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PORT OK AUCKLAND. Hron Water: Thh» T>ay: 10.18 morn.: 10.35 even. , ~ at Manukau:o.3Smorn ;0.55 even. Tn* Bus: This Bay: !U«m. 5 14; sets, 7.12. Tqx Moon: Last Quarter, 30th, o 12 a.m. ARRIVALS. Edith Eose, barqne, liar ling, from >'cw York. I> F. P A K T U R E S. Pretty Jare, s.s., Fernandez, for Gisborno and s *~ Cart-y, for Southern ports (from the Mannkau). ENTERED INWARDS. Edith, schooner. 03 tons, from ltarotonga, with cargo.- L. P. Nathan and C«., o^ert*. Morning T.ight. cutter. 2") tons, T i'>r. from 1 ort Charles, with IS,OOO I' ct timber, G. Htidship. CLF.AUKD OI'TW.WtDS. Pretty Jane, s.s., 107 tons. Fernandez, for Gisborne and Napier. Cargo as per exports. 1.1 >T. P» prettv Jstic ,"« Jlo7u'm=, Mr C'sborno: Mrs Holbrow. Miss -Mills, and a number of Government 'TeTwellinßton. , for POrts^-Mrs^ ?wo Uuehanan, Messrs. NoSTcfrbe«?an.f^ twen'ty-fl™' '.nTh« steerage, inclndlnc eleven natives and from the Rosario—in chare* of InnataMn McGrntll. IMPORTS. Per Edith Rose, lwquo. from Sew York : 20 kcRS nails, 9000 cases petroleum oil, 1000 cases spirits turpentine. 323 barrels ro-in. 100 barrel, plater Daris. 10 bales brown thirtim::. 10 bales brown shirtines. 10 bales brown drills, 75 boxes axe* and pick*, 200 dozen washboards. 200 clothes pins, 17 bundles pails. .150 cases chairs. U. W. Goodhne.— Arnold, Hlnes and Co., agents. EXPORTS. PerPrettv Ja-.!<*. s.s., for Gi<!>orne and Napier: 5 cases, Elliott; U packages. L. D - v athan and Co.; 3 cases; B. Touks and Co : 1 case, 11. K and Co.; 4 qr.-casks wine. K. anil H. Isaacs. 14 cases wine. Brown, Campbell and ro.; 41 packages, Union Sash and Door Comp.ny; 0 eases, \\ 0"n: 3 cases, Sargood;3s cases rum, IS cases brandy. \\. J. Cawkx«dl and Co.; 25 packages, \V. Plullipps and j on- l trus« A Clark and Pons; 1 bundle, 1. and S. Morrin. 1 bale, Jenkins; 4 packascs. Francu:3 cases, J. Buchanan; 20 cases rum. 5 c ises brandy. W . J. caw* ■well; 5 bundles, A Smart: 2 packages J. W iseman I case, Lewis: 17 tins lii.-cuits, r.nrton; 1 package. McLean- 13 bales, Winks and Hall: 1 parcl, I pton. ISJ bundlesf I'^package., K Porter and Co ;1 hag seed. La vers: 3 packases, ISrlclic'.l: 13 ««« ' m ii- , 5 rackaces, E. and 11. Isaacs: - bags, J. Morgan, case, Kempthorno. and Co.; 1 cas.-. McArthur Shera and Co.: 2a packages, Owen and Graham. 11 casks. E. and 11. Isa-.cs; 1 case, A. Clark and Sons.— A.S P. Co.. agents. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Steamer: Luna. . . Ships : Assaye, Glenlora, « anvick. Barque: Dilharee. Ayr, Edith Rose. E -jquentine: Southern Cross (Mission ituxlliarys.s.). Brig: Drover. Schooners: lon.i. Dauntless, 1-anny Kelly, Peerless, Albatross, Tawcra, Kenilworth, Golden Isle, Clematis, Edith. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. San Fraxcisco. via lloxolcll'.—Macgregor, mall steamer, Feb. 19. Sydsky and Melbourne.—Mikado, s.s., 29tli inst.; Hero, s.s„ early. KrffliLL.—Rowena, s.s., Monday next. London —Glenlora, ship, Jungfrau, barque, early. Tauranoa.—Southern Cross, s.s., Monday next. Soctueex Pouts.— Ladybird, s s., Friday. Gil.IK —Assaye, ship, to-day. Siw York.—Ayr and Edith Eose, barques, early. Taeasaxi and "Wasganvi.—Go-Ahcad, tomorrow. ■ , , Lyttelton.—Clematis, ketch, Saturday. VESSKLS EXPECTED. Mikado, mail steamer, from S»n Francisco ; due 2Dth lust. Hero. s.s., from Sydney. Invererne, ship (11VQK\ from London; sailed Oct. SO. India, ship (QGKP.). from London: sailed Nov. 24. Baron Aberdare, ship, from London; sailed Dec. C. Fernglen, ship, from London. AnazL barque (IDXVN). from Loudon: sailed Oct. 28. Ada. barque (lIFTS\ from Loudon: sailed Nov. 19. East Lothian, barque, from Lyttelton; sailed Jan. 15: Rapido. lArque, from N«w York, via Adelaide sailed Sept. 15. Bella Mary, barque, from llobait Town. Jungfrau, barque (HTIiS), from Wellington. Lady Franklin, barque, from Newcastle; sailed Jan. 14.

Martha, barque, for the Bay of Islands. Prince Alfred, barquentine, from Noumea. Wave. brig, from Lyttelton ; sailed Jan. 15 Mary Melville, schooner, from Napier; sailed Jail. -1. Papua, schooner, from Karotonga. Fiery Cross, schooner, from Oamaru. Kyno, briganiinc, from Uotumah. Eairlie, schooner, from Lyttelton.

AfcßTTits Co \stwise—Alarm, cutter, from Manga wai, with cum, *c.; "tart, cutter, from Mercury Bay with timber; Katterina liarrowdale. cutter, from Waikawau. with timber: Staffa, cutter, from Wairoa, with oroducc; Firefly, schooner, from the Wade, with Optwakijs.—Gemini, s.s., for Matakana. with cargo; Morning Light, cutter, for Port Charley with cargo. The s.s. Gemini proceeded yesterday to Matakana, in place of the p.s. Lady Bowen. The brig Drover is disch«rging her coal into the hulk Cantero. ... . , The schooner Edith is alongside the eastern tee of the wharf discharging her carro. _ The cargo of the schooner Keniiworth is being transhipped into the ship Glenlora, for London. The ketch Maid of the Mill arrived at Opotiki, ftm this port, on the 23rd inst. The s.s. Wellington took her departure from Onehunga for the South shortly after noon, yesterA.S.P. Co.'s s.s. Pretty Jane took her departure yesterday afternoon for Gisborne and Napier, with a full general cirgo and sever.! pa'sengers. The barque Ayr was brought alongside tho A.S.P. Company's tee yesterday morning, and commenced taking in cargo for New York. Tho ketch Clematis is talons a cargo of timber alongside the Custom house-street quay for Lyttclton. She will leave iu tlie course of a day or so. The discharge of tho barque Dilharree has been rapidly pushed forward daring the past few days, under the supervision of Captain N'caring. Her cargo is being delivered in excellent ord-r. The schooner Advance is being blocked up on Messrs. Sims and Brown's shipbuilding yard. North Shore, for the purpose of having a new keel fitted in her, A sculling match for £5 a side will take place at 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, between W. Da<ds, oarsman of the Thames, and W. Marshall, formerly a waterman of this port. The Colonial Government steamer Luna will leave for the Thames to-morrow afternoon, to bring up the representatives for the prize-firing to the regatta on Friday. She will take thorn back to Gralismstown on Friday evening. The s.s. Ladybird is due in the Manukau this morning from tho South She is announced to leave again on Friday next, with the San Francisco mail. Should the Mikado not arrivo at her due date, the Ladybird will be detained until next day. . The entries for the Auckland Annual Regatta will be received to-night at the Club-room Thames llotcl, between the hours of eight and ten o'clock. Owners and others wishing to enter their vessels are requested to " roll np" early. . . , We are glad to learn that tho immigrants or the ship Warwick were so sitisßed with the gentlemanly conduct and attenticn cf the ship's surgeon. W. Peel Kesbitt, Esq , M.8.,- on the passage out, that since the arrival of the ship in harbour they have presented Mm with a testimonial expressive of their thanks and of their good will towards him. Writing about double-hulled ships, tho Pall Mall Gav.tte observes that " the Castalia, and vessels of her class, point in their mechanical structure to a remarkable fact well known to Oriental navigators. It may be true that it is Incorrect to term the Castalia a twin-vessel. It liai been urged that she is rather ono large ship, partially divided in such a way that while her lateral motion in a rough sea shall be slight, yet her progress forward shall net be seriously impeded. Yet when we look at the niu'lianical principle on which she is constructed wo find that not only Is alio to all intents and purposes a double ship, but also that in her build she is but thn exemplification on a larg« scale of that one-outrlpgor system which is so universally adopted between Ceylon and the Pacific Islands, and which has, strangi to say, never been elsewhere largely adoptod. lien we come to a veritable historical puzzle. From Ceylon to the west, and the islands of tho Pacilj closest to tho American shore-lino to the oast, w.. meet everywhere with rmali sailing craft carrying th-.* one-outrigger. Nowheio else in tho whole sea-girt world is this the case, and nowhere, as far as history tells us, has it ever been. These craft not only sal' very ripidly, but in accordance with certain principles ) .'t unascertained, we believe, are wonderfully steady In the roughest sea. Along tho coast of Nether India, as well as along that of Java and Sumatra, tho outrigger itself is frequently fitted with sl-iall sails, but this is not tho cast* near Ceylon. Cross over from Ceylon westward—only a few miles—to tho coast of Southern IndU, and not a glimpse is to bo obtained of tho ingenious one-outrigger system."

ARRIVAL OF THE EDITH ROSE. The barquo Edith Rose, of New York, 4/ii tons, Captain I. F. Harding, arrived in port yesterday, after ft passage of 125 days from New York. She is consigned to Mess.rß. Arnold, Hines and Co., and brings a cirgo of American goods for that firm. Captain Harding reports having left New York on the 21st September, with light variable winds for tho first seven days, when a hurricane was encountered from the sonth-east, veering to north-west, and lasting IS hours, 'ihe Equator was crossed on the thiity-third day out, iu longitude 31 dcg. 30 min. west. Strong breezes were encountered to the Cape of Good Hopo. From the Capo '28 days were occupied in reaching the meridian of the south-west coast of Tasmania. The .Three Kings were sighted on the 10th inst., north-east winds being experienced. On Saturday last a heavy gal« was encountered, and chelter was sought behlna tho Great Barrier. Made Tlritiri 7esterday morning at daylight. The Edith Rose will be berthed alongside the wharf this morning, and will at once commence to discharge cargo. She wilt bo re-loaded for New York by lier charterers, Messrs. Arnold, Hines and Co., a full c irgo of liauri gain, Sc., awaiting her. Btic will meet with i.uick despatch.

B r TEL EG 12 A PH. TAURANGA. , January 26.—Tho sa. Southern Cross arrival At 1.30 p.m. to-day from Auckland. NAPIER. January 20.—The A.S.P. Co.'s s.s. Southern Cross arrived at 10 o'clock last evening from Auckland. NELSON'. , January 20.—The a.s. Ladybird left for tho M*nukau late last night. dunedin. 1 . January 26.—The s.s. Taranakl sailed yesterday afternoon for the North. I'assengcr for Auckland, Master Hughes. LYTTELTON. January £0.-The Strathnaver, from Oauiara 10 Auckland, put in to-day owing to the illness 90 Arrived: \Vaimate. «hlp. Hose, IS passengers and 303 Immigrants. All well. fec\en deaths (infnnt.) occurred r ,me 'J"™". Tl.O immigrants are now landing,, and are all smltabl<l to the colony. Tho Vaitnato is a flno ship, and receives great praise from the Commissioner. Ladj Emma and liii r.oge.-Wrcstlo Castle, from West,™ A SaUc!i* William OilTonl and Clematis, for Sewcastle. MELBOURNE. Januarv 20.—The barque Ob«rlin, of Adelaide, was wrecked at Kent's Group. Crew saved. The Fchooner Pioneer, laden with wheat, has been burned a f«-\v miles from Launce&ton. Crew escaped. Sailed: 12th, Alma, for Westport. SYDNEY. January £o.—Arrived: 10th, Colcnist, from New Zealand. Sailed: Hebe, for Lyttelton. NEWCASTLE. January 20.—Arrived: 10th, Hopeful and John Nicholson, from Lyttelton;llth,Glimpse, from Auckland: Strathnaver, from Ptinedin; 12th, Rachel, from Dunedin: ICth, Anderson, Jun., and Edwin Uassett, from Wellington: M. 1- Anuison, from Lyttelton. Sailed: 12th, Emperor, for Lytteltou; 13th, Alarm, for Lvttelton: 15th, Princess Alice, for Lyttelton: ICth, Mera, for Oamaru; IStb, Neptune, for WcUiugVessels spoken: Helen, on November 15th, 25 da) s out, bound for New Zealand; Avalanche, off C»j>o, on January 4, bound for New Zealand: \\ re.iseu Castle, left Freemantle. for New Zealand, October U, with cargo cf jarrah timber, sleepers, and telegraph posts. _

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4120, 27 January 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4120, 27 January 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4120, 27 January 1875, Page 2