By Telegraph— Association— Copyright
(Received July 2. 11.40 p.m.)
Vienna, July 2. A magisterial investigation at Sarajevo into the assassination of the Archduke of Austria and his wife has proved that a secret committee in Belgrade provided Cabrinovic and Prinzip with bombs and pistols. The President of the Bosnian Diet declares that bombs have been discovered in the branches of trees along the route followed by the Archduke and the Duchess. Martial law has been proclaimed throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Persons connected with the suite of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand state that the plot against his life was so widespread that it was impossible for the Archduke to leave Bosnia alive. Two clockwork bombs were found under his luncheon table, and another in the chimney of a room where the Duchess was seated before joining her husband. A woman was caught with several bombs in her possession. Prinzip, it now transpires, is just over 20, and is therefore liable to the death sentence. CHILDREN'S GREAT LOSS. DEEP PATHOS OF TRAGEDY. Times and Sydney Sun Services. London, July 1. In the House of Lords to-day Earl Crewe, speaking on the motion of condolence with Austria after the assassination, said when it happened that a married pair, united by the closest affection, did not have to undergo the agony of parting, but left the world together, one was almost tempted to modify the grief and pity so poignantly excited by such a tragedy as this; but the thought of their young children, doubly orphaned on the threshold of their lives, forbade one to pursue such a reflection. Lord Lansdownc said that this calamity was characterised by more horror and deeper pathos than any of tho tragedies proceeding it.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15651, 3 July 1914, Page 7
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15651, 3 July 1914, Page 7
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