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Shipping Intelligence.

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Wbxtheb.—September 21—Fine. B.S.W. arrivals. Jann, schooner, from Tatiranga. Novelty, p e , from Coromandel. Annie Laurie, cutter, from Wangarei. DEPAPiTURF-S. Firing Buek, schooner, for Newc-istle, Offley, barque, for Newcastle, N.S.Vt. R066, cutter, for Wangapoa. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Guam. —Lancashire M itch, early. Southern Provinces —Queen, s.s . 2.! rd Uokitiea. —Emma Mlizn, and Kifh'inim this day; Ringdove, Neva, Eagle, Volunteer, and Eclipse, early. Newcastle. — KlUn Simpson, to-uiorrow. JiArlEit. —Success, : l'is day. AVasoabei.—Novelty, p..-"., this evening. London. — liob Ruy, t'ctober ."'th ; .luhn Ternperlev, early. Batavia — Aiidi-tw .Taekson, 2'>»h instant. TavkaSG.i. — lauranija. early. IN H.VKLiOI'R. Andrew Jackson, ship, fro.n London. Bella .Marina, coal hulk Constance, barque, from N -S Vv'. Ellen Simpson, barque, from X"\vcast!t; Eclipse, schooner, from the Barrier. John Temperley, ship, trom London. Jane, schooner, from Tauranga. King of Italy, ship, from London. Kate Grant, schooner, from NVangarei. Lurk, schooner, from Ea-t Coast. Lancashire Witch, ship, from London. Marion, coal hulk. Neva, schooner, from the South Sea Islands. Novelty, p.s., from Coromandel. Picard, schooner, from Hobart Town. Queen, s.s.. from the South. Rob Roy, ship, from Lon lon. Rifleman, schooner, from Canterbury. Susan, coal hulk. Sylpli, schooner, frjin Russell. Success, schooner, from Niipier. Tabon, harque, from Tom.. C liili. Tauranga, schooner, from Tauranga. VKSSF.I S KXPI '.CTKD. j Aliqui?, sliip, fr : ' m (10-iJinpr) _ ! Xiarwr.n, s.s .fr in vi !lo "itika i Bella Mary, barque, from Hobart l'.iwn. ! BalUrat, barque, from L.>h !«■::, tl-vi-iin—.) : Hope, schooner, from l-.ast < oast. Ida Zuigler, ship, from J-ond..i:. iV'.-tr. ,T d p., 70. | Kate, barque, I'pjm I d.!-.. n';H . | Meteor, schooner, from Can'ovMiry. j Notion, schooner, from No'.vc :st!e, .-ailvd Angust 10. ! Siani, ship, from Lonlon, - '1 p., Sunbeam, sli'.p, rto-i L'-r-l *n ( "J d.p. l lo.>. Sea Sh-nl, ketcii. from I 'overty P,av. Tararua. s.s.. frsm Sydney, <Ju; thi.< duv. Union, brig, from Newcastle. Victoria, schoonei", irom "Will Watch, cutter, from Jahiti. ENTERED IV WARD ■- SF.rTEMHK'.i 21—Annie Laurie, 21 -ton'. Stu:rt. from Wangarei, with 2L head of cat h—3 pa.seni'-rs. 21—Agnes. -5 tons, Wi.liains, from tnj kaw:tu, with 45 tons firewood—2 passen^eri. 21—Vision, 18 t n«, Bio>vxi, from Mahura; gi, with. sundries—6 passengers. 21—Caroline, 21 tons, McCa.skiil, from '.lie Thames, with sundries. 21—Isabella, 30 tons, An=on, from Omaha, with 00 tons firewood. CLEARED OUTWARDS. SEI'TEMHEi: 21—Ariel, IS tons, Nicholls, for the Thames, with Bundriea. 21 —Margaret, 29. ton-:, Nicolas, for Wanjamata, vrith sundries. 21 —George, 15 tons, Ngahirikiri, for the Thames, irith sundries 21—Emma Eliza, 23 ton% Lloyd, tor Hokitika, with aundriea. Pa-sengers —Messrs. IShulU, J. Adams, R. Ball, J. Wilson, A. Kingsley, R. Avinstrong, T. Taylor. R-Hill, J Campbell, K, Donovan, J. McF<rlane, J. Dav.'.son, J. Taylor, J. Sargie, It. Bitter, H. ltogers, • E. McGrath, Lorrigan, J. Murphy, P. Peterson, T. Preston, (f. Glenn.— Williams and Co., ugentd. 21—Rote, 24 tons, Currie, for Wangapoa, with sundries —3 passengers. 21—Agnes, 23 tons, William?, for tho Kawau, with sundries. 21—Maid of the Mill, 17 tons, Watts, for Mahurangi, with 30 tons fireivond—o passengers. 21—Isabella, 30 ten-, An.-ca, for Omaha, with sundries—l passenger. 21—Rifleman, S2 tons, McClutchic, for Hokitika, ■with 50 casks bott ed beer, GO cases geneva, J. H. Macfarlane; 5 qr.-cnsi>e, 11 hhds. brandy, 20 cases geneva, 30 cases brandy, 20 cases whiskey, 20 cases brandy, 5 hhds. rum, }). Graham ; 1 case cigars, 20 cases geneva, G. Webster; 5 ca oj oilmen's stores, 10 cases sardines, 20',-chests tea, 10 cases sardines, 10 cases tobacco, Hurra and do Hirscli; 8 j cases bran y, 13 cases preserves, ,T. Macfarlane, 6 cases, 1 bale, 20 cases '.vine, 20 cases sardines, 20 cases sherry, 2 cases merchandize, 5 cases salmon, D. (>ruham and Co.; 200 bags tlour, S. Cochrane; 10 eases preserved meat, J. Roberton ; 7 cases, George Turrell; 0 cases salmon, 0 cases heriings, 1 case pipes, 18 ca>cs sardines, 1 vinegar, 1 case matches, 4 do. pickles, 0 do. lobsters, 30 do kerosine, 3 cases shovels, 1 do. cizars, -1 casks currants, j ,-casks do., 2u boxes soap, 15 cases oysters, Burra and de Hirach, 5 cases 5 i-chests tea, 10 boxes candles, 50 boxes boots, Fug>te; 18 cases merchandise, J. Harria ; 140 bags rice, 42 bags sugar, 35 pkgs. rope, 10 eases jams, 1 vestas, 3 easrs drapery, 5 do. cordials, G. Webster, 12 cases corrugated iron, 16 kegs nails. 1 cask hollowaro, 7 cases hardware, 2 casks do., Smith ; 2 : >U bags Hour, 10 kegs pork, : plcg. Vaeon and bunn, J. S. Mad'.irlane. Passengers—Messrs. .Snelt. Campbc*'.!, La'-v, Cool-son, liawkc-s, Culloy, Hankers,, Maj'ther, Rayden, .Smith, Dix, Woodman, Crawfort, Brown, U'Neii, Piaez, Elliott, Crip, Mifky, Barclay, Panton, Stewart, Ring. Lang, Perkins, Oliver, Harrison, Donohan, Caldurbran, Ross, McPhor, Moyri, Horn, Robins m, hivius, Brighlon, Connor.—Butt and Anderson, agents. 21 —Success, 5S tons, Frost, for Napier, with .'ill tons flour, 15 pkgs. sashes and doors, 10.] tons commissariat stores, t case do., 1 rase huni'varo, 3 pareH.*, 3 cases, 1 c .sk, 22 pigs nails, 2 bundles spadi-s. 2 cases hardware, i do mailing, 1 ca--- I. parcel, 1 case varnish, cas-.'s plo iglis, 1 ziuc pipes, lA cliest 1 keg apples, 8 bales o, pery, 1 axle, 1 furge, 1 pair bellows, -1 liars iron, i) bars do. Pasi.'ngers—Mos-ra. flcming, Withers, Mclvon, Flanagan, Johnson (2), ljnnrv, Agr, Thomas, a.nd Margaret Patterson, Wiliiau: and Agnes Robertson. J. and Catherine Bain, J. 11amgan, Anne Hanigan, P. Di- g. Jane Chirnside, n . Wilson, Dignan, J. Fidier, T. Milli»an, ' atherine Lunnay, Margaret and Agnes Robertson, J. Druminond. —Cruickshank, Smart and Co.. agents. ENTERED OUTWARDS. hF.i'TEiIBEH 21—Andrew Jackson, ship, for Batavia.

Tim Mail.—The Sydney atonmor is chic this dny with the •! nlv I'.rti'li *h imil. The Inn--, a-? Ol!h\v Mini rchnonor Firing Tin lv both sail* l '! ycsit'i\hiy u>v XowcaMl' 1 . N.S.W., in bullae. Thf barque klicn >imp-u):: t for the sum' poi't l ,% u v:V ' to-morr.i\v. 'I \\o ship An.hvw Jack-on w n « cuVn-d r.nlwmU M the t*u*;tonis yr>trr i:iv, :imi will lo:iv. lor .l> »ta\ia after the arrival ot the AT nil. Tho ciittor Aniiit- 1 Laurie i.rrivcil in hnrhmir day from Wang iroi, bringing a i-argo of head ol cattle. The cutter Hose 3 died for \V«npfapoa last . The >ucc<ss elcared at the Custom* ves-tord.-iv for Vnpier, uilli a hill t'.tr^ 1 ) aa I sevoml p»-; FciiLT- rs ami will sail this morning. Tho s.s. Qnoen 1-aveM ai»ain for the Southern Pi vineo* via Tamwua to-morrow at noon. The Admiralty Transport < Hlicvr invites tenders up to n.;oii this day, lor a vessel to convey SO tons of commissariat stores to 1 auvan^a Stkam on* the Cta*de. —Messrs. Scott and Co , have launched a screw named the Am-ri'an. This vessel is 1 ,SoO tona register, and wiT he fitted with engines of 200-horst power by tho Greenock Foundry Company. The steamer is for tho India "a d Pueiiie Steam Shipping Company. Tho iitv of l'etersbui-g;, a returned hloc.kiulerunner, has left the for Liverpool, where sho has boen docked to have her b"ttom cleaned before hoiac put on the Liverpool and Dublin station. Ibe steamer Kylos, intended to ho worked in connexion with thG Wemvss Hay "Railway (which been opened for trulli■* this week) has mads? a second trial trip, in which she " ran the lights" at 1« s n miles per hour, an of one mile per hour as compared with her first trip. Tim contract under which tho steamer was built provided for a speed of 19 mih\s per hour, which may possibly bo yet attained. Messrs. Napier have now on hand for tne French Generate Transatlantique two lar*re screws, whi<-h are to be delivered in February for the eompany's ?sow York and Havre lint*. Tie Washington and Lafayette, built .a few month? since for this company on the Clyde, and also intended for the New York and Havre line, will be appli d to tho company's Antilles service. on which a lower rate of peed .will be deemed sutlieient.— Times. Ki>cri; or Ca-taw ys a-: sSea —In the Gulf of St. l/iwrencc is a \voll-kn"wn reef, the sli. a bleak, desolaie spot, wbieh lies a little out of th:* track of the Quebec- and Montreal steamers. in November lav the pre unship >t. An-n-w, <'apt un K. Neott, from liljsjjow to <iuebec, \v:i> pas-ini? this r rf, when a number of men w re s«*en *o push oil from the reef in a mimll b <ctr and made lor the steamer. The St. Andrew waited for them and too!; the:n on board. It was then found that they were the mister «nd crew of the barque Cla inda. of Aberdeen, which had b-en lo>t there. They hid been rveailv at' on th" reef. 'Iho*~t. Andrew also took from the same reef a number o r the crew of ' a Spanish barque, who hail been on the reel ne.u'lv ja month. Both parties had a moderate supply of I provisions, but had very little water and fuel. They livt'd in tents mad-- from p:\ils. As the St. Andrew w:i< one of the la-t Me.uners goin.j up the river be ore the was frozen up, it is probable that had not the castaways reached the Amlrew. th--v would have perished during the lonic winir. Furth-.T up tin* river, during tho same trip, the >r.. Andrew fell in wilh and took on board the crew of an English schooner whi h had been run down in a collision. On Tuesday, at a meeting of the local marine board, at Liverpool, Mr. J. Smith, on behalf of the lioard of Trade, presented to Captain K. Scott a handsome silver mounted telescope, a* an acknowledgement, bv her Majesty's Government, of Ids humanity and kindness to the castaways. Ihe caj tain in v knowlctlirin<r the Liitt, said t hat this was not- the iirst time Mich a presentation had been male to him, but greatly as he valued the ui:t, it was still a greater satisfact on to him to know thai he had been instrumental in saving so many ot his tcllowcreatures —Tim>s. ARRIVAL OK THE ,TAXK. ! The schooner Jane. Cajitain Faulkner, arrived la-t j niiiht from after a of 10 days, j S't.e left Tauranua on tlie ilth i!:st:uii, and { experienced -**•;:j:i?s du-inic the passage. I Tie. l -hme brings a earijo of 10 tons k c.iri gain and :l j pu-senge:*s. j AKRIVAL OK Til K 50VKI TV. ' Tho ri s. >i'V ( '!iv, CfipTaii; ?d:irs!nill. rotur::-d '• iV'-m C •r.a:iandcl l:t brim;iritr the f..Mowing ! ri- : —Mr. Mel.e d, Mr. '1 h ma-. Mrs.'J'inki:i = , Mr. I? l lr'is, 3lrs. Cool:Lhan, Mr. daiuos, -dr. Lawlor. KM-, Mr. Oodlivy, Air. ':hom?oti. ami Mr*. Ne-mi r h. The NuvcP.v leaves far this eveTiing. FOR lIOKITIKA. The Eiileman and Km'iir« Miza cleared nt the Customs V'-sterd .y with a full complement of carj/o and ; tiiey both sail th s, Tho sails on Saturday, the Fnql*\ or Mondnv, the >'c : va f on Thursday, and the Kclinst. and Volunteer are also "n tho berth with clcspitch Several others, wo hear, are also likely to be laid or if sufficient inducement oilers. PO RT O F ONEIIUN OA. DKPAHTURH. Princo Altred, p s., for Taranaki and Wangauui. PIIO J ECTKD DLP A KTURE. Fou HoiciTii\a.—Fxcelsior, schooncr, to-day. VESSELS EXPECTED. Wonga Wonga, s.s., from tho rfouth, early. Fairy, schooner, from Waikaso, hourly. Aquila, cutter, from Wrdkato. riuebe, s s., from the South, on the 21tli. Favoiuite, cutter, from Nulson VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Moa, coal hulk. Volunteer, coal hulk. "W. C. Wen; worth, coal hulk. KxceLior, schooner, from Taranaki. The p.a. Princ/! Alfred, Captain Kurquhar, left the new Government whaif at 11.10 a.m. for Ta anak and Wanganui. The e.s. P.' rebe, Captain Ferguson, is duo in th< on Sunday. The schooner Excelsior will clear at the Cu-item? to-day for Hokitika. Ihe cutter Favourite, ' uptain Williamson, lot Xel-on, is still in tii'-- haiijour wind-bound.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 581, 22 September 1865, Page 4

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Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 581, 22 September 1865, Page 4

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 581, 22 September 1865, Page 4