Mb. Edward Lake, a resident of the Dominion for 33 years and an ex-Parlia-mentary representative, passed away at his residence in Manukau Road, * Epsom, yesterday at the age of 69 years. The deceased was at one' time member of the House of Representatives for Waipa, .« 'which was later merged into the Waikato electorate. Mr. Lake was born in •' Kent in, 1838. After .receiving his early >...' education he took his degree at Oxford. He preferred ■ farming, however, to scholastic pursuits, and he engaged in farming •in his native country for many years.- The attractions of the, colonies at length appealed to him, and he came to New Zealand in 1875. Two years later -the deceased took up land at Ohaupo, be yond Frankton Junction, and, called his farm "Fernside." It consisted of 1170, - acres, 'and farming was carried on there :'.. on.a large, and * scientific scale. ,He re- ; sided there for over 20 year?;. ; The deceased took; an immediate in- - le'reab in local politics and way elected 'to the chair of the Waipa County, Council, ii position he retained for many: years., '~ ,In 1*584 he was elected for the Waipa seat S;|ivWis : an ; : opponent of the Stout-Vogel Ad4ministration, and in 1892-3 sat as an -opponent, of the, late Mr. Ballance. He then'-.retired ' and was succeeded by Mr. F. ;W. ' Lang, the present member for ; : Manukau. A few: years ago he sold his r^k , farm" to Mr, H. J. Greenshide, M.P. for ; '■ the .Waikato, and bad since lived in , Auckland. He sat oh the Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board loir £>yme. , years.' Mr. Lake had boon in indifferent health' ■■.; for some time, and on Saturday ..was seized . by an attack of heart failure, which ended m "* his " death.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13683, 26 February 1908, Page 8
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