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The following list of killed and wounded in the attack on the Gate Pah, at Tauranga, was supplied by the special correspondent of the Southern Cross, and was carefully compared and corrected by the official list of Dr. Mouatt. Where not described otherwise, the wounds are gunshot wounds :—: —
H.M.3. Cubacoa. Killed. Lieutenant Hill, late of the Orpheus. James Harris, ordinary seaman.
Wounded. Thomas Terrain, 0.5., hip, very severely. William Fox, 0.5., left juw, severely. Charles Ween, marine, lower jaw, severely. John Watson, 0.5., left knee, very severely. Amos Smith, 0.5., groin, dangerously. H.M.S. Miuaxda. Killed.
M. Watts, R.M.A.
Lieutenant Hammick, right shoulder, very severely. John Xoakes, boatswain's mate, left shoulder, very
severely. M. Bryan, A.8., left leg, severely. James English, captain of maintop, left thigh, severely. Samuel Kushvcn, A.8., left lung and fracture of left arm, very dangerously. George Charmbold, left leg, severely. Levi Keane, left thigh, dangerously. George Alton, R.M.A., left thigh, severely. Alexander M'Alister, A.8., arm, severely.
H.M.S. Esk. Killed.
Captain Hamilton, head, William Leigh, stoker. R. Fuller, O.S. William Dalton, O.SI.
Wounded. Lieutenant Duff, back, two places, very severely. Edward Martin, A.8., right hip and loins, very
severely. T^homas Roberts, A.8., abdomen, dangerously. A fred Bowden, A.8., right heel, severely. James Lawrence, A.8., scalp wound, severely. James Knight, captain forecastle, \cry severely, right shoulder. Robert Ward, marine artillery, very severely, right thigh. William Tozcr, bombardier, severely, left arm. R. Jeffery, A.8., slightly, sprained leg. T. Donell}', 0.5., slightly, sprained leg. W. Allison, dangerously, chest and thigh.
H.M.S. Hareiee. Killed.
Henry Clark, boy. George Young, A.B. Andrew Greenbow, stoker, Wounded.
Commander Hay, dangerously, abdomen, ball lodged, Alfred Lockie, A.8., very severely, right elbow. James Pullett, slightly, finger. Charles Barrett, 0.5., very slightly, left thigh. William Barchill, 0.5., very severely, right hip.
H.M.S. Eclipse. Killed. Sergeant Harding, R.M.A. 68th Regiment. Killed. Sergeant James Hanner, accidentally, chest.
Private John Moffat, very severely, right knee joint. Private William Sloane, severely, right foot. Private Edward O'Neill, dangerously, left thigh. Private Daniel Sweeney, very severely, shell, right knee. Private John Logan, very severely, right thigh and hand. Private Patrick M'Donald, dangerously, breast aud left arm. Private William Johnson, severely, mouth and neck. Private William Ashton, dangerously, right elbow. Private Henry Black, slightly, right elbow. Private John Platt, very severely, left chest and neck. Private James Byenter, slightly, head. Private Hugh Toner, right forearm. Private John Baxter. Private William Watson, slightly, shell, right hand.
43iu> Regiment. Killed. Captain Robert C. Glover, head. Captain C. R. Muir, tomahawk, right axilla. Captain R T. F. Hamilton, head. Captain Edward Utterton, neck. Lieutenant C. J. Langlands, chest. . Sergeant-Major John Vance, chest. Private Pluliip FitzGerald, head. Private Charles Lane, left side chest. Private S. Holbrash, chest. Private Henry Goff, left side chest. Private S. Hornby, left breast. Private John Bradhurst, abdomen. Private Frederick Travel's, tomahawk, right head
and shoulder. Private Robert Phelan, head.
Lieutenant-Colonel Booth, dangerously, spine and right arm (since dead). Lieutenant T. G. E. Glover, severely, abdomen, not
penetrating. Ensign William Clark, severely, right arm. Ensign S. P. T. Nicholl, slightly, scalp. Sergeant Edwin Young, severely, left jaw. Sergeant John Hurley, very severely, right forearm
and shoulder. Sergeant Thomas Collier, very severely, left arm. Sergeant John Cain, slightly, right forearm. Corpora! William Everett, left shoulder. Private William Bridgman, very severely, both
amis. Pi'ivate John Bryant, very severely, right shoulder. Private John Noble, severely, left shoulder. Private James Warburton, severely, right side of face. Bugler Thomas Wright, severely, left leg. Private George Clarke, severely, left shoulder. Private James Clarke, slightly. Private John Simmonds, severely, left arm above
elbow. Private John M'Farlane, slightly, upper lip. Private John Livesay, very severely, right jaw and
chin. Private Bernard Conroy, severely, left thigh. Private Michael Casey, dangerously, right temple. Private William Sargeant, very severely, right
thigh. Pi'ivate Martin Walsh, very severely, right chin. Private George Robins, very severely, scalp and right shoulder. Private Thomas Madden, very severely, chest. Private James Audley, very severely, tomahawk, head.
14th Regiment. Wounded. Sergeant "William Armstrong, severely, right thigh Private William Power, severely, both shoulders. Private John Ruth, slightly, leit foot. Private Thomas Burdett, severely, right shoulder.
65th Regiment. Wounded. Private Halliwell, severely, left nates.
12th Regiment. Wounded. Private Andrew Mitchell, severely, right chin. Private Patrick Monaghan, severely, right thigh,
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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXIII, Issue 58, 14 May 1864, Page 3
Word Count
714LIST OF KILLED AND WOUNDED AT TAURANGA. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXIII, Issue 58, 14 May 1864, Page 3
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LIST OF KILLED AND WOUNDED AT TAURANGA. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXIII, Issue 58, 14 May 1864, Page 3
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