w3 T. G. Broadway (Canterbury) also started. Black raced strongly from the start and outclassed his opponents to win brilliantly by five yards, Fleming being seven yards behind Pickering. Time, 48 o-ss—a New Zealand record. THREE MILES. World's record, 14m 11 l-ss: New Zealand record, 14m 29 l-ss; present champion, R. A. Rose (West Coast), 15m 11 4-ss. J. W. Savidan (Auckland) . . . ; 1 N. F. Cooper (Auckland) . 2 J. G. Barnes (Otago) .. .. ~ 3 Savidan and Cooper outclassed the field and they had a great tussle. Cooper fully extended the British Empire champion. who beat him by but five yards. Barnes, who was a long way back, beat Barrel- (Canterbury) for third place by 20 yards. Time, 14m 36 2-ss. THROWING THE HAMMER. World's record, 189 ft. 6^in.: New Zealand record, 169 ft. 9fin.: present champion, W. Harvey (Wellington), 146 ft. 9in. J. G. Leckie (Otago) .. . * 1 W. Harvey (Wellington) .. ..2 J. Gillbanks (Auckland) . • • 3 Distance, 148ft-. Ojin. LONG JUMP. World's record, 26ft. 0 l-Bin.; New Zealand record, 23ft. 3iin.; present champion, G. Sullivan (West Coast). A. A. Cameron (Otago) . . * as 1 T. G. Nelson (Canterbury) * .. 2 G. Sullivan (West Coast) . « 3 Distance, 22ft. 10£ in. 440 YARDS LADIES' RELAY. Wellington (Misses Lean, McGregor, Tong. Kench) . . . . . . 1 West Coast . . • • • • • « . . 2 Auckland • • . . 3 Won by three yards, five yards between second and third. ONE MILE INTER-PROVINCIAL RELAY. Wellington (Ogg, Leach, Hamilton, Jenkins) . * • - • . . 1 Otago - - -.2 Auckland . . - . • • • • » 3 Won by five yards, seven yards between second and third. J irnc, 3m 37 4-Ss. HANDICAP EVENTS. Ono Mile Cycle.—First heat: J. McLachlan, 50yds, 1; E. Andrews, 80yds, 2. Time, 2m 22 2-ss. Second heat: 11. Webb, 60yds, 1; J. G. Morris, 120 yds, 2. Time, 2m 225. Third heat: L. Roberts, scr, 1; K. Clark, 95yds, 2. Time, 2m 24 l-ss. Final: L. Roberts, 1; K. Clark, 2; E. Andrews, 3. Time, 2m 29 ,l-ss. 300 Yards Handicap.—A. Wclply, 12yds, 1; R. Fish, scr, 2; E. Prince, By'ds, 3. Time, 32 3-ss. 1320 Yards.—J. Valder, 35yds, 1; A. G. Bradley, 45yds, 2; -H. Blow, 38yds, 3. Time, 3m 15 3-ss. > 100 Yards Ladies.—First heat: Miss K. Callinan (Canterbury), li.yds, 1; Miss T. Kench (Wellington), scr, 2; Miss D. Kaves (Auckland), 3J>vds, 6. Time, 11 2-ss. Second heat: Miss Reynolds (Auckland), 3£yds, 1; Miss Scouller (Auckland), Biyds, 2. Miss N. Lean (Wellington), £yd, 3. Time, 11 3-ss. Final: Miss Kench, 1; Miss Reynolds, 2; Miss Callinan, 3. Time, 11 4-ss. Three Miles Cycle.—First heat: L. Roberts, scr, 1; R. G. Foubister, scr, 2; K. Clark, 250 yds, 3. Time, 8m 6s. Second heat: A. Brass, 310 yds, 1; L. Dwight, 65vds, 2: S. Webster, 170 yds, 3. Time, 7m 40s. Final: L. Dwight, 1: R. G. Foubister, 2; S. Webster, 3. Time, Bm.
PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES. 0 UTSTA NDING PER FOR M A NOES. The trophies won at the New Zealand athletic championship meeting were presented to the competitors at the Albert Hotel on Saturday evening by Mr. E. W. McVilly, president of the New Zealand A mat en r Athletic Association. Mr. J. P. Kalaugher, president of the Auckland Centre, made brief reference to some of (he performances registered at the meeting. Elliot's sprinting was brilliant, he said, while the, fact that three men had broken 50s in the 440 yards was phenomenal. Black's success in this event was a wondeiful achievement. J. W. Savidan's time for Iho three miles was the second best that had been done by a New Zealander, and Cooper's was the third best. "In Cameron, Otago lias one of the outstanding athletes in New Zealand and also in the world,' declared Mi. Kalaugher. "His performances all round were excellent, and I prophesy he will vel do 50ft. in the hop, step and jump. The speaker referred to the successes of Munro, in field events year after year, and to Shirley's victory in the 120 yards hurdles. Miss Kencti had done splendidly in equalling the New Zealand record, while Grose had set a. high standard in the cycling section. "The meeting has been a glorious success," concluded Mr. ■ Kalaugher. Mr. McVilly congratulated the Auckland Centre upon the distinct, improvement in the management and general interest in athletics. "1 should have liked to see the championship shield go to Auckland, as a very great advance has been made in athletics in this city," said Mr. McVilly. He congratulated the winners, and also the losers upon the excellent spirit in which they had taken their beatings.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21131, 14 March 1932, Page 12
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2,074CHAMPION ATHLETES. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21131, 14 March 1932, Page 12
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CHAMPION ATHLETES. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21131, 14 March 1932, Page 12
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