WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. ELECTION OF' COUNCILLORS. i HEREBY GIVE ..NOTICE that the number of votes received by- ; each Candidate .for. the office of' Councillor for the City of. Wellington is as follows:— •' v ""Atkinson, . Arthur Richmond ....:. 6797 Barber, William Henry Peter -... 5754 " Bennett,'William Henry .......■.'.... 6071 r ' : Bush, Thomas .......... 4546 ! ' Castle, John ;.. .... 5386 Chapman, Charles Henry 3864 - Fitzgerald, "John. Edward 4922 .Frost, Qeorge- .....\ .< 7411 Mover, John .....v. 3995 ,Godbei/, James .............. 5738 ••• Hildreth; William Thomas ......... 5034 ' ' : • Henry Edmund ............ 440& " : Hutchison, John ; ; 4551-" . Jenkinson, John Edward 3584 Kennedy; Edward .....:...... 3695 Luekie.- Martin Maxwell -Fleming 6239 : M'Eenzie, James ... ..,.........., 3961 r . M'Kenzie, Len. ................. 6498 ''' M'Parland, Francis Eugene :.....• 3682 ' Norwood, Charles. John;Boyd ...... 5201 ; s Perry, Edward 2295 'Read, John • ..........-; : ..........-.: 324.9: j Shorland, John Olive 5238 Swan, John Sidney ■ v..:.....;■; ■ 4439 • Thompson, William John 4842 Veitch, Alexander ......rv.... 6011 Wiles, William •: 3078 ■Wright, Robert Alexander ........; 7024 v . And I hereby declare, > . j . George ; Frost, Robert Alexander Wright, Arthur ~Richmond ' Atkinson* : ' Len., M'Kenzie, Martin Maxwell Flem- - v . ing Luckie, .William Henry Bennett, . Alexander.Veitch, . William Henry ~ „ Peter Barber, James Godber, John ■ v Castle,.- John Olive Shorland,., Charles John Boyd Norwood,: William Thomas - Hildreth, John Edward Fitzgerald," William John Thompson, to duly - elected • to such office. • ' > JAMES AMES, Returning Officer. •' Dated this 3rd day of May,'l9l7.
- PATRIOTIC BILLIARD-DINER - TOURNAMENT. OWNERS of small-sized Billiard ' .. .Tables, .or members. of tlieir famiv .■: > liesare, invited to enter ; the- various " ' . tournaments about to . be arranged for Ladies and Gentlemen. All entrance 'S fees will be donated to a.'i)atriotie fund and certificates Issued' in ifeu of prizes. Entries for gentlemen close noon, Sat- * • urday, sth inst. (ladies later). v For fall details apply to . i "TOURNAMENT SECRETARY" ? ; :: ' \; /C/o 1 Alcocb and Co., 'Ltd.,- - s ' Baker's Buildings, Featberston-street. ; 'Phone 1548.
Page 7 Advertisements Column 2
Free Lance, Volume XVI, Issue 878, 4 May 1917, Page 7