THE HAMILTON SEAT. MR S. C. C. LYE TO STAND. [BY TELEGRAPH.—OWN CORRESPONDENT. J HAMILTON, Sunday. An announcement was made yesterday by Mr. Samuel Charles Gale Lye, a Newsfend farmer, that he intended to contest the Hamilton seat at the next election in tho Liberal-Labour interests. The onlv other candidate so far known is the Hon. J. A. Young, Minister of TTealth. Mr. Lye, who is 43 years of age, 'has been farming at Newstead for 18 years. He is a member of the Waikato County Council and was a member of the Tamahere Road Board for some years. He unsuccessfully contested the Raglan seat in 1925.
REFORM INTERESTS IN RAGLAN. MR. SEAVILL'S CANDIDATURE. [BY TELEGRAPH. —OWN CORRESPONDENT.] HAMILTON, Sunday. Endorsement of Mr. Walter Seavill's selection as. the Reform candidato for the Raglan seat has been received from the leader of the Reform Party, Mr. Coates, who has telegraphed Mr. D. Hcbenton, chief organiser of the Reform Party as follows: —"Many thanks for your telegram intimating result of conference of delegates at Ngaruawahia and the selection of Mr. W 7 alter Seavill as Reform candidate for the Raglan seat. I have telegraphed Mr. Seavill endorsing selection and wishing him success in the ensuing campaign. Warmly appreciate terms of resolution passed at the conference."
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 19939, 7 May 1928, Page 10
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 19939, 7 May 1928, Page 10
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