To the Editor of the ' Nelson Examiner.' Sir — Tho question of re-annexation of the Province of Marlborough to Nelson as a means of getting tho former province out of her ftnanciul difficulties having been brought forward, it has occurred to mo that as both Nelson and Marlborough object fo re-annexation as a whole, a modification might be made in the proposal, which would benefit both provinces and relieve the General Government, for a long time at any rate, of a bankrupt estate. .My proposal, therefore, is that the boundary line between the two provinces should be altered so as to include the whole of the Pelorus ftithin the Nelson district. A reference to the map will shew that the boundary I now propose should have been adopted at the time of separation, namely, the watershed from Mount Richmond to tho TaKoreka hill, thence to the Kaituua river, thence down (he Kaituna to Pelorus Sound, and down the Sound to the sen. If this alteration can be curried on ft, Kelson would of course have to pay Marlborough, at a price to be ngreed upon, for all the available unsold lands. These payments could extend over ft number of years, or a loan could be raised to make tho payments at once, and tho Nelson province could recoup the amount by bringing into market tho Rae Valley, and all the unsold land contiguous thereto, which cannot be opened up from tho Marlborough side, and if it could, the Government of that province is not likely to have funds available for the purpose for many years to conic. The residents of the Pelorus would be greatly benefited by the change, as they would in nil probability have their roads repaired, and — what would bo still better for them — a good cart road would no doubt be made, connecting the district with Nelson via tho Rae aud Happy valleys. Yours, Ac, Nelson, August 19. Maun&atapu.
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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXVIII, Issue 67, 21 August 1869, Page 3
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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXVIII, Issue 67, 21 August 1869, Page 3
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