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' UNVEILING « > AT THAMES. / , ' . * I [BT TELEGRAPH. —OWN CCRRESPONDIWT.f ' ■ •' THAMES. Wednesday. . The ceremony of unveiling the 'roll o£ honour erected in the r./j trance jj eorridoi! of . the Thamts > High School was : per* formed this ; morning ;by tho Hon.: C. Jj Parr, Minister for. cation. The proceedings were opened by the chairmaa ofjssb 'the'. High School JSoard, - t Mr. S. iu> Hethonngfcon, who briefly \ addressed th« 3 gathering.. !" * »?P& Tho headmaster, Mr. Holt. Chun ww;; the names inscribed on tho roll of ha r «j>wsgp? which' is - a:,very, hrad?ome massive',bra»s|;g| and oak tablet ' containing a total of f 11® names. Mr. Holt seated that of these 27 had - given their lives' and ti-ir names 7,4 ■were als<* inscribed on the monument erected' on the lawn in front of thai school by the Old-!; Boys' Association. fc* In' : "unveiling the memorial the Mift- : . ister stated that all connected with th« ; school 'should feel pride in their' vetT ' f creditable war ; record." The good record, however, was not surprising when they>;C|| considered , tho old pioneer stock,, from which they had sprung, hardy arid earnest i men. of worth and integrity ■ who had ,|| courageously persevered in establishtegMll the goldfifelds • oi ! this peninsula. Ha j|§|j referred to the glorious name the trtv>p* from the Dominion and Australia made for ; themselves , and the inreat a«r i/i imports,nt factor they had been in bxifi^ 1 ing the war '&>,». successful • termination.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18633, 14 February 1924, Page 8

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SCHOOL'S HONOUR ROLL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18633, 14 February 1924, Page 8

SCHOOL'S HONOUR ROLL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18633, 14 February 1924, Page 8