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ELECTION OF MEMBERS FOR THE CITY OF NELSON. On Tuesday, the poll for the candidates for seats in the House of Representatives for the City of Nelson, took place at the Odd-Fellows' Hall and Provincial Hall. At half-past four, the result of the poll was declared as follows : —
The Keturning Officer declared Mr. E. W. Stafford, and Mr. Oswald Curtis, duly elected mem- - bers to the House of Kepresentatives, for the City of Nelson. On Mr. Curtis ascending the platform to address the electors, he was greeted by an outburst of applause which lasted for some minutes; quiet having been restored, Mr. Curtis said, that his remarks would be but few. He thanked them most- sincerely for the honour they had conferred on him, by returning him as their representative to the General Assembly, and he hoped that when he had the pleasure of meeting them on the next occasion, they would have no reason to be dissatisfied with the choice they had made [loud applause]. Mr. Luckie, who was also received with cheers, said: It also became his duty tojthank those who had supported him. Although he had been defeated on that occasion, he did not hesitate to say, that he would, when another opportunity was afforded him again, attempt whathehadthenfailed to accomplish; he did not consider the cause which he supported as lost. He heartily thanked those who had given him their votes and influence at the election [applause]. Analysis of the Voting.—Single votes for Mr. Stafford, 17; single votes for Mr. Curtis, 68 ; single votes for Mr. Luckie, 25. Split votes between Mr. Curtis and Mr. Stafford, 176 j split votes between Mr. Luckie and Mr. Stafford, 183; split votes between Mr. Curtis and Mr. Luckie, 4.
Waimea Election.—The polling for this district will take place to-morrow, and we hear that the election of the Superintendent is by no means certain. Oliver, at the nomination, has given great satisfaction The speech delivered by the other candidate, Mr. to a numerous body of the electors, and coupled with the opinion which many of them entertain, that the province cannot well spare the presence of the Superintendent during a protracted sitting of the Assembly, it is believed in well-informed quarters that Mr. Saunders will find some difficulty in getting returned. Motueka Election.—The nomination for Motueka takes place to-morrow, and the polling will come off on the following Friday. Mr. Parker has announced his intention to address to address the electors of Waimea West on Saturday evening. Collingwood Eleotion.—The nomination for this district is announced to take place on Friday, the 9th of March. At present there is no candidate in the field to oppose the return of the late member, Mr. A. J. Eichmond. Picton Election.—The New Zealand Gazette of Saturday last, contains a notice, making the Warden's Office, Deep Creek, and Mr. Huddleston'a Office, Trafalgar-street, polling places for the election of a representative for the district of Picton. The candidates for this district are Mr. W. Adams, of Nelson, and Mr. Beauchamp, of Picton. We have as yet seen no notice published, of when the election for Picton takes place.
The news respecting the Auckland elections, is to the effect that Messrs John and James Williamson have been elected without opposition, for the district of the City of Auckland West. Mr. Archibald Clark, was returned for the City East, without opposition. Mr. T. Henderson, and Mr. James O'Ueifi, have been returned also unopposed for Auckland North, and Mr. Graham, for the district of Newton. Mr. Whitaker has gained the seat for Parnell j the Daily Southern Cross of the 17th says:—" The nomination and election of a candidate to represent the constitutiency of Parnell district in the ensuing session of the House of Representatives, took place at noon yesterday, in the Public Hall, Parnell. His Honour the Superintendent, Frederick Whitaker, Esq., was proposed and seconded by Major Heaphy and Mr. James Wrigley, and unanimously elected. His Honour delivered a lengthened speech in returning thanks, in which he expressed his views on the leading political topics which engage the public attention at the present time. The proceedings occupied about a quarter of an hour, and terminated in a vote of thanks to Colonel H. C. Balneavis, Returning Officer. Mr. James Edward FitzGerald has been returned without opposition for the City of Christchurch. Mr. E. J. Wakefield does not intend to contest the election of the Avon District, Mr. Bishop contesting it with Mr. C. Ward. The Southland Times states, that Mr. Heale is likely to be a candidate for the representation of lnvercargill, and that a requisition to come forward for the Mataura district will be forwarded to Mr. Dillon Bell. For the representation of Bangitikei in the General Assembly there are, it is said, three candidates, Messrs Watt, Jordan, andPharazyns, who are eaid to have about equal chances of being returned. In the Province of Otago, Mr. Haughton has announced himself as a candidate for the representation of Hampden. Mr. Mouatt and Mr. Macdonald are likely, the Otago Daily Times, states, to come forward for the gold-fields, and will receive influential support. Mr. Manders will, it is supposed contest the Gold-fields borough. The Canterbury Press of the 37th says :—"Monday next is the nomination day in the districts both of Avon and Akaroa. Both elections are contested, the former by Mr. Ward and Mr. Bishop, the latter by Mr. L. Walker and Mr. Armstrong. The poll will take place in the Avon on Tuesday and at Akaroa on Wednesday." Mr. Travers has been defeated for the district of Kaiapoi, by.Mr. J. Beswick, by a majority of eight. A requisition horn the electors of the Peninsula, Green Island, and Caversham, has been presented to Mr. R. S. Cantrell, asking him to become a candidate for the representation of that district in the General Assembly. Mr. Cantrell has accepted the invitation, and announced his intention of explaining his views to the electors at an early opportunity. The Tarqnaki Serald of the 10th instant, to the New Ply mouth electors, says :—"When it was known that Mr. Sewell had retired, a requisition was got up to Major Eichardson (the late Postmaster-General), and met with cordial support from all sides, nearly 70 names being got to it with very little trouble, though it was only started the day before the 6teamer left. It was said some time since, that Major Richardson was the ' most popular man in Otago,' but now the ingenious Mr. Macandrew —a man of a different stamp and quality—is the people's darling there. The electors of the Town might have chosen from among themselves, several who are quite as fit as many in the late House of Representatives, but in choosing one whom they thought a better man, even Though he lived elsewhere, they showed an example which it would be well if the rest of the Provinces could follow." At a meeting recently held at the Hutt district, Messrs. Fitzherbert and Ludlam were chosen as its representatives and are likely to be returned without opposition.
In How Little Lees the Past! — History tells us of populous nations, now extinct, that flourished for ages : do we not find their remains crowded into a few streets of sepulchres ? Tis but a thin layer of soil that covers the ancient plain of Marathon. I have stood on Bannockburn, and seen no trace of the battle. In what lower stratum shall we set ourselves to discover the skeletons of the wolves and bears that once infested our forests ? Where shall we find accumulations of the wild bisons and gigantic elks, their contemporaries 9 They must have existed for but comparatively a short period, or they would Burely have left more marked trace* behind them.— Miller 11"1 1 " Old Bid Sandstone."
>. Stafford .r. Curtis ■.. t i •_ p Provincial Hall. . 193 161 Ha Od Id-Fellow8 f HaU. 183 87 Total, 376 248 IV Tjllf»KlA
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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXV, Issue 24, 22 February 1866, Page 2
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1,322ELECTION INTELLIGENCE. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXV, Issue 24, 22 February 1866, Page 2
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ELECTION INTELLIGENCE. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXV, Issue 24, 22 February 1866, Page 2
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