NOTICE OF POLLING DAY. IN pursuance of " The Electoral Act, 1902," I, ANDREW DUNCAN THOMPSON, Returning Officei for the Electoial District of Wellington, do heieby give notice that, by virtue of a writ bearing date 11th day of November. 1902, under the hand of the Clerk of the Writs, an Election will be held for the leturn of three qualified peisons to seive as membeis for the sdid distuct; and that the latest day for receiving Nominations of Caudidates will be the 18th day of Novembei, 1902; and that the Poll, if necessary, will be taken at the several Polling Places of the said distuct on the 25th day of November, 1902. Every man desirous of becoming a candidate must be nominated by not less than two Electois of the District, by a Nomination Paper as prescubed by section 99 of the said Act, delivered to the Returning Officer on or before the 18th day of Novembei, 1902. The following are the Polling Places for Electoral District of Wellington .— The Drillshed, Maginnity Street (Principal) The Exchange Hall, Lambton Quay The Wesleyan Schooliuom, Moleswoith Street St Maik's Schoolioom, Sussex Square The Dullshed, Buckle Street The Skating Rink, Ingestie Street The Public School, Upper Willis Street The Presbytenan Schoolioom, Kent Terrace The Infant Public School, Clyde Quay The Rechabitg Hall, Manners Street The Boys' Institute, Victoria Stieet The Mission Hall, Herbert Street The Sailors' Rest, Jervois Quay Mrs Andersons Shop, 23, Aro Street St. Paul's Schoolroom, Sydney Street St. Paul's Schoolroom, Tinakon Road Morrah's Auction Mart, Willis Street Shortt's Auction Mart, Willis Street Victoria Hall, Adelaide Road. Houis of Polling, 9 a m. to 7 p m. A. D. THOMSON, Returning Officer, Magistrate's Court, Wellington. In connection with the above I hereby give notice that the following Nominations have been received by me :—: — fisher, george duthie, john o'regan, patrick joseph aitken, john guthrie wood godber, james McLaren, david atkinson, arthur richmond jellicoe, edwin george findlay, john george a. d thomson, Returning Officer.
LICENSING POLL. IN pursuance of " The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Act, 1895," I hereby give notice that on the date appointed for the taking of the Electoral Poll of the Electors of the Electoral District of Wellington, simultaneously theiewith a Licensing Poll will be taken upon the undermentioned proposals. 1. I vote that the number of Licenses existing in the district continue. 2. I vote that the number of Licenses existing in the district be reduced 3. I vote that No Licenses be granted in the district. Nominations for the appointments of Scrutineers in accordance with " The Licensing Poll Regulation Act, 1899," must be delivered to the Returning Officer on or before the 18th day of November, 1902, not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon. A. D. THOMSON, Returning Officer.
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Free Lance, Volume III, Issue 125, 22 November 1902, Page 22
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