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SKETCHES OF CAREERS. MR. HUTCHISON'S ACTIVITIES. BUSINESS AND PUBLIC LIFE. The new Mayor ,of Auckland, Mr. George W. Hutchison, has filled executive positions on many public and professional organisations, some of which extend far beyond the city, in addition to possessinga knowledge of civic affairs gained through serving on the, City Council and on the One Tree Ilill Road Board. Mr. Hutchison is a public accountant, being a member of the firm of Hutchison, Elliffe and Cameron. He is 48 years old, and was born at Mangonui, North Auckland. After attending primary schools in Auckland, he was a pupil at the Auckland Grammar School. He commenced his business career with a commercial firm in Auckland, took hi 6 accountancy degrees, and then entered business on his own account. He has been associated for 25 years with the firm which bears his name. For 10 years Mr. Hutchison was a member of the New Zealand Society of Accountants, of which he acted as president in 1921-22. lie is also a fellow of the New Zealand Accountants and Auditors' Association, and has been a member of the New Zealand division of the Australian Institute of Secretaries since its inception. At present he is president of that body, in addition to holding the office of Dominion president. Mr. Hutchison is also a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries, England. He was a lecturer for some time at the Auckland University College on accountancy and auditing subjects, in which he has acted as examiner for the New Zealand University.
Topped Council Poll in 1929. Mr. Hutchison was a director of the Auckland Rotary Club for four years, and was president in the year 1928-29. He was vice-president of the Auckland Town Planning Association, and when thafbody was absorbed by the New Zealand Institute of Town Planning, he was elected a fellow. Four years ago be formed the Great South Road Beautifying Council, comprised of representatives of local bodies between the city and Papakurr. and members of professional and motoring organisations. The object of the council was the beautification of the main approach to the city, and it is still doing active work. At present Mr. Hutchison is its chairman. One of Mr. Hutchison's best known-ac-tivities is his work for the Auckland Automobile Association, of which he has been secretary since 1911. In that period be has seen the membership grow from 74 to the present total of 15,000. Some years ago Mr. Hutchison served on the One Tree Hill Road Board. Two years ago he was approached and asked to contest the city Mayoralty, but declined on the ground that he considered experience on the City Council to be an essential as a preliminary. He consented to become a candidate for the City Council, and at that election he polled the largest number of votes of any candidate. Mount Eden and Mount Albert. Mr. T. McNab, the new Mayor of Mount Eden, was born in the district 47 years ago, and has lived there ever since, with the exception of six years spent in South Africa. He, went to take part in the South African War in 1901 and remained afterwards in Johannesburg, where he was engaged m building and contracting work. He took a prominent part in football in that time, and played in representative games m South Africa. Returning to New Zealand in 1907, he entered his father's business of McNab and Mason, and has been associated with, it ever since. For several years he held a seat on the Mount Eden Council. He toured South Africa with the All Black team of 1928, and is a prominent member of Carlton Bowling Club. In his campaign he was supported by the Mount Eden Ratepayers' Association. The new Mayor of Mount Albert, Mr. Wilfred Fosberry Stilwell, was born in Auckland in 1891 and, with the exception of the time spent by him on war service, has lived nearly all his life at Mount Albert, Since the war he has been in practice in Auckland as a barrister and solicitor. Mr. fetilwell has an outstanding war record to his credit. He left New Zealand as a'sergeant with the Main Body, and while at Gallipoh received a commission. Subsequently, he went with the troops to France and was awarded the Military Cross foi bravery at Messines. After four years' service lie returned to New Zealand with thx» rank of cap ; tain. He was then appointed to the command of the First 1< ield Artilleiy Brigade, with the rank of major. Lpon entering civil life be resumed his legal career." Until now he has not embarked upon municipal activities.
One Tree Hill's Choice. The new Mayor of One Mr. I. J. Goldstine, was born in Queensland. He was educated at the Auckland Grammar School and the Auckland University College, where he qualified as a solicitor. For the past 10 years Mr. Goldstine has been in practice in the city, as a member of the firm of Goldstine and O'Donnell. He was a member of the last One Tree Hill Road Board and_ became deputy-mayor when the district was created a borough last year. Mr. Goldstine is also president of the Suburban Local Bodies' Association, lie is 32 years of age—probably the youngest Mayor in the Dominion.
Devonport and Northcote. Mr. 11. F. W. Meik'le, the new Mayor of Devonport, has been a resident.of that borough for 10 years and lias always taken a keen interest in local affairs during that time. He has been prominently associated with the Devonport Property Holders' Association, nominees of which secured seven seats at this election. Mr. Meikle had 31 years' service with the Defence Force, reaching the rank of captain. In that period he was engaged in administrative work, serving as adjutant and engineering instructor. He also gained considerable experience in surveying. Mr. 11. Martin, the new Mayor ot Northcote, was born in Ireland in 1869 and came to Now Zealand about three vears later. He lias been a member of the Northcote Borough Council for the past four vears, being chairman of the Reserves* Committee for the whole of that period. He was a member of the Post and Telegraph Department for 40 years and retired from the service in 1925. Mr. Guiniven at Takapuna. Mr. J. Guiniven, who has been elected Mayor of Takapuna, is a son of the late Mr. T. Guiniven, who settled in the Ramarama district nearly 70 years ago, and was born on his father's farm. In bis early life ho studied law for some time, but was diverted to engineering, in which ho continued his studies in the United States, where for some years he was engaged in bridge and railway construction. Returning to Now Zealand about 24 years ago, Mr Guiniven received an appointment under the first company which undertook the construction of ferro-con-crote wharves Ml the Auckland Harboui under the Hairier scheme, and acted as foreman in the reinforcing section of the work Since then lie has been occupied principally in water supply and bridge construction undertakings in the Auckland provincial district, one of the largest works being the building of the bridge across the Wailiou River at Te Aroha. For the last four years Mr. Guiniven has been a member of the Takapuna Borough Council.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20866, 7 May 1931, Page 10
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1,219THE NEW MAYORS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20866, 7 May 1931, Page 10
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THE NEW MAYORS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20866, 7 May 1931, Page 10
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