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I (government jfrottceg, "VTOTICE is hereby given, that a SPECIAL JLI MEETING of JUSTICES OF THE PEACE for the Town and Province of Nelson, will be held at the Police Office, Nelson, on TUESDAY, the Fourth day. of December next, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of receiving applications for the transfer of Publicans' Licenses. John Shabp, Clerk to the Bench. Nelson, November 21, 1655. .^y ELECTION OF ONE MEMBER FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Pbovince of Nelson to wit. WHEREAS the General Assembly has been dissolved, and a Writ under the hand of his Excellency Thomas Gore Browne, Esquire. Companion- tst ffie--MDalr Honourable CrV-r 5? th* Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Islands of New Zealand, bearing date the fifteenth day of September last, has been directed to me, John Poynter, Esquire, Returning Officer for the Province of Nelson, requiring and commanding' me to cause to be elected, by and from amongst the voters duly qualified for that purpose, freely and indifferently, and in manner and form by law prescribed, one person, to serve as MEMBER for the Wairau District, in the House of Representatives : Now therefore I, the said John Poynter, do hereby, in pursuance of the said writ, give notice that I appoint Thttbsday, the Sixth day of December next, at noon, at Mr. Godfbex'b Hotel, Wairau, for the Nomination of one person to serve in the said House for the said district ; and in the event of a poll being demanded, I hereby further appoint Monday, the Twentieth December next, for the Polling- to take place. y The polling to be heldKat the said Hotel, and at the Court-house, Nelson, and to commence at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, aira close at Four o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. John Poynteb, Returning Officer. Nelson, November 20, 1855. ELECTION OF SUPERINTENDENT FOR THE PROVINCE OF NELSON. WHEREAS Edward William Stafford-, Esquire, has RESIGNED the office of SUPERINTENDENT for the Province of Nelson, and a Writ under the hand of Colonel Thomas Gobb Bbowne, Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, Ac., &c, has been directed to me, John Poynter, Esquire, Resident Magistrate and Principal Returning Officer for the Province of Nelson, requiring and commanding me to cause to be elected by and from amongst the votersduly qualified for that purpose, freely and indifferently, and in manner and form by law prescribed, one person to serve as SUPERINTENDENT of the said Province : Now, therefore, I, the said John Poynter, do hereby, in pursuance of the said Writ, give notice that I appoint Thtjbsday, the 29th inßtant, at the Court House, Nelson, afcmoon, for the Nomination 1 to take place ; and, in the event of a Poll being demanded, I hereby further appoint Monday, the 17th December, for the IJ^rajNa to take- place. . . The Polling tcycommence at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, and close at Four o'clock in the afternoon of the said day. / / John Poynteb, / Resident Magistrate and Principal "*'*"' • Returning Officer. Resident Magistrate's Office, Nelson, November 13, 1855. CENSUS. rriENDERS will be received at this Office JL till MONDAY, the 10th December next, from persons willing to undertake the duty of leaving the CENSUS SCHEDULES with the several Householders in the under-mentioned Districts, and calling for the same when filled up, in accordance with the provisions of the Census Ordinance, Session IL, No. 1:—1 :— y^ Waimea East, >^ Waimea West, V Waimea South, V Motueka, Moutebb, and S4ndy Bay, Massacbe Bay, / Waibau. * / For further particulars apply at tms Office. John B^r-ntee, Resident Magistrate. Resident Magistrate's Office, Nelson, 21st November, 1855. Jfttecelianeoitis. WANTED, a stout LAD, as an Apprentice tothfc.Printing Business. Apply at the OfficeNifthis paper. WANTED, at the Inexhaustible, a shrewd, active, intelligent LAD. He must be a good scholar, like hajra work, and he will get all he deserves. / yj W. DABTNAED, Richmond. T)ESPECTABLE Single Young Men can Ji\) be accommodated with comfortable BOARD and LODGING, by applying tp^BS. Walkeb ; at th 6 Cottage in the rear of Mi's. Stallard's, Painter, &c, Bridge-street. V Nelson, October 26. ***? OR SALE, SIX handsome SLATE MANTEL-PIECES. V Geobqe Ridings. GTARR, in retiring from business, begs • to tender his thanks to the Public of Nelson, who for a period of eight years have honoured him with their support; and having DISPOSED OF HIS BUSINESS TO MR. JOHN KERR, in whose behalf he will carry on the Bame until the Ist of January next, he ventures to solicit for hip. successor a continuance of the patronage which JKas been so liberally bestowed upon himself. V It is most respectfully requested timt all outstanding ACCOUNTS BE PAID previous to the Ist of January, 1856. f Bridge-street, Nelson, / November 21, 1855. \J and J. OLD, HORSE-BREAKERS, beg • to acquaint the Inhabitants of Nelson that, having had considerable experience in the above line in England, they are prepared to brgak in Horses to Saddle and Harness, and engage t^render them perfectly quiet, without injury tp the temper of the animals entrusted to their caref Apply at Mrs. Eliot's Boarding House, Trafalgarsquare, Nelson. HEAR AND THEN JUDGE. THE undersigned Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ, of LATTER-DAY SAINTS, will PREACH in the open air iDV.), at the corner in front of the School-house^elson, on SUNDAY, December 2, at Eleven o'clock in the Morning, and Three o'clock in the Aftern/on. Subjects: The First Principles and Requireqjents of the Gospel, and the Kingdom of God to be set up in the Last Days. William Cooke.
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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIV, Issue 70, 28 November 1855, Page 1
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923Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIV, Issue 70, 28 November 1855, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIV, Issue 70, 28 November 1855, Page 1
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