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The funeral of the late Mr. G. M. Reed, journalist, of the editorial staff of the New Zealand Herald, took place yesterday, the funeral cortege leaving the residence o| his son, Mr. J, R. Reed, Grafton Road, at three o'clock, for the Presbyterian Cemetery, Symonds-street. There was a large and representative attendance of citizens to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased gentleman. There were over 20 carriages, besides a number of mourners on foot, The chief mourners were the sons of deceased (Messrs. J. R. Reed and Vernon Reed) and Mr. F. J. Moss, the second carriage contained the officiating clergymen, the Revs. R F. Macnicol and R. Summerville? the third carriage the proprietors of the Herald (Messrs. W. S. Wilson, J. L. Wilson, A. G. Horton, and H. Hortnn); in the succeeding couple of carriages were mem-1 bers of the Herald staff, Messrs. Harry Wilson, R. Horton, W. Berry, W. Douglas, G. M, Main, R, M. Hackett, N. E. Burton, W. Bruce, and Rollett; the sixth and seventh carriages were occupied by the members of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, of which body deceased was a member, Messrs. James Stichbury (chairmaij, Becroft, Young Warren, Bollard, Bruce, J. E. Taylor, Swales, Garland (secretary); Dr. Baldwin (hospital superintendent), Scliolield (house steward), K. Bartlev (architect to the Board); R. Hobbs (chairman), James Muir, V. E. Rice (secretary), J. Mitchell (architect), Board of Education; Messrs. H. Wilding, Rabbi Goldstein, Dr. King, Rev. W. A. Sinclair, Miss Porter (secretary), Society for Protection of Women and Children (of which deceased was a member); A. J. Roberts, A. Dewar, T. Fordyco, R. C. Carr, Anglo-Israel Association (of which deceased was a prominent promoter); Miss Brown (president), Mesdamcs Main (vice-president Plummet-, Garland (secretaries), J. Mitchell, W.C.T.U.; Mrs. W. C. Daldy (president), Duffy, Dewar, Women's Political League; Johnston (president), Mrs. Hendre (Liberal League), Mr. Graves Aickin (National Association), Mr. J. Fawcus (Trades and Labour Council); Rev. W. J. Williams (president), R. 'French (secretary Prohibition League); Messrs. H. Brett and Cecil Leys (Star A. E. Greenslade (Thames Star), Hon. W. McCullough, M.L.C., Revs. W. K. Gillam (Anglican), E. Best (Wesleyan Methodist), Finlay Wilson (Congregaliotialist), Dr. Erson (Mayor of Unehunga), Mr. Entrican (member of the City Council), Drs. J. Logan Campbell, Roberton, Captains H. F. Anderson, Smith, Hemingway, .Messrs. OS. do Montalk, 0. Mays, (>. W, Binney, Copeland, J. D. Connolly. D. S. Cattanacli, J. W. Carr, W. Aitken, Thus. Peacock, W. J. Napier, S. C. Mucky, W. 11. Smith, 0. Corlett, P. Darby, J. Mowbray, S. MooreJones, J. Lundim, (I. Fowlds.'W. Spragg, Savage, Arnold, S. Vailc, E. Moss. J. McLaclilan, Johnston (North Shore), Bodle, J. W. James, Jas. Burtt, Muldoon, W. S. Bryce, and a number of other citizens. The Rev. R. F. Macnicol conducted the first portion of the burial service at the grave, and the Rev. R. Sommervillc concluded with prayer. The deceased gentleman was laid to rest beside his two young sons, who were interred there 20 years ago. There was a large number of wreaths. From tho proprietors of the New Zealand Herald, " With deep sympathy, and in affectionate memory"; the literary staff, "In loving remembrance"; the Auckland Branch of the New Zealand Journalists' Institute, " In affectionate remembrance! of our late president"; Mr. H. Brett (Star), "In tender memory of a greatly valued friend and fellowworker"; Mr. T. W. Leys (Star), "In token of many cherished memories of bygone days"; proprietors (Messrs. Geddis and Bloomficld) and staff, Observer, Willi .sincere sympathy"; from Prohibition League, "With sincere regrets"; jointly from tho women of the various organisations, a beautiful floral cross, "With a tribute of sincere sympathy"; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson, "With deepest sympathy"; Dr. and Mrs. Baldwin, "In affectionate remembrance"; Dr. Shirley Baker, " In token of respect for a lost friend " ; Miss Ethel Baker, Air. V. E. Bice, Mr. and Mrs. W. Berry, jun., and numerous other sympathising friends. Numerous telegrams of condolence were received by the family of deceased during yesterday. from various parts of the colony, and there were many callers at the Hkbai.d office to express their regret at the loss of an able journalist. During the day the flag was half-mast at the Herald flagstaff, as a mark of respect to Mr. Reed's memory.
TRIBUTES OF RESPECT. At a meeting of tlio Sir George Grey Memorial Committee lust night. Dr. King pointed out that the name of the late Mr. 0. M. Reed was, along with (he names of the jflier members of the executive, on the subscription lists, copies of which had just been laid before the meeting. He thought the name should remain on the lists, as Mr. Reed was a great friend of the late Sir (Jorge Ore)', and had lie lived, would, perhaps, have done more than any other man in Auckland to further the memorial movement. He moved. " That this meeting of the Sir George Grey Memorial Committee expresses its deep sympathy with the family W>f the lata Mr. ['. M. Reed, and deeply regrets his death, which is a great loss to the community." Mr. R. Farrcll seconded, and referred to the zeal and earnestness Mr. Reed had displayed in the old executive in connection with a Sir George Grey memorial, and at the reforming of the committee. He felt that Mr. Reed's death had left a blank in the executive which they could not easily fill. The motion was unanimously passed. Reference to Mr. Reed's death was made at the meeting of the Newton Borough Council last- night. The Mayor (Mr. J. W. Shackelford) moved that a letter be sent to deceased's family, expressing the Council's regret at his sudden death. Mr. Reed had represented the borough faithfully on the Charitable Aid Board for the last eight months, and the Mayor did not think that the borough could have got a better representative for the coming year, if lie had been spared. The Mayor was sure that one and all felt keenly Mr. Reed's sudden and untimely death. Mr. Warnock seconded. Mr, Afnbury mid Mr. Reed's death was a public loss. The motion was agreed to in silence.
Our correspondent states that very general regret was expressed in'Onelmnga at the death of Mr. G. M. .Reed. At the meeting of the Onelitmga Borough Council last night, the Mayor (Dr. Erson) said: " Gentlemen,— Before commencing the ordinary busjness of this meeting to-night, I am sure that you will agree with me that this Council would be wanting in its duty, as a representative of a large community of the people, did they not give some expression of feeling, as "to the loss the colony of New Zealand lias sustained by the very sudden death of the late Mr. G. M. Reed, a member of the editorial stall' of the New ZEALAND Herald. Mr. Reed's brilliant literary attainments, and his versatile powers as a leader of thought, placed him in the front rank of journalism—south of the linewhile his efforts were ever made for the imsocially and morally, 'of the masses of the people. Under the nom de plume of" Colonus," the articles contributed by the late Mr. Reed to the Herald, always afforded mental pabulum for earnest thought—and his eloquent pen .was as prolific in ideas for raising the aims and objects of life amongst his feltowmen, as were his denunciations trenchant and scathing in exposing injustice, hypocrisy, and insincerity. As a Borough Council, were we only to look upon the death of the late Mr. G. M. Reed from a selfish point of view, we have lost a good friend. His pen was ever ready to help us in furthering improvements within our borough, and he was an enthusiastic supporter of our efforts to supply the outside districts with water from our springs, and 1 in every effort that we have accomplished in improving our town. Let us hope that the | recognition of the good the late Mr. Reed j endeavoured to accomplish 101 his fellowmen, may not be allowed to be buried with his bones."
Mr. Fleming paid a warm tribute of praise to the ability of the deceased, as manifested in his writings from week to week in the Herald. Mr. Shaldrick said lie had benefited very much from the writings of Mr. Reed. Mr. Stoupe bore eloquent testimony to the good service rendered to Onehunga by Mr. Reed, especially in his efforts on the water question. Mr. Hill spoke in a similar strain.' Mr. Lakmg said he could not express his keen regret at the loss of one who so ably answered the question, "What Is Truth. ' The Mayor then moved the following resolution, which was carried in silence, all the members standing:—'"(l) That the Borough Council of Onehunga desire to place
upon record the loss sustained by the whole community, owing to the death of the late Mr. G. M. Reed, and would desire to remember with gratitude the able and willing manner in which he at all times assisted with his pen the efforts of this Council, to improve the condition of our town and the prosperity of its people (2) that the Council respectfully present their condolence with the family of the late Mr. 0. M. Reed in their sad bereavement; (3) and that the town clerk forward the above resolutions." Mr. Edwin Edwards, of l'aeroa, telegraphs as follows: —" Accept our sincere condolence in New Zealand journalism s great loss." [IIT TELEGRAPH.— CORRESPONDENT.] Paeroa, Monday. Widespread regret was expressed on all sides this evening, when the Herald, containing the sad news of Mr. G. M. Reed's death was circulated. Although perhaps not personally acquainted with the deceased, many of the Herald readers here had got to know deceased through his writings, and one ardent admirer has preserved all the " Colonus" articles with a view of having them bound. It seemed here this evening as if an esteemed citizen of Ohinemuri had been suddenly cut off, so sincere and numerous were the expressions of regret, and the bereaved family have the profound sympathy of a large circle in Ohinemuri, who were consistent readers of Mr. Reed's articles.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10910, 15 November 1898, Page 5
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1,692FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. G. M. REED. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10910, 15 November 1898, Page 5
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FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. G. M. REED. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10910, 15 November 1898, Page 5
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